Episode-1620- Expert Council Calls for 8-7-15
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Today is Friday so it is time for our ask expert council show. To ask a question for a show like this, just send an email to me at jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with “TSPC Expert” in the subject line.
In the body of your email first tell me the council member your question is for. Second ask your question concisely in one to two sentences maximum. Third provide any and all details after that. This is the formula to give you the best chance of getting on the air.
I do what I can to get as many of your questions as possible on the air but can’t always get to all of them. Our council is made of a wide variety of experts in everything from the tactical to the practical and everything in between.
To get more information on our Expert Council visit our “Meet the Expert Council Page” to learn more about them and their specific areas of expertise.
Join Me Today As Our Experts Discuss
- Jack on something in the rep. debates most didn’t notice – Trump admires Walker
- Ben Falk on skill development for self sufficient living
- Erica Strauss on organ meats
- Bryan Black on the Thermal View app for smart phones
- Gary Collins on Type 2 Diabetes
- Nick Ferguson on a DIY goat milking machine
- Darby Simpson on getting your pigs onto a trailer without killing yourself
- Steven Harris on what methane biogas can and can’t do for you
- Michael Jordan on taking your mead to the commercial market
- Geoff Lawton again on home design now for hot humid climates
- John Pugliano on investing in your business
- Paul Wheaton on an update from Wheaton Labs
- Tim Glance on radio comms that are hard to intercept with no license required
- Chef Keith Snow on making fish and seafood soups
Resources for today’s show…
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- PermaEthos.com
- AgriTrue.com
- Sawtooth Tactical – (sponsor of the day)
- Ready Made Resources – (sponsor of the day)
Websites of the Expert Council Members
- ITS Tactical
- Harvest Eating
- Old Grouch Military Surplus
- Steven1234.com
- Permaculture Classroom
- A Bee Friendly Company
- Investable Wealth
- NW Edible
- Permies.com
- Primal Power
- GeoffLawton.com
- DarbySimpson.com
- Whole Systems Design
Additional Links Provided by the Council
- PermaEthos Plant Propagation Course
- See the Invisible with a FLIR ONE Thermal Camera
- Primal Power Total Men’s Health Package
- Gary’s Fasting Article
- DIY Milker Commented on by Nick Ferguson
- Biogas digester – Introduction – The Little Green Monster – Wally Weber
- BIOTECH INDIA domestic portable Biogas plant
- Paul Wheaton’s Poo Podcast – Yea Really
- DTR-410 Radio 6 Pack
- Squid Brand Fish Sauce
- Red Boat Fish Sauce
- Catfish Tom Yum – Luke Nguyen Fish Soup Recipe I Mentioned – YEP I FOUND IT!
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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Couldn’t find any video of Walker speaking which also showed Trump watching him. This picture is the closest thing I could find.
I just finished watching 2 hours of mind numbing, bullshit talking, political speak, blow air up my ass debate to see if I could find the Trump look at Walker; and didn’t see but a few panoramic views of the other debaters reaction to a question. Geezus krist sheeple are so fucking stupid.
I did see Trump give Rand Paul a couple of death looks.
Holy god, I think I have a migraine!
Holy shit, Another GOP vs Lib bullshit election. WE ARE DOOMED!!! I don’t believe anything will ever change.
Plant a garden and tune out of the politicians… Take care of your family and community.
Good advice Jack . It gives me hope 🙂
Today’s feedback on John’s Diabetes self-care.
I mostly agree with Gary and fully appreciate his information about supplements and possibility of use of some ‘prescriptive’ medications.
I do actually work in the Health Care field and am a CDE (Certified Diabetes Educator).
I do encourage my ‘patients’ to approach the disease in multiple ways.
I’d like to offer more support and if John wants to e-mail me I will be glad to discuss with him. Many of our ‘patients’ need some insulin or meds for a time and then can get off them. My team has developed a year long program for those with DM 2 to reduce weight and get off meds. We have 50% of our participants ( People who have had Diabetes for more than 5 years drop down on meds and reduce their A1c below 6%.). This will be an ongoing follow up for John. Not all CDEs are open to alternatives- so he may have had a poor experience with CDE in his area. I’m also happy to help him locate a CDE that is not a sell out to big Pharma. Best of Luck and Preparation.
