Episode-2397- Expert Council Q&A for 3-1-19
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Today its Friday so it’s time for the expert council show. To ask a question for a show like this, just send an email to me at jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with “TSPC Expert” in the subject line.
Today on The Survival Podcast, the expert council answers questions on data privacy, a/v production, apps, working with developers, first aid kits, intermittent fasting, funding education and more.
In the body of your email first tell me the council member your question is for. Second ask your question concisely in one to two sentences maximum. Third any and all details after that. This is the formula to give you the best chance of getting on the air.
I do what I can to get as many of your questions as possible on the air but can’t always get to all of them. Our council is made of a wide variety of experts in everything from the tactical to the practical and everything in between.
To get more information on our Expert Council visit our “Meet the Expert Council Page” to learn more about them and their specific areas of expertise.
Join Me Today As Our Experts Discuss…
- Keeping your texts, photos and credit cards private on your smart phone – Kim Komando
- Getting good audio on your video production – Aaron Hatch
- How to find a good app builder and should you even build an app – Nicole Sauce
- Making sure your FAK has what it needs for infants and toddlers – Nurse Amy
- All about intermittent fasting – Gary Collins
- Making home schooling work for a 2 income family – Mike and Sue Laprise
- If 529 plans suck, what should you do for your child’s future savings and alternative to a “summer job” – Jack
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- TspAz.com – support TSP when you shop on Online
- Granddaddy’s Gun Club
- Biltong for Breakfast
- TSP Android App
- TSP iPhone App
- Song of the Day Playlist – 2015
- Song of the Day Playlist – 2016
- Song of the Day Playlist – 2017
- Unigo Scholarship Search – Just a start and not an endorsement for this site
- CollegeScholarships.org – Same as the above, not an endorsement
- Tennessee Whiskey – Chris Stapleton
Websites of the Expert Council Members
- MT Knives
- GrassFedHomestead.com
- CryptoGulch.com
- Humble Mechanic
- Living Free in Tennessee
- Harvest Eating
- Old Grouch Military Surplus
- Steven1234.com
- Permaculture Classroom
- A Bee Friendly Company
- Investable Wealth
- NW Edible
- Permies.com
- Primal Power
- GeoffLawton.com
- DarbySimpson.com
- Whole Systems Design
- Doom and Bloom
- HaloBySue.com
- HackMySolar
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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I am a week behind on the show so I just got a chance to listen to this episode. In the response that Nurse Amy gave, she left out two things that I think should be in a medical kit for infants. One is gripe water. The other is a diper rash cream. Now you are going to think that I am crazy for saying this but but the best thing for diper rash is lanolin udder cream made by a company called Corona. You get the stuff at most farm stores. I know that people are going to call that crazy but it was actually our pediatrician that turned us onto the stuff and it works better that anything else you will ever find.