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5 years ago

Dang that’s a low mileage Cummins! Wanna sell?

I’ve got a 97 with 250k on it. I just had to rebuild my 47RE transmission, I had a line blow out going up a hill and locked it up. No neutral, driveshaft off to get it on the tow truck. My rebuild was $3k.

Prior to that, I had been hunting for electrical gremlins for 6 months. I had intermittent 4th gear, speedo, and tach. I replaced the ESS on the crank $100, the speed sensor on the trans $20, and the speed sensor on the rear axle $35. I also cleaned all my grounds and replaced both negative battery cables. I was going to replace overdrive solenoid internally next, but now my problem is solved the expensive way… Replacing solenoids is where I would look next.

I’m Neff12V on zello if you want to follow up. Good luck.

5 years ago

Where can I find the per-state TSP facebook forums that Jack referenced in this show? I’m looking specifically for Montana, and facebook search wasn’t terribly helpful. (But perhaps one must pay advertising dollars to get decent search results on FB now?)


5 years ago

Sorry. Should’ve read that closer.


Richard Hasting
5 years ago

On the investing a million+ $$$, I wonder what John would say about investing in real estate… Jack discussed it, but I would love to hear about how that would best be done.