I had one major disagreement/confusion with Gary’s comments and that was about alcohol. He said to avoid alcohol as it will spike your blood sugar, and that is what I would have expected before I started researching, but have found alcohol has no carbs. Obviously I’m not talking about beer, but vodka and other unsweetened liquor is always listed as having zero carbs. My daughter is only 8, so I’m hoping I have some time before I have to worry about this, but does the body convert alcohol to carbs as Gary stated? And if so, why doesn’t it get listed anywhere? http://www.calorieking.com/foods/calories-in-liquors-spirits-vodka-80-proof_f-ZmlkPTE0MDUx.html
There is a LOT of disagreement on this issue and I would love to have a panel discussion on it with say Gary Collins, Greg Ellis and Robb Wolf a true high level intellectual debate on what alcohol does to blood sugar, insulin levels, etc.
I don’t think it can directly increase blood sugar, Dr. Ellis has really convinced me of that.
But we all know where it goes, the liver and pancreas. If they are dealing with alcohol especially in levels high enough to create some level of intoxication even mild they are not fully able to do their other jobs at peak efficiency.
So my jury is still out on this one. Now overall if you are type 2, no drinking is likely good advice for many other reasons.
Just looking at the info is confusing? 0g Protein, 0g Carbs, 0g Fat, Cal = 64/oz. !? Alcohol is its own thing? Yes, I understand excessive alcohol is bad, and my daughter is T1 not T2 which changes many things, but I’m realistic enough to know it will happen someday, so best to ask and prepare.
That is Dr. Ellis’ point. Alcohol is not processed like any other caloric source and he claims it has no effect on blood sugar.
He states there are three forms and only three of caloric energy for humans.
Alcohol and fat are directly utilized they are NOT converted to glucose.
Carbs are broken down to simple glucose.
What about protein you ask, well for ENERGY here is the kicker, protein is converted to glucose and you should account for protein at 60% as though it was carbs. Meaning according to Ellis that 20 grams of protein is the same as 12 grams of carbs. I am NOT fully sold on this one either.
I know a lot of really smart people that don’t agree on this and it leave me personally in the not sure camp.
I can’t say I am an expert in these issues but it seems clear to me that this may be an autoimmune issue ( thyroid/ celiac (to mention a couple) which can go undetected in test for years…ask me how I know…) that needs addressing with a much stricter diet. Paleo Autoimmune protocol or GAPS diet has helped a lot of people get off meds. I speak from experience, a life time of it (not diabetic but multiple autoimmune diagnosis between my 17 yo daughter and I). At one point we were both basically stuck at home and slept 16 hours a day. We took pain meds, antacids, sleeping meds, restless legs meds, creams, heart meds, and spent tens of thousands at doctors offices. They just added up diseases and sent us on our way. When my daughter started having issues but worse at 14 and we took drastic measures. Boy am I glad we did. Today we have almost normal activity and take NO medication and have almost NO pain. While I disagree with strict paleo for the healthy person when you are facing the kind of issues this person has it is time for strict and drastic changes as well as good supplementation. Dairy would be the first thing to go (please note we are now Primal ourselves after three years of strict Paleo AIP/GAPS and consume raw dairy).
Also, about alcohol. A healthy person can drink on occasion but this is not a healthy person (type II diabetes that is clearly insulin resistant is a major health issue with complications waiting to happen). It isn’t about carbs. If you read any of the Paleo big guys (yes some are nazi jerks) they will tell you that people with autoimmune issues usually have liver and toxicity issues as well as whole body/system inflammation and the key is to calm that down. Now, I am not saying he will never have alcohol again but he may have to remove it for a while.
It sucks…oh it really sucks to do this but in the end it is so worth it!
I’m with Jack when it comes to Dr. Ellis’ points, which is I think some of it is true, but I think Dr. Ellis is off base on a couple other points. First protein calories can be used as energy, by the process of gluconeogenesis. Fat and protein can be converted into glucose using gluconeogenesis, protein is the easier of the two to convert. Simply, the body will go after protein in the muscles first, because if you have an inability to convert fat to energy or are in a state of starvation our body wants to go after a resource that prolongs life. Why protein first? Because the more protein in the form of muscle you have, the more energy you will burn. Obviously if you are obese, an overabundance of will also cause you to burn calories, because of the additional weight and strain on the muscles, but the fat being in a storage mode does not burn calories, it is just stored. So your body will reduce muscle and use it as energy, thus killing two birds with one stone. The less muscle you have the less energy you will expend, and you will also be able to keep the valuable stored fat for insulation, and also fat per gram has more calories, thus more stored energy for long term survival.
