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6 years ago

“It’s like being a paraplegic lap dancer. You can do it, just not as well as the others, really.”

Robin Williams

6 years ago

Will be listening to the complete show tonight, just scanned the show notes above and decided to add my observations in life on this topic.

I think I have observed that people with high IQ have a definite advantage in life and in entrepreneurship too.

However I have saw many high IQ guys fail in life often due to alcohol, fast vehicle crashes or other misadventures and bad divorces from crazy women etc.

I have also saw many middle or low IQ guys do very well in life by being steady, consistent and simply good and reliable workers who looked after their health.

It’s sort of like an expensive sports car will generally out run a tiny small car, yet many fast sports cars end up in the breakers yard long before their time while small well looked after cars can last decades and clock up huge miles.



6 years ago

High school drop out. Work my but off in mostly successful businesses. Pulling in over 500 k a year myself online currently. Had to stop making more money do to taxes and well me not willing to work for the IRS 40% of the time. I’m actually this year trying to again make less it’s a battle. No one gets it. If I make less I have more freedom and less tax. Think about what you wish!!! It’s not all good. Money is a problem. Just my quick 2 cents .

Jim M
Jim M
6 years ago

Shows like this are one of the reasons I’m happy to support the MSB. Jack’s perspective, insights and stories in this one are “gold.”

I’ve heard that “you don’t get what you deserve in life, but what you negotiate.”

This episode brought that message home.