Episode-2016- Expert Council Q&A for 6-2-17
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Today its Friday so it’s time for expert council show. To ask a question for a show like this, just send an email to me at jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with “TSPC Expert” in the subject line.
Today the expert council answers questions on business, eye care, bees, investing, back up power, car buying, insurance and more.
In the body of your email first tell me the council member your question is for. Second ask your question concisely in one to two sentences maximum. Third any and all details after that. This is the formula to give you the best chance of getting on the air.
I do what I can to get as many of your questions as possible on the air but can’t always get to all of them. Our council is made of a wide variety of experts in everything from the tactical to the practical and everything in between.
To get more information on our Expert Council visit our “Meet the Expert Council Page” to learn more about them and their specific areas of expertise.
Join Me Today As Our Experts Discuss
- First a huge shout out and thank you to Alex Shrugged
- Marketing a niche business locally – Nicole Sauce
- Two takes on macular degeneration – Doc Bones and Garry Collins
- Dealing with ants in your bees – Michael Jordan
- Keeping your money safe – John Pugliano
- Charging batteries one a long hike – Steven Harris
- Considerations when buying a car via Carmax – Charles Sanville
- Is mandatory insurance a tax and therefore theft – Jack
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- Grandaddy’s Gun Club
- Bullhead Fishing Information
- Anti Fuego – Ant Murder Juice
- The Dirt Doctors Homemade Ant Murder Juice
- iMuto Portable Charger X6 30000mAh
- XTAR VC2 Plus
- Energizer AA Lithium Disposable Batteries
- Energizer AAA Lithium Disposable Batteries
- Inside of Me – Three Doors Down
Sponsors of the Day
Websites of the Expert Council Members
- Humble Mechanic
- Living Free in Tennessee
- Harvest Eating
- Old Grouch Military Surplus
- Steven1234.com
- Permaculture Classroom
- A Bee Friendly Company
- Investable Wealth
- NW Edible
- Permies.com
- Primal Power
- GeoffLawton.com
- DarbySimpson.com
- Whole Systems Design
- Doom and Bloom
- HaloBySue.com
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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“You’re the biggest threat to your money.” Well said Jack Spirko.
For the gut hook issue, you might think about circle hooks. They are now mandatory for grouper and snapper in Florida because of the gut hook issue. It still does happen every now and then but most of the time the hook is in the side of the lip where they are designed to go. Just don’t set the hook with these, just lift the rod and start reeling otherwise you tend to lose the fish. Another thing to keep in mind is that fish are used to eating things that poke. As long as you are using non stainless hooks, just cut the line and leave the hook in. It will eventually rust away and the chances are the fish will be fine.
Problem is they don’t work very well on smaller fish. I am going to try it but have my doubts.
I use them when snook fishing and when fishing for big cats all the time.
So Antifuego can only be bought in store in Texas? I didn’t see a way to order online.
Damn I guess they stopped shipping it, this sucks! Gonna have to start making my own I guess.
Thank you to Alex Shrugged for the many hours of hard work you’ve put into the history segment! It’s become a favorite of mine and it’s cool to add something from the past from which we can learn something still very relevant to today. Thank you sir!
And thank you to Southpaw Ben for contributing thus far and carrying on this legacy. Moving forward I had envisioned a “this date in history” type thing, but starting over at year One and catching up to where Alex Shrugged started is a pretty freakin cool idea too!
I completely agree with all the sentiments regarding Alex’s work with the history segment. Really appreciated all the hard work you guys put into it. Best of luck to you, to good health and success on future endeavors.
Also, shoutout to Steven Harris for an awesome expert council answer! I went back and listened to that segment a second time today so I could make sure I got product info correct and double check how he was recommending things be set up for this hike. While I’m not planning a hike, all of this can be used to greatly improve my blackout kit! Of course at home I have access to my vehicles, inverters and battery bank, but adding a solar charger would be cool too and in that scenario since I’m not hiking around it will do fine sitting flat in the sun all day. Looking forward to the videos you mentioned!
To the guy looking to start the martial arts training company.
I once took some Krav Maga lessons from a guy that used a city park for his training. I would think that it would be free.
One thought on marketing would be to find some medium size offices and go offer one time orientation classes to the women in the office. Should not be too hard to put together 4-5 ladies in an office of 15-20 that would like to be exposed to a couple techniques to help keep them safe. Some of the offices probably have a conference room or two that could be used for the initial session and possible follow on private classes.
Good luck with your endeavor.
RE: Carmax
Any car dealership CAN be “No Haggle.” Just walk in and offer full asking price. You’ll almost certainly have a pleasant experience.
I’m unimpressed by Carmax’s prices. They do have clean vehicles, big lots, nice website with lots of honest (usually not photoshopped too bad) pictures, inexpensive shipping, etc. Often the vehicles are unlocked, so you can browse without a salesman. I’ve bought one vehicle from, sold two vehicles to Carmax, and browsed their lots for several more. It’s always been a pleasant experience. That said, I’ve found Carmax’s prices to be on par with, or higher than full asking price from most other dealerships.
YMMV and all that.
What about Lutein and Zeaxanthin for the eyes?:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutein#Role_in_human_eyes, https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dietary-prevention-of-age-related-macular-degeneration/
Also for children to reduce their risk of nearsightedness: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/21/opinion/21wang.html