Also if you consume too much protein, you have no way to store an overabundance of protein for later, thus it will be converted to glucose, so that is where I think Dr. Ellis is wrong. In addition, we used to think that fructose since it was processed by the liver had no effect on blood sugar. This has been found to be false. Sure it does not have an immediate effect on blood sugar, but we know that it will eventually cause insulin resistance, which does have an effect on blood sugar long term.
I would argue the same applies for alcohol. Sure it might have a slight or no effect on blood sugar at the time of consumption, but it will have an effect on blood sugar long term through various metabolic pathways if consumed regularly or in overabundance.
Our bodies are always trying to maintain balance, so just because one type of calorie in the form of food or beverage does not cause an immediate change in blood glucose, long term it will have an effect through a different biochemical pathway.
In response to Mac’s response – I agree with most of what you say, but here is one point I want to make. Saying it is probably an autoimmune issue is an oversimplification of the problem. Today almost every American eating the Standard American Diet has an autoimmune issue in one form or another.
Obviously, this individual has a numerous issues going, so saying the GAPS diet will correct them is basically what every so called Holistic Practitioner with a whopping 9 months of training will say. Don’t get me wrong the GAPS Diet has its place, but I think it is an extreme route to take for every health issue that might arise. By changing your diet to a traditional human based diet such as Paleo or Primal, will correct many health issues if done properly.
I wasn’t able to really dig into the nitty gritty of this individuals problems, so not sure how closely he is really following the Paleo/Primal diet. Let’s face it, I have found most people do it completely wrong… Paleo pancakes and muffins anyone! So it could definitely be a carb issue for all we know.
A second point, to say it is not a carbs issue is a little miffing to me. An overabundance of carbohydrates in the form of refined carbohydrates and sugar are definitely the cause of his type 2 diabetes. He sure didn’t get if from eating to much protein, healthy fat, veges, nuts and seeds. What is the main cause of chronic inflammation and stress upon our major organs? Again an over-consumption of refined carbs and sugars.
What I was saying that he may have an intolerance to carbs, which will make his symptoms much, much worse. Sure it is rare, but to say it has nothing to do with carbs, is not something I would agree with. Especially when we really don’t know what is in the 20% of him not following the Paleo Diet is. He did say that he is following 80% of the time.
I was trying to make it as general as possible with the time I had. One thing I do know, almost all of my clients who properly followed the Paleo/Primal diet have turned their health completely around. I have only had to put one person on the GAPS protocol ever, and that was for a very extreme case. The problem was, it was too extreme and they couldn’t follow it, even when seeing results. That is why I’m always careful when it comes to the GAPS protocol, it is not for everyone, and if following the Paleo diet correctly you will almost certainly get the same results.
But you are correct this sounds like a pretty extreme case, so it may be time for this type of protocol, we would just need some more info.
I’m glad you and your daughter are now healthy and have changed your life forever. That is what it is all about 🙂
I would have to agree with you. Most people who try Paleo go about it all wrong and that was one thing that the GAPS diet taught us. We were an extreme case and we really were out of options so it was easy to stick to it. We do very little Paleo treats even three years later since what we are aiming for is a nutrient dense diet (our issues stem from the main issue of malabsorption in the form of Celiac). I get that most can’t stick to it. He reached out for help so hopefully he will listen to your advise and learn to listen to his body. Like you said, good supplements are key. If you can buy it at the corner drug store or the supermarket it probably is going to do more harm.
To address the autoimmune issues I would say this. I am maybe surrounded with a glut of people with them and maybe now I see it in every health issue. That said, I honestly believe that most health issues including AI issues stem from poor food choice or quality.
Thanks for your contributions to the community. I really do enjoy what you have to say. I really do like the Primal method because it is such a common sense and balance approach.
@Richard. Sorry about the late response, this building an off the grid house can eat up a lot of your time 🙂 Per your question of alcohol such as Vodka not having any carbohydrates or sugar, and why it would be something that needs to be eliminated from the diet if you are fighting Type 2 Diabetes. I should have been more clear on what I meant by alcohol. Usually people who regularly consume alcohol, they consume alcoholic beverages such as mixed drinks, beer and whine, not usually a distilled straight alcohol such as Vodka. These “alcoholic beverages” have carbohydrates and sugar. The alcohol contained does not get converted to sugar, so you are correct in your response, but it is an empty calorie, which I will address later.
