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Jerry Simons
Jerry Simons
4 years ago

We have had real good results with the Black Australorp here on our place nothwest cenral Texas. They are good foragers, brooders, layers and meat birds. We have good luck putting Guinea eggs under sitting Black Australorps they will hatch and raise the keets as if they were chicks.

By the way Guineas is one of the best grasshopper eradicators ever,self maintained, self starters.

A Cassity
A Cassity
3 years ago

Wonderful information. We have been raising and growing our food since 1999. We starting with a garden then graduated into hens for eggs to sell and moved into a much more integrated system of gardening for food seed to seed and hens for eggs, compost makers, next gen chicks and growing our own grains and seeds for the hens. We have assisted many families into raising and growing their food as well. In 2011 we switched our garden method to the backtoedenfilm.com method and have had excellent success particularly in seed saving longevity due to the rich mineral input from the branches and leaf compost.