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Dan Crawford
Dan Crawford
4 years ago

As an addendum, because I also wanted to be a voice of calm amidst the Covi panic; selenium has been shown to be an effective supplement for fighting viral infection by RNA-coated viruses. They’re using it to treat HIV, and Coronavirus is such a virus. Airborne has selenium in it and you can buy the supplement on Amazon, and it’s not sold out yet because it’s not a widely known infection fighting supplement. I’ve read three separate academic articles on selenium and one general medical article on its utility against Coronavirus officially. It’s worth checking out, as it is a general prophylactic and toxicity doses are very high, meaning taking too much would take some determined doing.

Chuck in NH
Chuck in NH
4 years ago
Reply to  Dan Crawford

Do you happen to have a link to that article about selenium and coronavirus?  I’ve been taking selenium daily for years.  I didn’t realize it had any antiviral properties. But, I have somehow completely avoided any hint of a cold, flu or anything else these last 2 years.  (I don’t know if it is the selenium or something else… I also take D3.)


John Adam
John Adam
4 years ago

Balanced vitmins and minerals is important for general good health. That should be common sense. If I was to add one to your list that is vitally important that boosts immune (and so many other systems) would be Vitamin D. A high majority of Americans are low in it as well.

Jimbo Watkins
Jimbo Watkins
4 years ago

Thanks for keeping people calm Jack. You could easily capitalize on this, but you’re above that. It’s why you have such a loyal following.

Nick in MNG
4 years ago

The US media is irritating me too. First was their “it’s nothing more than the regular flu” nonsense, ignoring the indicators showing much higher transmission rate and higher rate of severe cases. Not a reason to panic, but it’s dumb to dismiss it. Now that the media is freaking out and going all the way to the other extreme, I’m having to take the position of “calm the f*** down and take a breath”. Everything’s got to be an extreme angle with them.

So what is the real health threat? Seems to me that because of its isolation, large sample size, and environment, the Diamond Princess cruise ship might be a good baseline to use for what we may expect to see in wealthy, developed world countries: currently 705 infected, 599 active cases, 100 recovered, 36 serious/critical, 7 dead… so we have roughly ~1% fatality rate, ~5% in serious/critical condition which one would assume are getting hospitalization-level care. Statista also had a figure of 392 showing no symptoms on the ship, which would be about 56% of total cases. So would it be too much of a leap to take that and guess the number of real cases in places that are doing regular (but not universal) testing would be a little more than twice the official numbers? Maybe 200,000 or so total cases in China then?

By comparison, we can look at the 2017-2018 flu season (a pretty bad one they say) in the US from the CDC:
44,802,629 known cases, 808,129 hospitalized, 61,099 deaths; so that seems to have a 0.13% fatality rate, and 1.8% hospitalization rate.

So this easily has the potential to be a lot more serious than the flu if allowed to spread, and if it infects the same number as 2017-2018 flu then from the Diamond Princess stats maybe we could expect ~448,000 US deaths and ~2,240,000 hospitalizations. That’s bad, but it pales vs. the Spanish Flu. The biggest health danger would appear to be in overwhelming the hospital system with the number of cases requiring hospitalizations, which in turn could increase the fatality rate. This may be the difficulty Iran is experiencing now and why their death rate so far is a lot higher. Might also be why Mongolia’s gov’t has been so quick and strict (some might say paranoid) with their measures… they know our system here can be swamped easily. Maybe not as badly as Iran or the unfortunately-labeled “s***hole countries”, but badly enough.

So… perhaps the biggest coronavirus challenges are not on the individual level, but rather for governments and communities in balancing the need to contain the infection and keep the hospitals from being swamped with severe cases, but still keep the economy operating without too much disruption. On that note, at some point this spring or summer I half expect China and many other countries to declare “victory” (while secretly thinking “ah, screw it, let’s ride it out”) and prioritize their economy, moving from their very strict isolation/containment strategy to one emphasizing mitigation, selective containment, and surveillance measures on a level creepy even for China (they now have a quarantine app using the very widely used Alipay system).

