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7 years ago

If your still worried:

CCW for intense activity:

Shrouded hammer revolver like the S&W Airweight in a strong side IWB holster in your OFF side front pocket of a pair of cargo shorts. Probably not good for distance running but everything else including mountain biking has not been a problem. I really don’t notice it at all. The transition to a two hand dominant hand grip adds virtually no time for the draw with a little practice.

When things are up close and personal you really want to have your strong hand free to fight and shoot from tight retention from your off side. I know, it sounds crazy but if you take the time to think about it and train that way it starts making more sense than any of the “conventional” methods.

Steven Harris
7 years ago


These are the 2 videos I was talking about when it came to living in a prius. Even you at your level of knowledge will appreciate this. I was fascinated by it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZgSrqQuYuI Video 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6vMiRfKV00 Video 2

Would you please add these to the show notes

7 years ago

Thanks Ben and Jack for answering my question 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Alexander

I’m in the Ozarks & I’d like to add my experience.

Jack was spot on with Autumn Olive as the #1 choice or Black Locust to get quick erosion control.

I’d like to add that to do it cheaply with more diversity, start in one spot the first year with Jerusalem Artichoke/sunchokes, elderberry, & Comfrey. After the first year, dig up some of the sunchokes & comfrey roots and replant them further along the eroded area. With elderberry, just dig up new green shoots in late March or April and plant those in a new spot to spread & extend the erosion control without spending any more money.

7 years ago

I had the dreaded and much discussed spark blow out in my 5.4L 2v Ford Triton (2001 F-150). I was quoted $1200 to fix it, but bought the tool to fix it myself for $400 and had it done in a few hours. Slick tool and it really wasn’t difficult if you know your way around basic tools.

Now, I bought the truck with $250k miles on it and it never had a spark plug blow before, so….I don’t know. I got unlucky I guess. Now I have the tool if it ever happens again, or I can sell the tool and still be way ahead of having a stealership do it.

DIY has saved my thousands and thousands over the years.

7 years ago
Reply to  John

A friend of mine made a shit ton of money doing side jobs repairing these motors of broken spark plugs for unlucky owners. It even worked out better for him because he had free access to the tool.

David S.
David S.
7 years ago

RE: Concealed Carry while running and exercising.

I think that a fanny pack is probably the best option. I disagree with Jack on one nuance of his comments: I don’t think they necessarily scream “gun!” at all, especially while working out. If you are concerned about that, avoid camo colors and sew some sort of exercise related patch on the front of it. Something that’s not gun/military/’Merica!!! related. Keep your cellphone in there and run headphone wires from it. The only people that will know it’s a gun bag are people you’re not worried about knowing (other gun-people).

If you go that route, find something designed to carry a firearm.
– Something like the now discontinued Camelbak Goblin.
– Galco Escort Waist Pack
– HawkePaks Micro Gun Pack

The RedLegA1
7 years ago

I am shocked that you did not play the short clip of
“I live in a van down by the river”

7 years ago

Thanks doc for answering my question. Greatly appreciated.

7 years ago

To the guy asking about real estate, check out BiggerPockets.com. They have calculators to help you determine if a property will cash flow.

Erin Kennedy
Erin Kennedy
7 years ago

I think Tejano singer Selena was killed in 1995, and by her female agent.

Justin Stern
Justin Stern
7 years ago

For those of you looking for the book that Jack co-authored and referenced in the last segment: The One Percent Effect https://www.amazon.com/ONE-PERCENT-EFFECT-SELL-MARKET-ebook/dp/B06Y5Q5VC2

Jack: I can’t believe you didn’t have a link to this under the Resources section. Why do you hate money!? 😛