We know several things when it comes to alcohol and the risk of Type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome:
1. Alcohol increases triglyceride levels
2. Can cause insulin levels to rise
3. Stimulates your appetite and cravings for sugary foods
4. Can increase blood pressure
5. Can cause fatty liver disease when over consumed (very similar to people who over consume processed foods containing high fructose corn syrup).
6. Most alcoholic drinks do contain carbohydrates that are converted to sugar
7. Alcohol reduces your ability to use stored fat as energy, thus increasing weight gain
For a type 2 diabetic all the above are a slow death sentence, at the very least a pretty unhealthy existence.
Now one thing that was missed in your Vodka example. Yes it did not contain sugar or carbohydrates, but it does contain close to 100 calories per 1.4 oz shot. Now lets say you just drink it straight or mix it with seltzer water, you are still going to be consuming at least 100 calories. More importantly these are empty calories, which means they contain little or no nutritional value. Let’s say you consume two vodka tonics a night you are going to get anywhere from 200-250 empty calories. Now remember one pound of fat contains 3,500 calories. If you drink your two low carb, no sugar drinks a night you will consume about 6,000 to 7,500 empty calories a month. So if you are doing nothing to burn these extra calories, which most couple a night drinkers do not, you are going gain around 2 pounds a month in additional fat.
Here is one thing that is certain, continuous alcohol consumption will cause you to store belly fat. There are plenty of studies showing the direct relationship between belly fat (waist size) and your risk for type 2 diabetes. The bigger your waist the higher risk you are for acquiring type 2 diabetes.
I hope this clarifies what I said a bit. It was a pretty complex question, so I’m sure I confused a couple of people along the way.
Thank you for the response. I know this is a complex question. For background I have a 8 year old daughter with type 1 diabetes, so it is very different that the original question. But I asked because in reality, my daughter will, at some hopefully distant point, drink alcohol. I was originally surprised to find they had no carbs, so I wanted to know how to compute that into her insulin dosage and you inferred that it would spike her blood sugar. Jack has in the interim provided some clarity and I appreciate you also taking the time to respond. Best of luck with the off-grid home.
Jack for the first time I think you and I concur about who will win. After last night, I thought Walker was the best man for the job. It is not so much what he said and more how he carried himself, very solid on his convictions.
FTR I have said the same thing a long time so what you are actually saying is you finally see the wisdom of my view. Sorry man could not resist it.
Not so fast. I recall not too long ago that you posted that Cruz would be the next president on the comments section of an episode or maybe you said it. I think it was around the time of the government shut-down.
But anyway, Walker looks like a guy that won’t put-up with BS. I wish he had answered Meagan’s question on abortion and women’s rights a little more clearly (Hell, Rachel Maddow would have gone easier on some of these guys). He kind of fell in the trap. Later, after the debate, I heard him address the question to Hannity as being a false option( or dichotomy).
The only one I can’t stand is Christi.
No no, you are that guy, I never for one second said Cruz would ever be president nor even get a sniff at the nomination. Cruz is way too polarizing to get close, so is Huckabee to pastor like, too much religion even for the GOP. The only guys in this mix that might beat out Walker are Bush and Rubio. If Bush does so the American people have lost what is left of their mind. I will also be convinced it is bullshit an the decision was made at 2015 Bilderberg to keep the Dems in power another term if Bush is the nominee. Rubio, now that guy has the gift for words, his talk appeases GOP with enough red meat but still is somewhat moderate. He has the Hispanic thing going on, he is about 10 times better spoken then Cruz.
Also I can’t stand any of them, I am just analyzing them the way a scout analyzes a athlete for a team even if they don’t like the sport.
Walker this time is like Perry last time, only saying something horribly stupid can wreck it for him. But as we know that can and does happen.
Gary recommended taking Turmeric as part of your supplements, and I believe he is right that it has awesome benefits. I have seen the claim recently that there are huge increases in the bioavailability of the good stuff in there when combined with black pepper and heat. So I have been trying to work it in as a seasoning in cooking more often rather than the capsules I had been taking. Disclaimer – I haven’t tried to track down the associated research to verify if this is accurate.
