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Patrick Roehrman
8 years ago

For those interested, I also sharpened three Genesis at 15, 19, and 25 degree edges. You can see the results on my latest youtube video here


If you don’t want to listen to the podcast portion to my response the cutting starts at 630 in the video.

Michael Sparks
8 years ago

What do you think about convexed edges? 95% of my knives are sharped on a slack belt grinder

8 years ago

bah, another snoozer. Come on Jack.

8 years ago

On the above list of websites of the expert council members, which is Nick’s?

8 years ago
Reply to  Ken

oops, got it, was looking for the other site mentioned homegrownliberty

8 years ago

I agree..you figure it out with experience….I never let my knives get dull…I use a Lansky’s Ceramic rod after every use ….When I find knives at flea markets that are dull..I hit them a few times with a Lansky’s Diamond rod and then with the Ceramic rod….They will shave the hairs off of my leg….Do knives need to be sharper than that??? Just asking??

PA Prepper
PA Prepper
8 years ago

As always, enjoyed the show. Jack, per Dr. Bones advice on DEET or lemon grass oil as a mosquito repellant, Catnip oil is more effective than DEET… See: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/08/010828075659.htm

It’s pretty easy stuff to grow in my experience. A crushed handful of leaves seems to repel biting bugs nicely AND gets us extra attention from our indoor cats.

Nice to hear Patrick’s voice on today’s show.

Lane Douglas
8 years ago

Question for Gary Collins
My age is 66, taking statins for at least 30 years. Never prior to that was my chol number above 240.
I see my heart doctor next month, should I just ask / suggest stopping, or ask for something different?

Gary Collins
Gary Collins
8 years ago
Reply to  Lane Douglas

Lane, the best way to approach this with your doctor is to ask him/her if there is more of a benefit for you taking statins to reduce your overall cholesterol levels than there is for the side effects of the medication. Also ask your doctor what your LDL/HDL ratios are and your triglyceride level, and if they are out of healthy range. Those two, especially your triglycerides level are the true indicators of your elevated risk for cardiac heart disease.

Also ask if there is a natural way through diet, exercise, and supplements to try and bring your cholesterol down. Now I’m not a doctor, but from all the research and talking with a lot of doctors on the natural side, the only time statins should be considered when your total cholesterol is over 300, and even then you should try reducing it by diet, exercise and supplements first.

If you must take statins always take CoQ10, as statins will greatly reduce your levels, which can cause a whole host of issues.

8 years ago

Getting gas from can to car and nuclear safety – Steven Harris

I was kinda bummed at the answer to this question. The question was about him marking his maps with nuclear facilities so that in the event something happens he knows what could happen so he can react.

Steven said that in a grid down “people are going to show up and handle it.”

Isn’t that what we plan for? So that when an event happens we are ready for the worst. I mean if something happens and they show up and handle it then I’m not worried because it isn’t a big deal. What if they don’t show up? Can’t show up? What if it comes down to you and your map and you have to bug out. that’s the question I thought that was posed.

He touched on it at the end that the affected area would be a “tear drop” but he didn’t go into any more about it. I got excited about him explaining that part but then he closed.

He is a great resource and I just thought he would have had more on the meat of what is actionable, not just someone will take care of it.

There is an interesting AMA on reddit about nuclear history and The Manhattan Project for further reading.


You can also test how a nuclear weapon would effect your area on the NUKEMAP. You give it your location, size of weapon, and it will give you the range of the blast, fall out pattern. I would be interested to have Steven’s view on this part. This is what I thought the person that asked the question was looking to add to their map so they could choose a route based on effected area.

This is a 150 KT blast from ground level in NYC. You can see the blast radius and the fallout pattern. This is from a weapon and not from a systems failure or similar incident. I would love to hear Steven’s take.


8 years ago

Self-Driving Cars:

‘The Government’ is pushing them:

They’re coming soon:

The real issue with full roll-out is getting the laws on the books. After that, mass production means they can be cranked out pretty much instantly.

And the current model is ‘transportation as a service’. Meaning they don’t have to convince the public to BUY them, they just have to convince them to USE them.

This seems like a pretty easy sell. Novelty alone will get people to try them, there’s the ‘green’ angle, and the two biggest population segments, millenials and boomers, are perfect customers for them for different reasons.

Russell T. Barr, M.D.
Russell T. Barr, M.D.
8 years ago

Regarding statins for high cholesterol:

I fear Mr. Collins take on statins is excessively negative, and uninformed listeners may decide to stop their medication and suffer adverse consequences. I am an internal medicine physician, practicing since 1985. The very first statin, lovastatin (Mevacor) was approved in 1985. I treated patients for about 5 years prior to entering private practice during my residency training and the clinical years of medical school (1980-85), so I remember the frustrations of trying to treat coronary heart disease before statins were available. The statins, when used appropriately, are life-saving drugs.

