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7 years ago

Is it just me or does Bryan’s side have an echo?

7 years ago
Reply to  Mark

(Just joined the MSB a couple of weeks ago)

I use the app Podcast Addict to retrieve my podcasts, and Bryan’s side definitely has a strong echo. So, I tried here off the web page, exactly the same problem. Maybe there is an app that will correct the echo/reverb? Anyone?

I think one of the very recent previous interviews had exactly the same problem.

If there is a copy of the interview without the echo, please someone be so kind as to direct me?

(I am Omne on Zello, but I’m not able to be on much.)

Bryan Young
7 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Give me a few days and I’ll post my interview notes and hopefully that will help.

7 years ago
Reply to  Bryan Young

Thank you, sir. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  R

I’m still working through expanding it but here you go!


7 years ago

Great job, listened to this podcast last night/this morning! Thank you for explaining wallets so clearly, this is the stuff people need to know first off. You did a great job Brian, I agree with everything you said about wallets. I will say I also don’t know about all online wallets as there are just too many, and like you said most do not let you hold your private key, but there is 1 I know of that does let you hold your private key and print a paper wallet from. That one is the blockchain.info wallet. I really like how you broke it down into security and use case with wallets because different wallets and wallet types are good for different things. Again great job Brain!

Aaron Williams
Aaron Williams
7 years ago

Listened to the last crypto podcast and listened to another podcast called neocashradio.com . Listened to lets talk bicoin but found I couldn’t download current shows so was listening to old shows. Randy from neocashradio.com has a YouTube video the does a good job of explaining BitCoin. Thanx Jack and Brian

Pasquale DeAngelis
Pasquale DeAngelis
7 years ago

Hey Jack, very interesting. I was driving when I listened and did not write down Bryan’s website, podcast and other contact information. could you provide?

7 years ago

Chris Coney from episode 1953 has a good podcast called the cryptoverse. You can find it at https://www.cryptoversity.com

Bryan Young
7 years ago

Hey guys, if you need to reach me, I am monitoring the comments here. If you need to reach me privately, you can do so through the contact me form at http://preparingtothrive.com

I put content up there so infrequently, I just didn’t want to advertise it as a resource and it has nothing on crypto.

Bryan Young
7 years ago

And thanks so much Brandon. I’m glad it makes sense how I explained it.

Bryan Young
7 years ago

I do need to follow up on this question. At least at the time I retrieved this, USD on deposit with a Coinbase is in a custodial account and is FDIC insured.

“Fiat Currency

Coinbase stores all customer fiat currency (government-issued currency) in segregated, custodial bank accounts. The funds held in those accounts belong to Coinbase’s customers – not to Coinbase.

If you are a United States resident, your Coinbase USD Wallet is covered by FDIC insurance, up to a maximum of $250,000.

Even if Coinbase were to become insolvent, the funds held in the custodial bank accounts could not be claimed by Coinbase or its creditors. The funds held in those accounts would be returnable to Coinbase’s customers.”


7 years ago

Are there any alternatives to Coinbase that are not so intrusive with personal questions? I am uncomfortable with the increasing number of questions they are asking – like my job, where I get my money, birthday, SSN, etc – and I apparently have to answer these before they will let me do anything more than a trivial transaction. That said, what is the best way to get bitcoins out of coinbase? Send them to some other site? Convert them to USD and re-buy elsewhere? Thank you very much, Jack and Bryan, for this episode – it was very informative.

Bryan Young
7 years ago
Reply to  Dukmajian

Well, I do remember having to give Coinbase an SSN and birthday but not much else other than what was necessary (Credit card and bank account numbers), but I’ve had an account for a while.

Basically in the world of the “Patriot” Act and Know You Customer policies, US and western based FinTech companies are going to ask for this information, especially if they have to connect to the established conventional banking and credit systems.

You do not, however, need to do this if you use a software, hardware or paper wallet. Even some online wallet services don’t, but they also don’t allow you to connect to the banking or credit card systems. You’ll have so find other ways to convert to crypto.

Now, getting crypto out of Coinbase is simple. Once you’ve set up a new wallet, you put the new wallet address into the Coinbase app or website SEND function, type in an amount and viola! Be absolutely sure the to address is correct. If you’re tentative about it, send a small amount first to get some confidence in the process. BTC will take some time to confirm.

Hope this helps!

7 years ago

Thanks for the replies Bryan and Jack. I did indeed have to provide my SSN to some of the more traditional financial organizations you mentioned; however I have *never* had to tell them what the source of my funds were – nor my occupation – both of which Coinbase is now asking for, before letting me purchase more coin.

In adopting cryptocurrency I had hoped to gain a little more anonymity in my dealings – but I guess it isn’t going to happen at Coinbase.

Looks like a hardware wallet is the way to go.

7 years ago
Reply to  Bryan Young

It’s not so much for the wallet service that Coinbase asks this, though they may, but more the funding from credit or banking systems.

I prefer hardware and software wallets myself. But the funding from those wallets have to come from somewhere else. You’ll need to transact business somewhere, either in crypto natively or by doing an exchange of USD for crytpo. It’s that exchange that generates the issue.

You might trying services like purse.io where you offer to purchase items in USD from places like Amazon and people pay you in crytpo or maybe something like localbitcoins.com

Matt - TX
Matt - TX
7 years ago

Jack/Bryan…ya’ll mentioned that you go to coinbase and buy Bitcoin…then as an example you transfer it to bitrix and buy dash, ripple, etc… then you move it to another wallet and do not leave it on the exchance since it isn’t as secure. Coinbase only allows BTC, ETH and LTC, what other wallet do you suggest I move the currency too if not coinbase? I would want it to be online so is JAXX what ya’ll are suggesting to use for this purpose? Sorry if that question is confusing. I can clarify further if needed.


Bryan Young
7 years ago
Reply to  Matt - TX

Jaxx.IO is the software wallet I use personally precisely because it is multiplatform (Andriod, iPhone, Chrome app, etc) and multicurrencymultitoken. Not all of the features are there for every currency, but it is aware of those tokens/currencies and you can do basic sends and receives. The dev team is wanting to add more tokens and currencies as they are available. Right now, if it is available on Jaxx and I need a software wallet, that’s where I put it. But I’m looking for better ones… That’s just the best I’ve found for iOS.

Matt - TX
Matt - TX
7 years ago

Another question…I just downloaded JAXX and it supports some other currencies such as dash that I want, but what if I want to buy Ripple, Swarm City or others…what wallet should I use for that?

Bryan Young
7 years ago
Reply to  Matt - TX

I haven’t gotten into Ripple yet so I haven’t had a need for a wallet that supports it.

Swarm City has it’s own wallet right now. From what I can tell, it’s a software wallet that uses your browser. I haven’t found any mobile apps that support it yet on iOS.

As an aside, I just got a note that the Ledger hardware wallets have just added Ripple support if that’s something you’re interested in.

Hope this helps.

7 years ago

Hey guys, what exchange do you recommend for BTC, ETH, etc?

Austin Martin
7 years ago

Thanks Jack!

7 years ago

Guys, for those of you that needed them, I’ve partially expounded upon and posted the notes I used for the interview I did with Jack. Hopefully this helps.


I’ll be editing them further as I go back through the interview, but wanted to get them to you today.