Heres a cool demo of some high end thermal https://www.mobotix.com/other/Products/Thermographic-Cameras/AllroundDual-M15-Thermal?tab=247145#tab
I install a lot of that brand for work, but have yet to do a thermal install(they are not cheap).
Erica Strauss on organ meats, Great info. Great for my Urban Inner City Homestead. I love the duck heart part. Way to hit every thing you could in the 10mins.
John Pugliano on investing in your business. THANKS ONCE MORE MAN!
Thanks man. One day I hope I can share mead with you.
Not just a full dugout but an All Star Team!
I would like to try a bunt single to add to Gary’s home run.
Prunella vulgaris, a mint family member known as heal-all, self-heal and many other names was an old hillbilly remedy to basically heal anything. Turns out it has tremendous potential to treat a wide variety of ailments without any known toxicity. Looks like a lot of recent research has been done in Asia but little or nothing in the US. I want to focus on type II diabetes. An aqueous extract of Prunella vulgaris (what us hillbillies call Heal-All Tea) was shown to significantly reduce blood sugar in mice. The proposed mechanism is most impressive to me…it is believed to heal or repair pancreatic beta cells. In other words it could actually HEAL non insulin dependent diabetes. It also rich in anti oxidants, vitamin C, thiamine and other B vitamins. It was also shown (in mice) to lower cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides and increase HDL (good cholesterol) and reverse kidney damage associated with diabetes. I do not have a clue what dose to recommend…but may consider adding 1 to 3 cups of tea to the game plan and doing your own homework as well.
Jack got me using comfrey oil and it works unbelievably well. Only problem is that it has the potential to work too well and heal over and seal infection in a wound. So he tells us to THINK and so I started looking for something I could add to the comfrey to provide broad spectrum antibacterial activity and that is how I stumbled on this anti diabetic property of heal-all in addition to it’s ant infective properties. Jack could probably do an entire show on this on plant. If nothing else I will try to get something started on the TSP wiki soon.
I believe jack has done a single show on comfrey. I would be surprised if he hasn’t as much as he likes it.
I believe that episode was dedicated to me LOL
Mine has come back after a brutal winter
I know about his comfrey show — excellent (see my comfrey addition to the wiki)
He also has a great show on mints in general.
I was referring to Heal-All (Prunella vulgaris )…I don’t think Jack has done a show on that but if I get enough info together it may warrant a mention. Assembling info for TSP wiki…may want to check back later…work in progress
When you get the wiki page done email me, this is one I will need to study up on and do some experimenting with first before I could do a show on it.
Heal-All seems to live up to its name more and more as I peal more layers off the onion. It was traditionally a very important herb that has been virtually ignored by modern medicine. I have never heard it mentioned from a permaculture standpoint (not included in Dave Jacke’s plant matrix from Edible Forest Gardens for example.) I have included in a hot infusion with peppermint, lemon balm and purple coneflower to successfully treat sinus/upper respiratory infection but have not used it as mono therapy. Will experiment with Prunella alone for mild infections and reserve combo therapy for nastier conditions. Skeptical but appears effective and non toxic…could suck for Big Pharma if we all start using this herb. My hospital analogs are expensive, toxic and developing significant resistance. Could be a game changer for DM2 treatment if really does heal pancreatic beta cells, maybe those ole hillbillies who used it to treat sugar problems were smarter than we think or just lucky perhaps. Article is complex but making progress…will forward to Jack when sufficiently ready.
Michael Jordan- I was wondering if we could get the Chia Mead recipe? How many Chia seeds would you add to a gallon of mead? Do you add it from the start or do you want for it to settle down a little? Also what types of yeast are you using? Thanks for the help
on chia seed mead. Chia seed can only be used as a finishing agent. I use it as infused meads.
For cherry chia seed mead. this infused juice lightens the alcohol , but leave massive taste.
1/4 cup chia seed to cup of cherry juice. let it set for 48 hours. Pour this mix in your bottle. the seeds are now like tapioca seeds. full of juice. chia will only soak up water and not alcohol so you have to get the juice or water in the seeds first.
This will fill about 1/4 of your bottle. add your mead to the bottle and cap. set to age for one year.
this will be a dam good Chia Seed mead.
Geoff Lawton said Mudroom??? And other …..rooms that I couldn’t really understand
Yes you heard right
Mudroom is basically an ante (or in between) room separating the main living space from the outside/garage areas. It allows you a space to transition from outside to inside where you can get out of the weather and take off your boots and raincoat etc without dragging all the muck inside. Don’t know about the other living spaces.