Nick in MNG
4 years ago

Perfectly valid caveats. Even counting the crew on the Diamond Princess who tend to be on the young side (especially those doing the cleaning, serving, etc.) the average age would still lean to the older side. On that note, that might make it a better comparison case for Japan and other aging countries in Asia & Europe. Might explain why Italy is getting hit rather hard. Putting another factor into the mix, after listening to the Scott Adams video for today I looked up some articles stating the air quality on cruise ships (at least on the deck) is pretty awful.

Also, after thinking about it I have to agree about the asymptotic ratio on the cruise ship being a good minimum case. Younger people are more likely to show fewer or no symptoms, so you could expect that percentage of asymptomatic people to be higher in nations with a younger demographic. That might make another good argument for closing the gov’t schools sooner than later to stem the spread. On that note, hey teachers out there… get ahead of the curve and start preparing some online class videos & activities NOW. My friend’s wife here is already doing that with Youtube English classes for Mongolian kids and is making a healthy bit of side income from it.

Da Li
Da Li
4 years ago

Mass media didn’t* warn me that my 18 month old would pick up Hand Foot and Mouth Disease at daycare last Friday. Would have taken a day off work and kept her home if only I had known!

Now my wife and I are alternating days off while our daughter recovers.


Google/CDC says there are 10-15 million symptomatic cases of HFMD in the US per year. It’s a virus with no vaccine. I’m not up to the minute on Corona stats, but pretty sure I’d have heard something* if it was more common than HFMD.


Mentioning all this to hopefully illustrate the point Jack frequently makes about the likelihood/probability of a particular event happening to a given individual/family.


*Full disclosure, mass media didn’t warn me because I haven’t paid attention to them since 4-6 months into starting to listen to TSP back in 2014.



Da Li
Da Li
4 years ago
Reply to  Da Li

Replying to my own comment…

HFMD came and went without much issue. But now we’ve been in the hospital for several days with a heavy duty “common cold” virus.

Poor daughter’s immune system got worn down by HFMD and allowed some rhinovirus to settle in. We caught it early. Convenient care misdiagnosed as pneumonia and sent us home. She started to get worse after getting home so we came back to the hospital, went through emergency dept, then regular pediatrics, then into pediatric intensive care.

Some oxygen and some breathing treatments have knocked it back faster than initially expected so we are now waiting on a bed to open in regular pediatrics so we can go off oxygen and wait to make sure she’s doing well on her own before we can go home.

Still not worried about corona despite all the cancellations around the country. And we’ve been sitting in a hospital intensive care department  since 7am Wednesday (it’s now 3pm Friday).

Sucks to be here for this long, but we’ve had a hospital bag packed and ready since a few days after she was born, so it hasn’t been unbearable.

Preparing for the events that are more statistically likely is something Jack has taught for years. Financial preparedness has allowed my wife and me to be with our daughter this entire time with only some short breaks to step outside and get some fresh air for a few moments.

Thanks Jack.


Chuck in NH
Chuck in NH
4 years ago

I’m not in a panic about this virus for myself or wife; I’m 50 and in fairly good health, and I took this opportunity to top off preps in case of grocery store runs.  We mostly eat paleo/keto so I tend not to buy much that keeps a while as you would get in boxes and cans, thus the diminished supply of such stuff.  I do have 5 gallon buckets of rice and beans plus a dozen or so #10 cans of stuff, but I prefer not to break them open if the grocery stores are disrupted for just a few days.  Hence, topping off with canned goods and such that I’ll mostly eat, eventually, even if nothing happens.  I do hope economy does well enough though that I keep job (software engineer), which I really like and works out great for me.

My main concerns are my elderly mother, and my wife’s side of the family in the Philippines.  My mother doesn’t work anymore and is in a nice 55+ mobile home community.  I think she has little exposure, but I do want to make sure I don’t catch the virus and be asymptomatic then give it to Mom on one of our visits every couple of weeks.  She’s not healthy enough to have good odds surviving a difficult illness.  In Philippines, they’re poor, and have no concept of prepping.  And medical care is there although not always the best.  3 of my family are medical professionals too, so I don’t want them catching this.  We’re building a new house for them (80% done) but it’s taking every cent we have to do it so there’s no money to buy lots of food for 20+ people.

