
Jason Christoff on Self Sabotage and Media Control – Epi-2918 — 12 Comments

  1. There is alot of truth here but there’s also false flags which really help to keep the fear going and to control the narrative. It is highly effective because we are afraid to question it, people will think we are nuts but the evidence seems pretty strong in actuality. I haven’t listened to the whole show but it doesn’t seem like that type of thing will be touched on. The CIA also was involved in the deeper mind control methods involving torture etc. Then there is also not the actual or conventional government but the shadow government. I don’t think it’s just government either but mega corporations, international banking etc. It may sound idealistic to focus on government but in actuality, I don’t think much will change. That is why I think say that Trump is better than Biden and it makes sense to tell people to vote for someone like Trump because even if it violates some idealistic concept, from a practical standpoint it will likely mean a better outcome in some way. This could also mean to agitate for voting integrity etc

    There’s not just one type of weapon such as the TV/media etc

    • As soon as Trump told the American public to take an unapproved vaccine, which is proven to be killing tens of thousands of Americans and crippling hundreds of thousands, you knew what was happening. Real leaders don’t the people who follow them.

        • There is no such proof because it’s untrue and is a false claim itself. The attempted citation of VAERS to wrongly justify such a false claim sidesteps the VAERS system’s own warning that it does not provide such “proof” and that the VAERS data should not be wrongly misconstrued or misrepresented as if it does.

        • You are a system level idiot in denial. There is only one thing all honest people agree with about VAERS, the numbers are dramatically under reported and what ever it says is worse than what it says.

  2. I think human psychology is complex. This way of thinking about brainwashing is often applied to religion, though religion can have positive elements. In reality humans tend to operate or think in dogmatic ways so that even an atheist who claims that religion is brainwashing, that atheist himself can have his own dogmatic thinking.

    I was also thinking that you could claim that a sugar pill given as a placebo that actually cures people could be seen as brainwashing but in that case the outcome could actually be positive

    This mention of red/blue also – there seems to be fundamental forces of left/right yon/yang and just as there is also a center point of balance between those

  3. Jason made mention of a list of documentaries on brainwashing he could or would provide. Is there any chance that I missed that list or could it be provided here?

  4. As soon as Trump told the American public to take an unapproved vaccine, which is proven to be killing tens of thousands of Americans and crippling hundreds of thousands, you knew what was happening. Real leaders don’t the people who follow them.