Episode-2234- Expert Council Q&A for 6-8-18
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Today its Friday so it’s time for expert council show. To ask a question for a show like this, just send an email to me at jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with “TSPC Expert” in the subject line.
Today the expert council answers questions on hyperemesis, 4×4 vehicles, plant propagation, retirement relocation, blood thinners, SEO, coffee and more.
In the body of your email first tell me the council member your question is for. Second ask your question concisely in one to two sentences maximum. Third any and all details after that. This is the formula to give you the best chance of getting on the air.
I do what I can to get as many of your questions as possible on the air but can’t always get to all of them. Our council is made of a wide variety of experts in everything from the tactical to the practical and everything in between.
To get more information on our Expert Council visit our “Meet the Expert Council Page” to learn more about them and their specific areas of expertise.
Join Me Today As Our Experts Discuss…
- What is hyperemesis and what can you do about it – Doc Bones
- Conversion of a 4×4 vehicle into a side-by-side UTV type of thing – Charles Sanville
- All about tap roots and root cuttings – Nick Ferguson
- Thoughts on relocation for retirement – John Pugliano
- Special blood clotting products for those on blood thinners – Doc Bones
- SEO Basics and Coffee as medicine – Nicole Sauce
- More on website SEO and site marketing – Jack
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
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- Walking To Freedom
- The Year 138
- TspAz.com – support TSP when you shop on Online
- Grandaddy’s Gun Club
- Bullhead Fishing Information
- Biltong for Breakfast
- Best Basic SEO Practices from Nicole Sauce
- The Practical Herbalist on Coffee
- Coffee as a Laxative
- The Gerson Therapy
- TSP Android App
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- Song of the Day Playlist – 2015
- Song of the Day Playlist – 2016
- Song of the Day Playlist – 2017
- Forum Post about the Song of the Day Playlists
- Dogs of War – Pink Floyd
Websites of the Expert Council Members
- MT Knives
- GrassFedHomestead.com
- CryptoGulch.com
- Humble Mechanic
- Living Free in Tennessee
- Harvest Eating
- Old Grouch Military Surplus
- Steven1234.com
- Permaculture Classroom
- A Bee Friendly Company
- Investable Wealth
- NW Edible
- Permies.com
- Primal Power
- GeoffLawton.com
- DarbySimpson.com
- Whole Systems Design
- Doom and Bloom
- HaloBySue.com
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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Coffee worked for my sons adhd
Only comments I can offer for Charles’ comments is that garage kept ATV’s that are rarely ridden do get sold, but they are usually sport quads not utility quads. Also the flatbed is a really good idea.
I’ll also add that used 4×4 trucks that move at all never seem to drop below $1500-2000 here (mid-MO) (even 20-30 years old), but somewhat decent 4×4 SUV’s, with 4 low, with minor issues drop to scrap value. Example, there’s a road legal 90’s Mitsubishi Montero with small lift and new offroad tires for sale near me for $800.
The heavier the wood and brush on the land, the more important width and turning radius becomes. If it’s wide open, take the F150 and go nuts, especially if it was near end of life anyway. On 10 acres, if it’s too muddy for the truck, walking is always an option.
@John – that’s awesome – better coffee than prescription drugs
My thoughts on history Antonius? did not want the job of emporer he did bring about a golden age of peace. George Washington did not want to be king he was still the best president in my opinion. Seems like ambition is a big negative for being a ruler. At least from the people’s perspective.
Where would you live if family wasn’t a factor?
I realize climate, culture, disaster risk factors, cost, quality of life all play into a decision like this, but based on the parts of the U.S. you’ve been to so far, where would you settle if you were to move from the Fort Worth area and bring your kids and grand kids with you?
@Sam M. – Your reply is here:
(replied to someone else at bottom.. probably a posting glitch)
Reply links are hiding behind icons..