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Sarah in IN
7 years ago

Ketoacidosis is NOT the same thing as ketosis lypolysis (or benign dietary ketosis). There are multiple types of keto acids, and worrying about “being in ketosis” requires a bit of an understanding of the underlying organic chemistry. Long story short, benign dietary ketosis is NOT dangerous during pregnancy but ketoacidosis is ALWAYS dangerous.

How do we know the difference? Simply put, worry if your test strips read ketones in the presence of extremely elevated blood sugars. If you’re keeping your carbs low and your blood sugar is controlled, then there’s no need to worry.

The human body “goes into ketosis” all the time. How do you think we make glucose when we’re sick? And folks with extremely high metabolisms will often spill ketones in their urine first thing in the morning because they’ve gone 8-12 hours without eating.

I used a low-carb eating plan to control my blood sugar, blood pressure, and weight gain with all my kids. It worked beautifully in all regards, and I have 3 incredibly intelligent kiddos. (The medical community likes to say you can’t be in ketosis while you’re pregnant becasue you’ll damage your baby’s brain. Well guess what? You can be “in ketosis” without even trying while you’re pregnant, so I don’t know how the community can make such claims.)

Obviously, when pregnant, we have to do our own research and do what we think is right for us. For me, that meant keeping my carbs to around 50 g per day and that saved me from having 2 hospital births because of high blood pressure. To each his or her own though, for sure!

Oh yeah, and standard disclaimers apply. I’m not a doctor, yadda, yadda, yadda. 🙂

7 years ago

We do know what causes blood sugar spikes & insulin resistance in general:
fwp_search=insulin+resistance&fwp_content_type=video (a list of relevant videos)

No a high carb diet will not cause insulin resistance even with a weight neutral diet:

And specifically in pregnancy we know some reasons for insulin resistance:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestational_diabetes (go to Pathophysiology)
If you have gestational diabetes you are at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestational_diabetes go to Prognosis) so it’s time to start correcting the problem

What should you do?
Discuss with your health care provider, which you already did if you have a diagnosis, but also anything that you might be considering based upon this post:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3765513/ Inositol(a non-sugar carbohydrate) and alpha lipoic acid have been shown to improve insulin resistance

Eating low carb will keep your blood sugars low, but will not correct the underlying insulin resistance, and I have presented other strategies above to help with the blood sugar levels.

7 years ago

Where do I find the show notes for the items Tim was talking about? I’m new to looking for this information and can’t seem to find it.