Episode-1781- Expert Council Q&A for 5-6-16
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Get Answers Today From The Expert Council
Please Note – The wrong audio was initially linked to in today’s show for about 15 minutes, if you got that one you may have to delete it and redownload the episode, it has been fixed.
Today is Friday so it is time for our ask expert council show. To ask a question for a show like this, just send an email to me at jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with “TSPC Expert” in the subject line.
Today the expert council answers questions on home schooling, gardening, bee pollen, farming, investing, paleo nutrition, fishing and more.
In the body of your email first tell me the council member your question is for. Second ask your question concisely in one to two sentences maximum. Third any and all details after that. This is the formula to give you the best chance of getting on the air.
I do what I can to get as many of your questions as possible on the air but can’t always get to all of them. Our council is made of a wide variety of experts in everything from the tactical to the practical and everything in between.
To get more information on our Expert Council visit our “Meet the Expert Council Page” to learn more about them and their specific areas of expertise.
Join Me Today As Our Experts Discuss
- High school transcripts and college entry for homeschoolers – Mike and Sue Laprise
- Choosing the best garden plants from a nursery – Nick Ferguson
- Bee pollen collection and health benefits – Michael Jordan
- Modifications to Joel Salatin’s pastured poultry methods – Darby Simpson
- The ins and outs of precious metal ETFs – John Pugliano
- What alternatives to corn products are there with Paleo/Primal – Gary Collins
- What is a good travel fishing set up for under 150 dollars – Jack
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- Homeschoolers Records Demanded After Government Destroys Them
- Grass Fed Life – With Darby Simpson on PermaCulture Voices
- John Pugliano’s Podcast about Gold
- Paleo Rosemary Bread by Gary Collins
- Amaranth Tortillas
- Browning Safari Rods
- Basspro Extreme Travel Rods
- Mitchell 300 Spinning Reel
- Abu Garcia Cardinal SX40
- Just Fishin – Trace Atkins
Sponsors of the Day
Websites of the Expert Council Members
- ITS Tactical
- Harvest Eating
- Old Grouch Military Surplus
- Steven1234.com
- Permaculture Classroom
- A Bee Friendly Company
- Investable Wealth
- NW Edible
- Permies.com
- Primal Power
- GeoffLawton.com
- DarbySimpson.com
- Whole Systems Design
- Doom and Bloom
- HaloBySue.com
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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In case anyone else wonders, I already sent an email about the audio in today’s show (from #1706)
I already fixed it you may have to delete and redownload the episode, it is ONE OF THOSE DAYS.
I think the wrong episode uploaded.
I already fixed it you may have to delete and redownload the episode, it is ONE OF THOSE DAYS.
Scenario: Old dirt road, bordered by pecan trees on both sides. Eventually paved. Today, the State of SC does indeed charge tax for those trees to the owner of that land. When he does his taxes, he has to tell the state how many trees he has.
Not to be a naysayer, but in my experience, I’ve been using local raw honey, and my seasonal allergies have gotten progressively worse over the last 3-5 years. I don’t think THAT’S related to the honey, but I don’t feel like the raw honey has made a difference in that regard. I do like the consistency and taste of it better than more refined honey.
Also, Darby, I sent in that question like, the DAY before your interview on PV came out on Chickens. After listening to it, I thought, “whoops…. didn’t need to send that question in…” Thank you, still! I think we’re going to follow the Plamondon tractor style, too. Do you have pictures up on your site of your tractors? I looked one time, and couldn’t find any. Unfortunately, I have a family wedding in Northern MI on the weekend of your on-farm workshop. Otherwise, I definitely would have been there.
I am a homeschooling mom. While it is easy and anyone can go to and get into the community colleges, getting a homeschooler straight into a 4 year college is more difficult. Many do have procedures to do so and know the value of them. But some of them do want “proof” more than a homemade transcript. Scores on the SAT subject tests can be used to show this knowledge, if your student scores high enough. Some smaller universities will do interviews, where samples of your students work can be brought in, the larger state universities (at least in CA) do not do this. Obviously, if your student can pass the AP exams or CLEP exams, this also will get them straight into the 4 year universities.