Phoenix, AZ here voting for the hot and dry rundown by Geoff Lawton. Please:)
Type II diabetes: I don’t really disagree with the answer provided, but there is a whole different way of looking at type II diabetes that was not even alluded to. Most doctors are trained to look at the type II problem from a blood sugar control perspective. The role of insulin sensitivity is largely ignored. In other words, why is my insulin not doing the job, provided that the pancreas is secreting it? One very common explanation is that the triglyceride build up in the liver resulting from excess carbohydrate, especially fructose, over long periods of time, has reached the point where more and more insulin is required to provide the glucose take up and thus reduce the blood sugar levels. Even if you have lost weight by your diet, which would imply that you have reduced your average insulin levels, it may not have been enough to metabolize the fat in your liver, and you still have insulin resistance beyond that of a normal person. A straight forward approach to riding the liver of excess triglyceride is just a 100% fast that might last for a couple of weeks. The first thing to be metabolized in such a fast will be the fat in the liver. If your pancreas is producing enough insulin, the sensitivity may return. Note that this does not require any drugs or supplements, it is brain dead straight forward, and prior to the drug industry this is the way type II diabetes was cured in the latter part of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Google “Jason Fung.” He is a kidney specialist practicing in Toronto, and runs a treatment center based on this approach to type II diabetes. Note that once the drug industry had figured out how to control blood sugar, either with insulin extracted from animals or synthetic insulin or drugs, there was absolutely no incentive to cure diabetes from just fasting and then keeping your carbohydrate intake to a very low level. The reason you have the modern medical mindset of viewing diabetes as a blood sugar problem rather than an insulin problem is just money. If they can sell you Oreos, and the drugs to control the resulting blood sugar, why provide you a cure involving no Oreos and no drugs? Also note that long term type II diabetes leads to a long list of incurable chronic diseases that are a gold mine for the drug industry. They don’t want you dead, but they do want to make you a long term dependable cash flow.
Since you are taking drugs to control blood sugar, fasting may result in very low blood sugar. That is why you need to be under the supervision of a medical doctor if you go this route. One way or the other, look at Fung’s presentations, and be aware of the history behind the treatment of type II diabetes. You may be surprised.
Re: investing in your business
Thanks for your input and the encouragement! Our endeavor involves moving overseas so our ability to start things now while working is limited. But we are doing as much planning and networking now as possible to minimize the setup and startup time (and yes, Excel has been my best friend for both personal finance and business planning!). While I’m still trying to find that ‘sweet-spot balance’ between business investment and financial/retirement investments, at this point we will probably keep holding in reserve the extra money we’ve been putting into the retirement accounts. We have more than a two years’ worth of living expenses already in reserve beyond our retirement and business funds, but it can’t hurt to keep all that extra money in yet another figurative ‘break glass in case of emergency’ fund.
No worries about bursting my bubble Jack, I’m a big boy and if I can’t handle constructive criticism have no business being in… well… business 🙂 Anyway, the business in question involves starting a craft brewery over in Asia. Craft beers and microbrews are only starting to get any exposure there, and there are no such breweries in the location we have our sights on. My assumptions of about 2 or so years before seeing ‘substantial profit’ centers around 1) the extra time it will take to get ourselves and the business established (even with our planning, prior experience, and established connections there), 2) the time it will take to grow the business (startup breweries seldom get much beyond ‘break-even’ until they develop beyond a certain level of production), and 3) the short term local economic conditions (long term we see great potential but currently the local economy is in a bad slump that will likely persist for a couple more years, ESPECIALLY if China’s turmoil continues and/or gets worse). Perhaps I’m being overly conservative, but I’m trying to factor in some ‘pain’ and discomfort being involved (I’m also trying to prevent complacency and stay ‘lean and hungry’ so to speak). But… thinking on what you said, I realize maybe I’m focusing a little too much on the difficulties and potential downside. So I’ll watch for that so this doesn’t develop into a ‘scarcity mindset’. And next time I’ll try to keep my email a little shorter… I didn’t realize how long it was until you read it out loud 🙂
Thanks to both of you,
– Nick
You are pretty darn near correct from my aspect, Samuel.
