
Episode-2188- Expert Council Q&A for 3-23-18 — 3 Comments

  1. Chef Keith, … they now have sous vide cookers you can control with an app on your phone. 😉

  2. Great job by JR on the AR 10. I have no interest in the AR platform but his answer was easily understandable and he’s obviously well versed on this topic. Possible resource in the future?

    • Thanks for the cudos Alan. Glad it made since.

      There is certainly a deep rabbit hole on AR rifles. From bone stock to mall ninja, and a whole spectrum of calibers in between. I stay very close to a proven manufacturer and bone stock for anything I need to depend on for hunting or fighting applications. Sight/optic, light and a ambidextrous charging handle is all I’ve changed on the house rifle. Lil blue lock tight for good measure =+)