My youngest originally wanted to go straight to a 4 year college, so I worked realy hard in making sure she had ways to show her preparation, mainly by officially being part of a charter school with a homeschool program. There were alot of silly hoops to go thru to have the right kind of work done, but it resulted in an official transcript from an accredited high school accepted for any university. We had to have a private local tutoring company sign off on her Physics and Chemistry labs, and have her do some there. This is a requirement of the UC University system, not the charter school. So she shows all UC a-g requirements on her transcript.
Ironically, at 16, when she had her drivers license, she decided to try a few classes at our local junior college, and she liked it. So much so that she is going to end up getting her AS with only one more year to finish after high school graduation, and take a guaranteed transfer to a UC. So, did that mean we wasted getting those signed off classes in the high school transcript ? Not at all, without having very well documented high school level Chemistry and Physics, she would have been required to take pre-req classes at the junior college, which would have extended how long she needs to be there.
So, while it is true, as the podcast states, that any 18 year old can go to junior college, that does not mean that they will be placed in University level courses at all. They may well have quite a bit of make up work to do. It is common to see many of these students taking the equivalent of 2 years of high school level math and science (Algebra, pre-calc, high school level chem and physics), so a year added on to the length of that “4 year” degree. If your homeschooler is going to do that, and they can get to the Junior college, they may as well just take that math and science there while a Junior and Senior in highschool, and then they can either stay at there, or the 4 year university would likely take them as the junior college transcript will show adequate preparation.
My homeschooler finished high school level physics at home junior year while taking precalc and other general ed. requirements at the community college, she then decided to get a jump on the 4 year degree and act like a college freshman for senior year of high school. So, now she graduates from high school next week with more than a year of college level, college credits. She is so much less stressed than her friends at traditional high school. They are worried about SAT scores, college acceptances, and taking AP tests to get some college credit. She is way less stressed. No SAT test is needed. She just studies and does her class work at the Junior college, and it is college credit, no AP tests. While she is free to apply to all universities, CA has a guaranteed transfer plan out of the junior colleges to the UC system, so she is not stressed about getting in. This all frees her to focus on the actual classwork, and so she is getting fantastic grades there.
So, to summarize, she has homeschooled her entire life, and will graduate high school with more than a freshman year of college level college coursework. This will leave her with 3 more years only to have her 4 year university degree. This is because she DID have an accredited charter school sign off on her science classes.
If she was not associated with a charter school, she would have taken the pre-requ science classes at the junior college this year, and then had 4 years left for her 4 year degree, like other high chool graduates of her age.
Good reply. I’m in Ohio and my homeschooled son is a junior this year so we are in the same boat looking at colleges and working on a transcript. We have heard from other homeschool parents that Ohio State University is much harder to get into than many private colleges especially for home schooled teens. Their average ACT score is an 28 as opposed to 22 for some of the private colleges we have looked at. We are thinking of our son attending a local branch of OSU first then possibly transferring to the main campus as an option.
Don’t see this as a loaded question, it isn’t, but…
Why is going to this particular school important to you/your son?
Do they really offer any real advantage over some schools that cost less in his chosen field of study?
In 20 years in the corporate grind this is what I found about degrees. No matter the job, in 95% of the situations, a degree is a degree. You have an engineering degree from Texas State, Baylor or Joe Blows University, no one cared, at all, even a little bit.
Now if you have something like a degree from Harvard, Princeton, etc. they MIGHT care, may be, but only in certain niches, and most of those it is the network from the school that gets you in anyway.
Thanks for the question. The reason he would like to attend Ohio State is actually for the cost. A state school from what we have seen so far seems cheaper than the local private schools. Unfortunately it seems harder to get into which really surprised me. I never would have thought a state school would be hard to get into? My son has Asperger’s and really excels at computer science which is what he plans on getting his degree in. If OSU is as academically challenging as they say then I think it would be good for him to be pushed to his potential. My wife and I have listened to your advice in the podcasts on college and have tried to use it in this situation. Luckily OSU has a branch right in town where he can live at home first and take his basic courses.