I do realize these details are uncertain and need more science behind them, but there’s a lot of talk out there about being able to get reinfected, with second infection much worse, with cytokline storm, ADE / ARDS, type of thing.  Plus, talk about the old SARS vaccine making things worse by causing this reaction and killing the test animal; how feasible is a vaccine for this really?  I’m also concerned about what happens for that possibly 20% or so “severe/critical” cases when hospitals can’t possibly handle that many at once.

But, grocery store panic, self quarantine, that kind of stuff I’m all set.


Kent S. Litchard (yooper prepper)
Kent S. Litchard (yooper prepper)
4 years ago

All I can say jack is thanks. I know I’m not alone.

Tom from FL
Tom from FL
4 years ago

My 12 year old spent 3 weeks out of school last December with an unknown illness.

First they thought it was bronchitis, so they treated it with antibiotics and steroids. With no help

Then they felt it developed into a sinus infection – so different antibiotics

Then they thought she might have a heart condition — seriously

Then they landed on “must have gotten some secondary respiratory infection”

Basically — she coughed for 3 straight weeks and the only relief was albuterol treatments.

I am getting a T-Shirt made that says “I survived Corona 2019” for her to wear to school.

Nick in MNG
4 years ago

Something to ponder…

… how much of the ‘panic’ is due to excessive media hype versus too many people simply having ‘untrained brains’ that keep them from being able to calmly analyze a situation or risk?

Certainly the media is certainly milking this for ratings and/or political reasons, but I think the embarrassingly high percentage of untrained brains is making the economic and supply chain effects substantially worse than it otherwise would be.

(though naturally, it’s more often the untrained brains that watch a lot of TV & cable news in the FIRST place…)

4 years ago

Thanks Jack!

Great show, very helpful for the real estate between my ears!  My biggest concerns at this point are economic-just can’t see how 2020 doesn’t turn into a s**t show with carona and the election. I’m in manufacturing and construction and we are already seeing supply chain disruptions and slow business. Can’t imagine what effect this has on travel industry?  I’d love to hear more thoughts from you and John P on the economics of all this.

4 years ago

Breath thru your nose. It’s designed to filter.

Mike Centex
4 years ago

I suspect most in the media are highly motivated to exaggerate the panic every chance they get.  They’re praying it might just help kickstart a recession before November or at least provide a great reason to blame the orange man in chief for his failure to “contain” the danger.

My tactical response is get more sleep, take my vitamins and grow more food at home so I can avoid the true public health threat…

Waiting in line behind Caring Karen at the Chic-fil-A!


4 years ago

The alternative to nose breathing is mouth breathing. Breathing thru your nose is how we are designed and it improves lung health. https://breathing.com/pages/nose-breathing

4 years ago



I worked for the FL Dept of Health.  We did a lot of Disaster Preparedness work.  I routinely sat on information calls from the CDC regarding Pan-Avian Influenza, the odd Ebola notice, and H1N1 etc.  You have been spot on in my opinion with your advice.  I am not an MD, but sat in the room with an Infectious Disease MD and Epidemiology people and listened to the conversations.  They were boring to say the least.  Those bugs were all more serious than this from what I can tell.  I would go home and see the news though, and wonder what they were talking about.  If it were not for the media, this might come and go and we wouldn’t even know it.

4 years ago

One of your best, wake lessons you’ve given.  Definitely made me reevaluate where I am in my prep and time to update my plans. Thanks.

4 years ago

Jack, thanks for the quote from Jack Welch!   And for this wonderfully sensible podcast.

4 years ago

A daily Vitamin D regiment if you are deficient might be the best thing you could do.

Chuck in NH
Chuck in NH
4 years ago

Can someone remind me which supplements were suggested in the audio without me having to go through it all again?  Quercetin, and what was the other… B6?  Quercetin makes sense but B6 is a new one to me in the context of antiviral.  Why B6 (if I got that right… it wasn’t B12 right?)



4 years ago

This virus can permanently damage your lungs and possibly your heart if you survive a severe case of it.