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Evelyn Mitchell
Evelyn Mitchell
5 years ago


Link update needed

I tried to link to Darby Simpson’s “A Grass Fed Life” but it’s not on the benefits page. I tried the link “DarbySimpson.com” on this post page which didn’t work, so I went to the members tab and checked “Companies Supporting the MSB With Discount Programs” I found Darby Simpson, but his link”Learn more at http://www.darbysimpson.com “, returns “The Page Cannot be Found.” So either the links are broken or his website no longer exists.

I googled “a grass fed life” and found him but it’s just grassfedlife, there isn’t an “a” in front of it.



P.S.: Those grow lights are a bargain, at least to me. I was going to do fluorescent lights, but I’m going to try these since the price is comparable. I just hope they are still available in three weeks, when my budget opens up enough.