At first, doctors were skeptical of the benefits of statins. The early studies on statin showed a lowering of the risk of heart attacks, but minimal if any overall mortality benefit due to more people in the placebo groups dying from suicide or accidents. However, in 1994 the 4S study (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavian_Simvastatin_Survival_Study) was published, establishing that in patients with known coronary disease, simvastatin reduced the death rate (overall, not just cardiac) by 30%. Since then many other rigorous studies have confirmed similar benefits from other other statins. Atorvastatin (Lipitor) is probably the most studied.

An important distinction to keep in mind is the difference between primary and secondary prevention. I think Mr. Collins had primary prevention in mind during his discussion. Primary prevention applies only to seemingly healthy people with no signs or symptoms of cardiovascular disease. If you have had a heart attack, stroke, or been treated for angina pectoris, then we are talking about secondary prevention. Essentially all of the debate on statins concerns primary prevention. Any scientifically literate person who is familiar with the studies on statins would agree that taking a statin for secondary prevention is life-preserving.

I suspect most of the TSP listeners fall into the primary prevention category. The new cholesterol treatment guidelines for physicians take a new approach to deciding who should take a statin. I use an app for my phone that the guidelines recommend “CVRiskAssist”. I think anyone can download this free app. Once you enter data such as age, gender, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, systolic BP, smoking status etc. the app will give you the 10 year risk of developing cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, needing a stent or bypass etc.) It also compares this risk to that of a similar person with optimal modifiable risk factors. A 10 year risk of 15% or more is considered high, 7.5-14.9% is moderate, and below 7.5% is low. I find it is rare for this calculator to advise a statin for anyone under 45 years old.

I certainly agree statins sometimes have significant side effects. Usually someone who can’t take statin A can take statin B or C. Muscle aches seem to be the most common, muscle damage is quite rare.

I also agree with Mr. Collins that the total cholesterol value by itself is not very meaningful. The high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and triglyceride levels are often very important. The best number is the LDL particle number, but this is expensive to measure and not usually done in clinical practice. Also important is the presence or absence of other CV risk factors such as smoking, diabetes, blood pressure, and family history are important in assessing overall risk, and thus the potential benefit from statin therapy.

Diabetes is a special risk factor, as the powers-that-be have declared it to be a “coronary disease equivalent”, and moves one into the secondary prevention universe instead of the primary prevention one. As a primary care physician, I am given a quarterly “grade” by my local Blue Cross carrier and I get points counted off for every patient with a diagnosis of diabetes who is not also filling a prescription regularly for a statin. Big brother is watching.

Yes, statins are sometimes prescribed as a “reflex” by doctors who do not stop to do a careful risk evaluation. But they are also feared unnecessarily by many otherwise well informed people. Your doctor should be able to explain how much you will benefit (or often not benefit) from taking a statin.

8 years ago

This is about secondary prevention vs the primary prevention under the Gary Collins response to Lane Douglas. 1 in 83 deaths are prevented for people using a statin for 5 years, but only if you have heart disease.

Even patients high risk for heart disease with no prior heart disease do not benefit from statins: http://ebm.bmj.com/content/16/1/8.full?keytype=ref&siteid=bmjjournals&ijkey=2O5HDIwLeaWMI

Michael Sparks
8 years ago

Welcome to the Exert council Patrick, I love all things edged and am looking forward to your contribution to TSP. I don’t own any of your knives (yet). I’ve been using cutting tools since about age 8 when I received a knock off polish made Swiss Army knife. My dad taught me how to sharpen that free hand on a carborundum stone along with a leather strop. Since then I’ve taken “Gibbs rule #9 to heart.”

Alex Shrugged
8 years ago

Regarding Chef Keith Snow and quinoa, it is considered a seed from a Jewish religious viewpoint. It is not a true grass and not a true cereal, so it is NOT one of the grains prohibited during Passover. That expands the options open to cooks during Passover.

Thank you for the tip on making quinoa flour in the Vitamix. My wife’s eyes lit up when I mentioned it. (I gave you full credit.) She is currently on a quinoa kick.

Thanks Chef Keith

jeff nw ohio
jeff nw ohio
8 years ago

I would think a herbalist might be better choice for an expert council seat. It is a very broad field and the variety of herbs and uses for them would be extremely useful in good times or bad. My 2 cents.

8 years ago

I use a shaker siphon hose to move gas from a container to my car. Works great and it’s fast. Check it out on Youtube.

Scott Macrae
8 years ago

Hi guys, great show. I vote for a permanent place for Patrick on the panel, as I’m an avid blade enthusiast, and John P is a legend. Well done all round lads!