Episode-1747- Expert Council Q&A for 3-18-16
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Today is Friday so it is time for our ask expert council show. To ask a question for a show like this, just send an email to me at jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with “TSPC Expert” in the subject line.
Today the expert council answers questions on, livestock, medicine, solar dehydration, cooking soups, working with kydex, bee keeping and more .
In the body of your email first tell me the council member your question is for. Second ask your question concisely in one to two sentences maximum. Third any and all details after that. This is the formula to give you the best chance of getting on the air.
I do what I can to get as many of your questions as possible on the air but can’t always get to all of them. Our council is made of a wide variety of experts in everything from the tactical to the practical and everything in between.
To get more information on our Expert Council visit our “Meet the Expert Council Page” to learn more about them and their specific areas of expertise.
Join Me Today As Our Experts Discuss
- An apology and a commitment from Jack
- Darby Simpson on grazing in orchards
- Doc Bones on picking a primary care doctor
- Steven Harris on building a solar dehydrator
- Keith Snow on soups for spring and summer
- Bryan Black on making holsters and sheaths with kydex
- Michael Jordan on natural methods of bee keeping
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
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Websites of the Expert Council Members
- ITS Tactical
- Harvest Eating
- Old Grouch Military Surplus
- Steven1234.com
- Permaculture Classroom
- A Bee Friendly Company
- Investable Wealth
- NW Edible
- Permies.com
- Primal Power
- GeoffLawton.com
- DarbySimpson.com
- Whole Systems Design
- Doom and Bloom
Expert Council and Topic Specific Links
- Darby Simpson Article on Fence Reel and Treadaline
- Dr. Bones Article on Questions to ask Your Doctor
- Solar Dehydrator Article Steven Harris Responded To
- Jack’s Personally Owned Excalibur Dehydrator
- Getting Started Working with Kydex at ITS Tactical
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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I realized after I recorded my answer for this week that Noel’s orchard has some road frontage. With that in mind, I would probably do a three wire perimeter system (possibly four). You would also want to make certain the orchard adds a rider to its insurance policy to cover any damage should a cow get out onto the road. Each state is different, but most likely the orchard would be liable for damages should a vehicle strike a cow on the roadway. That type of insurance is very inexpensive. The soil regeneration the cattle will add to the system more than offset the cost of the fence and insurance. Good luck!
The Lennon song brought back memories and this song came to mind…it reminded me of you Jack…..In a good way …Watching the wheels go round and round …John Lennon
Thanks so much for the prompt response to my question regarding solar dehydrators, Steve & Jack. For the record we do have an Excalibur, and a solar oven (inspired after I bought “Sunshine to dollars” a handful of years ago). I wanted to build a solar dehydrator for times when I just don’t want (or can’t) use electricity and in the spirit of backups and redundancy.
I guess the take-home I got was… monitor and manipulate a solar oven at the appropriate times for the temps you want. My concern with the solar oven is the exposure to light and what that might do to the nutrient quality of the dried product. Hence why I was looking at the solar dehydrators all over the net (the kind like a tiny house on stilts with a huge slide). They’re enclosed, so no light reaches your stuff. But they looked cumbersome and maybe wouldn’t store well in the off season being so oddly shaped. That’s when I stumbled upon these flat type dehydrators. Flat pack stores pretty easy, so if they performed well I figured I’d build one in the spirit of GSD (getting shiite done). Just wasn’t sure if radiant heat or heated air was better for dehydrating, so I thought I’d try to run it by Steve (thanks again btw). Although I’m not sure what he meant by reflectors being black. I mean, not on the solar oven; I got that. But on the flat dehydrator… Steve, did you mean the picture of the open covers on those things? I’m a little fuzzy on that part.
Yea or just build something old school and forget about making it complicated, http://www.motherearthnews.com/diy/tools/solar-food-dehydrator-plans-zm0z14jjzmar.aspx
Like I said for all the talk about efficiency etc online all you need is air 10 degrees warmer than ambient, that is dry and at least over 90 degrees. The base design above is solid he goes off then about reflectors, etc. Again a black box covered with glass gets warm, warm air goes up, warm air in such a situation is dry. Done.
You don’t even need the metal stuff inside a black box is all you need! Once you get warm dry air moving you are golden.
A window screen in a parked car works pretty well.
Just wanted to drop by and say Hi from another Michianaer. Glad to hear there are a few of us around the area listening!
Hola Jack,
Is this the product for the tissue and bone comfrey ointment?
Forgive me if you posted it already and I missed it.
Yea that is it, I keep forgetting to include it in the links.
Regarding finding a primary care physician with a more holistic approach. There are functional medicine doctors. They specialize in just what you are looking for I believe. Some are MDs, others are chiropractors and so on. Here is a website: https://www.functionalmedicine.org/