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Evelyn Mitchell
Evelyn Mitchell
5 years ago

The use of vinegar or lemon juice is curdled milk, not buttermilk. The probiotics that digest the lactose are missing. Sorry the link is so long, but the article “All Churned Around” explains the mix-up pretty well.

All Churned Around

How buttermilk lost its butter., By L.V. Anderson, May 09, 2012



tracy Bruring
tracy Bruring
5 years ago

this was a REALLY REALLY REALLY good episode

Justin Case
Justin Case
5 years ago

Point of clarification for Steve Wise’s LEAP reply when mentioning officers involvement in involuntary mental health placement by police officers.

Im not sure how long Steve has been out of law enforcement, but to clarify this point, both law enforcement and judges still place people involuntarily, more than ever before in fact into hospitals for mental health help. Now, laws regarding this differs from state to state and is even done differently in each county and sometimes even different jurisdictions within counties as far as procedurally. I know that Florida is well known for The Baker Act concerning mental illness and many different departments roles in that regard, including law enforcement. Some of this gained national attention after the school shooting on Valentine’s Day recently.

In Texas, our law regarding this have been on the books for decades and have changed very little. Any peace officer in the state can place someone into a hospital involuntarily for being a danger to themselves or to someone else due to mental illness. It works similar as public intoxication, but not due to chemicals and instead either mental illness or their behavior such as being suicidal or harming or threatening to harm others.

Steve is very correct about the issues of deinstitutionalization, where states began shutting down the large state run mental health institutions/asylums or whatever one wants to call them beginning mostly in the 70’s following many outcries, President Kennedy having family dealing with mental health issues and believe it or not a Geraldo investigative report.


(There is a pretty interesting follow up on that he did with some of the people that he helped get out of there done about 40 years later that is worth watching too. I’m not a Geraldo fan, but he did something good in this case and I’ll give credit where it’s due.)


In Texas, an officer can obtain additional training and become a licensed Mental Health Peace Officer. In many departments across Texas and the US, there are these specially trained officers that make up the members of Crisis Intervention Teams. If you look up CIT, you will see that these are active in 46 of the 50 states currently. Most of them are based on something called the Memphis Model, which came to be in 1988.

Here is an excellent video describing that model with a very professional CIT officer as their main focus. https://youtu.be/y99kODtyVhk

We use this video in our department’s training as well as across the state. Departments are generally desperately seeking guys that can communicate like the guy featured in this video for these CIT teams. I’d hire him in a heartbeat for our team.

Access to the help and the correct help are generally this issues that revolve around the mental health world, both for people with and without insurance. People with co-occcuring mental illness and substance abuse can be quite difficult to get the correct help for due to having to deal with both a chemical problem as well as a mental illness problem. It’s nearly impossible to even begin dealing with mental health issues until the chemicals are out of their system. And there is generally no easy way to deal with the chemicals, not to mention hardly any insurance or enough programs to address them.

Currently, law enforcement’s role in the majority of these calls is to make the introduction of a person in crisis to the most available or appropriate help in their regions and that obviously varies. But to be clear, this is a major tool in law enforcement in this country every day, though it doesn’t get a lot of media attention because it takes place in the civil laws instead of the criminal law world. Also the majority of agencies protect the persons in crisis information as these are generally considered medical in nature and privacy should be paramount.

There is one more documentary that just came out this week regarding this work here in Texas and it was very professionally done. It illustrates some of the complexities that I’ve mentioned and the hardships that both consumers and law enforcement deal with in this arena.



Justin Case


5 years ago

On home schooling. We use an online curriculum at time4learning.com. It is a month to month subscription of $20 each child, $30 for high school. Schools actually use it under the name compass learning  but time4learning has a license to offer it to homeschoolers. A full curriculum aligned with all states. Completely turn key. Log in and go. Simple. All you need is a device and a good internet connection. Completely independent of any school system so no seat time. Super easy to manage. Self grading. Tracts everything.  I am a single working mom with a full time job and so far it’s working great for us.

I looked into the online public/private school option but it had the same control and over reach issues I was trying to get away from.  They keep kids in seats with useless busy work at home same as at school. Everything is at they’re schedule. It wasn’t for us.