
Episode-1955- Expert Council Q&A for 2-17-17 — 8 Comments

  1. Yes a very Year !
    Also on the generators running on wood gas , Old lawn mower engines with quick change belt drive to a 12 volt generator . Its no Light Sabre but should get you by.

  2. The episode is 1955, the year is 1955, and I was born in 1955. There are listeners who are older than I listening, but the majority will be younger. I am glad that Alex Shrugged is feeling and getting better to continue with the History Segments and Southpaw Ben for helping. I look forward to these segments. But I was appalled that my birthday year was coming up. I don’t want these segments to end. One is never too old to learn something new.

  3. Thanks, Erica, for covering mushroom drying as thoroughly as you’ve shared all the other homemade homemaking projects in your book and blog 🙂 I’m rarin to go with my new Kitchaid oven … hearing the how to from you gives me confidence 😉

    Also, I’ve put info on your FB on how to find you here… for all your bewildered fans 🙂 My advice to them is “buy the book!” if they are ‘looking’ for you…. ox

  4. BTW, Erica, did you notice that putting mushrooms in sunlight for some period of time increases the Vit D content… like… exponentially! ox

    (Thx again for being ‘here’, and for the wealth on your archived blog… I’m still hoping for a ‘gardening’ book… I’m patient….here’s the title “Up (and Down!) the Garden Path” : )

    BTW…no reply expected .. I think we should have an ‘NRE’ thingie for such situations.)

  5. Can someone remind me here what the tri-fuel adapter was, that Steve cited in his presentation? I work in a wood shop while listening and find it hard to write things down.

    Thanks in advance.