
Episode-2070- Challenges In Modern Homesteading and Solutions to Them — 2 Comments

  1. Jack in four five gallon wicking buckets we get 25% of our fresh in season. We use vegetables that are not easily gotten in the store.

  2. We are long time homesteaders…in our 60’s. Best advice I can give is to grow less and concentrate on the produce that is easy to grow, harvest and maintain. A small patch of greens and herbs can produce more than the 2 of us can eat in a week. I keep a small kitchen garden right out my back door, it is filled with the items I use daily to cook but in small quantities.
    We also raise beef and chicken for meat and eggs that we sell on farm and at market. The meat sales are our “side hustle” after 30 years of working and owning restaurants (we sold in 2008). We do work in seasonal breaks and time certain activities so we are not over run and worn out. Jack is spot on with start small. Love the idea of wicking beds too. Those are really easy ways to build in everyday versatile food into your systems. We keep it all simple and have systems in place to make it easier for us. “Retirement” ….is great!