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Nick in Mongolia
7 years ago

@Nicole Sauce,

Thank you for that info… the cheap “managed” WP hosts were so unhelpful on providing important details (like what plug-ins they might not support) and the price so low my internal BS detector felt there HAD to be a big catch. So thank you for confirming that and more. The biggest reason for me wanting to move to WP is the flexibility, and moving to WP hosting that’s almost as limited and restrictive as what I have now would defeat the purpose. So yes I’ll look at the three providers you mentioned for standard WP hosting (it’ll probably be good for me anyway to get experience with managing my own security and plug-in updates).

Keep up the good advice/answers, and it’s great to have you on the Expert Council 🙂

Natalie Clothenridge
Natalie Clothenridge
7 years ago

@ Gary Collins,

I have some things to say about a Ketogenic diet. First of all, I want to be clear that I have your books, and I completely respect what you teach. I believe that for people who’s bodies have not degenerated too far, Paleo is an excellent alternative, and a far healthier alternative, to a “standard American diet”

That being said, Paleo does not work for me. I am “one of those yahoos” that believes a Ketogenic does have health benefits. I have been doing it myself for several months now, as has my husband, and we have never felt better in 40 years. I work with people who have been doing it for 1-3 years, and one who has been doing it for over 20 years.

People who are insulin resistant NEED a Ketogenic diet to heal their deranged metabolism.

Anyone interested in the science behind a Ketogenic lifestyle can find a good list of references here: http://2ketodudes.com/#science
Also, the 2 Keto Dudes have an excellent podcast where they discuss how have both reversed their Type 2 Diabetes by putting their bodies in a state of Ketosis, and they interview many researchers, medical people, and regular people who have been doing this for decades. They also do an amazing job of explaining the science in ways that nearly everyone can understand.

If visuals work better for you, the documentary Fat Head has an excellent visual explanation of the role of insulin in the body, and how it shuts off fat burning, and the dangers of insulin resistance.

The definition of “nutritional Ketosis” is a diet of moderate protien, less than 20 grams of carbohydrates a day, and the rest of you calories coming from fat. You don’t have to “eat a stick of butter for breakfast” or “put half a stick of butter in your coffee” to achieve this. (Bulletproof coffee actually only calls for a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of coconut oil and it’s done for quick enerty.) You also don’t have to eliminate veggies from your diet to achieve this. Plenty of people eat lots of low carb veggies once they adapt and settle in to a Ketogenic lifestyle.

Nutritional Ketosis, and Clinical Ketosis (nearly NO carbs) have been used for centuries, since the Greeks and Romans were running the western world. Clinical Ketosis was commonly used to treat epilepsy (especially in children) and diabetes. It is only since President Truman had heart issues, and some vain and self-centered medical “researchers” jumped to conclusions about the cause and pushed their theories as fact that the American diet began it’s decline to what it is today.

Unfortunately the advice you give, Gary, about doing a Ketogenic diet for only 2 or 3 weeks, is the worst advice you can give someone who wants to try a Ketogenic diet. During the initial entry phase into a Ketogenic state, your body loses water weight. One benefit is very quickly all the aches and pains caused by inflammation disappear literally overnight. Some people experience a drop of 20-30 pounds in the first 4-6 weeks after achieving a state of Ketosis (fat burning). The weight loss is less rapid after that, but it does continue at a rate of 1-5 pounds a week depending on gender and how much fat you have to loose. Many Type 2 Diabetics report that they lose around 80 pounds before their body reaches a weight where it wants stay for awhile.

If a person does as Gary suggests, and only sticks with the Ketogenic diet for, say 3 weeks, they may experience 7-10 days of feeling like they have the flu while their body figures out how to burn fat instead of sugar. Some women find it takes longer than that to become fat adapted, and may never experience a fat burning state in only 3 weeks. So lets say it takes only 7 days to get there. The next 2 weeks you start dropping the inflammation and water weight. Your body is now beginning to get kinda good at burning the fat. If you are lucky, your body adapts quickly and your brain starts to feel the effects of being fed ketones instead of sugar. Mental clarity improves dramatically. Memory is improved, the ability to hold complex ideas clearly improves. Sleep improves. Mood improves, and depression and suicidal thoughts subside – this is my personal experience, and the reported experience of others.

If you stop now at the 3 week mark and return to your old sugar/starch filled diet, you will gain back the water weight almost immediately and think to yourself that a Ketogenic diet does not work.

If you stick with it, you will experience a steady weight loss (if you are indeed overweight) without starvation or massive exercise. Mood improves, mental function improves, skin tags disappear, skin and hair are healthier, energy levels are amazingly high.

One thing Gary stated is “your body becomes adapted” and he suggests your body is in a starvation mode and “your metabolism shuts down”. Yes, your metabolism can slow if you are in a caloric defecit. I experienced 2 weeks of being cold all the time. I wore a sweatshirt in 80 degree temperatures during that time. Then I figured out what was happening. I ate a larger number of calories a day (2500-3000) for 2 days and I wasn’t cold anymore and weight loss resumed.

Insulin resistance is extremely detrimental to the health of all mammals. In the science links I provided there is a study where they shut down the pancreas (which produced insulin) in dogs. They then provided insulin to the dogs in an IV. The leg where the insulin was introduced quickly developed arteriosclerosis. Hardening of the artery, basically the beginning of heart disease.

For alot of people who aren’t as damaged as the folks who end up with a diagnosis for Type 2 Diabetes before trying a Ketogenic diet, they find that once their body settles into ketosis and they achieve any weight loss/health goals, they can ease up on the carb restriction of 20 grams/day and they can experiment and find the level of carbohydrates their body can tolerate before their body exits ketosis. I have heard some people say they can eat as many as 120 carbs a day with no problem. The man I work with that has done this for over 20 years finds he cannot eat more that 75 carbs a day without feeling crappy and starting to gain weight.

Oh, I almost forgot… I personally did not experience the flu-like symptoms when I started on the Ketogenic lifestyle. I spent a weekend sleeping alot, and then I suddenly had a much higher and more steady energy level. I attribute that to the months previously that I spent eating more Paleo making a huge effort to cut out corn sugars and anything soaked in Round-Up pre harvest.

My husband also did not experience the flu-like symptoms. He was stubborn about trying Keto, and he was highly dependent on caffeinated soda to get through his days (6 cans or more a day). He ate more of the foods I was cooking for myself gradually over the course of about 6 weeks. I brought home Zevia sodas (sweetened with stevia) to substitute for Coke. He tried that intermittently, and then one weekend he stopped the Coke as a test. He started losing the inflamation and feeling better within a day or so.

One thing I was told by the man who has done this for over 20 years is, you can’t half-ass this “diet”. You are eating more fat, and if you “cheat” and regularly spike your insulin, you start to store that fat instead of burn it.

Thank you for bearing with me to the end of my post. I am more than happy to discuss this with anyone who wants to know more or try this. There are also forums set up over on the 2 Keto Dudes website where you can talk to others who have been doing this for years/decades and are healthy and happy and thriving in ketosis.

Sarah in IN
7 years ago

Thank you for such a beautiful and thoughtful rebuttal to Gary’s segment. You said everything I was going to say and then some, but I felt like I needed to take a day or two to think about my post here because I felt really triggered by some of his comments that were factually incorrect and disingenuous.

Gary has undoubtedly helped many people, and I respect him for that. It’s very important though to temper one’s passion with reason when acting in the capacity of an expert. I’d hate to think his response was formulated to push his products, but when one argues with emotion rather than debating with logic, facts, and reason, it comes across in an unfavorable light for sure.

A well formulated ketogenic approach can change lives for people. Gary’s approach can change lives for people. When folks refute the merits of these approaches without really understanding the foundation though, it only serves to make people look bad.

I hope that Gary (and others) will keep an open mind when it comes to getting healthy because as I said earlier, a well formulated ketogenic diet can and does change lives.

Natalie Clothenridge
Natalie Clothenridge
7 years ago

RE: Keto

Sorry for a second post. I just realized most people don’t know what a Keto meal looks like. If you want to see that, there are 2 excellent YouTube channels depicting this:

Keto Connect (a younger couple who are in shape and starting this earlier in life) – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzRYivTpUQ0r2qPPjfLoQiA
and they also have a blog full of recipes at ketoconnect.net

Cooking Keto with Kristie (a mom with children who cooks regular looking meals for her family that are all keto meals) – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFGt_87bzlJXHxzvsU8leOQ

And if you were put off my the length of my previous comment, here is where you can research the science behind keto for yourself:

2 Keto Dudes – http://2ketodudes.com/#science
Also, the 2 Keto Dudes have an excellent podcast where they discuss how have both reversed their Type 2 Diabetes by putting their bodies in a state of Ketosis, and they interview many researchers, medical people, and regular people who have been doing this for decades. They also do an amazing job of explaining the science in ways that nearly everyone can understand.

And talk to real people living this way with no regrets:

7 years ago

Glad it helped!!

Luke c
Luke c
7 years ago

I wanted to add to your piece on water prices… I’m hoping that I’m not just repeating what you said because I didn’t have a chance to listen to the full episode yet… People also assume that retailers that sell bottled water for $1.89-1.99 a bottle are paying the same as buying a case from the grocery store. I worked in retail for 20 years at various levels including store manager and in non-grocery stores that had Coke and Pepsi machines… 99% of the time Dasani and Aquafina bottled water cost the retailers 10 cents less a bottle than Coke or Pepsi… which last time I worked in a retailer at the ordering capacity, Aquafina was costing $1.39 a bottle… so people thinking that these retailers are gouging people due to Harvey, need to wake up.

7 years ago

Bee Guy – Hy-poth-e-sis
Nicole – Agree: lots of marketing deception re:hosting…Disagree: sharing resources, you WILL be sharing a server lots of other sites, regardless if you opt for professional hosting, unless you are a site like LLBean, Home Depot, etc.
Jack – Agree: Bestbuy was just selling the water at the per unit price, however a store manager with half a brain would have ended it immediately after realizing the error. Disagree: I’ve heard your price gouging defense long ago, prolly the same place you heard it. I have a hard time thinking the gas station operator suddenly got all philanthropic…whether he sells an price inflated product to 5 people or 500, he still makes a nice spiff on the item.

Garoleen Wilson
Garoleen Wilson
7 years ago

The question and reply about storing pig feed is a good one for any type of livestock. I have broiler chickens and listen to Pastured Poultry Talk podcast. Livestock owners might find this episode helpful.