Now the pharms have come up with u-200 as well as u-500 concentrated insulin.
Must say from my perspective though – some folks really cannot get it together to change their diet and lifestyle adequately without some pharm support and, in my belief system, help from a health educator or dietitian. Yes, many of those educator type folks are Big Pharma shills too! I’m not and law of attraction seem to bring me people patients that can hear it. Good on you for messaging all per John’s question last week.
We do know at least one cause of insulin resistance, excess Iron (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16225476), and this has been known for a very long time. I would check your Ferritin level, when you are feeling, well, not sick. If it is too high, greater than 80(http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/06/05/elevated-iron-levels.aspx), donate blood. Also you can treat insulin resistance, at least in women, with Inositol & Alpha Lipoic Acid(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3765513/).
Turmeric(http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/05/04/curcumin-turmeric-benefits.aspx), and ginger(http://www.lifeextension.com/Magazine/2011/3/Ginger-Good-for-What-Ails-You/Page-01) are good ideas whether or not you have diabetes, as well as some other spices that show evidence that they reduce inflammation(http://www.mccormickscienceinstitute.com/Report-Landing/~/media/Mccormick%20Science%20Institute/Reports/Percival_JACN_312882012.ashx) which will likely lead to a longer lifespan since genes that reduce inflammation are associated with longer lifespans(https://www.sciencenews.org/article/anti-inflammation-genes-linked-longer-lives).
About Erica’s comments on Offal. Pork kidney is a very mild tasting organ meat, sliced thin (1/8″ slices) dredged in salted flour, pan-fried with butter and onions.. the stuff is so good that the kids will eat it all if some is not saved for me.
The first time we tried cooking we cooked fresh, never frozen kidney. While the taste was fine the odor during cooking was nasty. As with many things odor is just as important as taste.
The second year, I still didn’t want to waste anything so I processed the kidneys and froze them. Amazingly after a month in the freezer there was no odor when cooking them. It’s been a must save for eating ever since.
We’ve been raising 15-20 pigs every year for the last 9 years, a couple people will show up on slaughter day for heart and liver and leaf lard but no one yet has taken kidney so we eat a fair amount of kidney for our family of 5. Once we started freezing it for 2 weeks to a month no one has an issue.
Our processing: lay the kidney flat, take a sharp filet knife and slide it through over the majority of the central vascular structure, flip over and repeat. Slice in thin (about 1/8″ slices) across the narrow part. Toss the slices in a bowl of water until there is enough to start bagging it for the freezer. Fill quart bags about 3/4 full and add just enough water so you can squeeze all the air out before sealing it and throwing it in the freezer. Leave it in the freezer for 2 week to a month.
Cooking: Thaw, drain enough so it is dry enough to use the “shake-n-bake” method to easily coat it with salted flour. Pan fry it in butter or lard with onions. Once browned we usually toss it in a 9×13 cake pan and give it another 30 minutes @250 in the oven just to make sure it is adequately cooked.
If you have never tried pig kidney is has a very different texture. It is difficult to explain. Some people are put off by the mouth feel of liver… kidney is nothing like liver nor is it remotely like a muscle meat such as heart… you’ll have to try it 🙂
There is an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern that takes place at some Caribbean island (which I don’t remember) and they eat beef kidney just tossed on the grill sliced about 1/2 inch or perhaps a bit thinner. It is cooked literally minutes after butchering.
He says it is fantastic and attributes it to the diet of the cattle. In that they have never eaten a thing other than pasture. He notes that generally he personally doesn’t like kidney. And with what I have seen him eat, that says something. LOL Can’t find a snippet of it on youtube unfortunately.
Hi Paul – I’d say *your* pigs probably give you delicious kidneys because of how they are raised, and the pastured beef kidneys from the show Jack mentions are likely the same.
Nothing is quite like the filtering organs for variability – healthy animals give healthy organs, and this shows most dramatically in the liver and kidneys. Animals fed diets that they shouldn’t eat, or that are sub-optimum in nutrients, are more likely to grow icky, possibly diseased kidneys and livers. Properly fed and cared for animals aren’t going to be filtering out so much nastiness and will certainly have better tasting filter organs.
Young animals will also tend to have milder flavored kidneys – the best kidney dish I’ve ever eaten was veal kidneys with mushrooms and cream prepared in a very traditional French way.
I can’t say I’ve had a great experience with pork kidney. I will try to literally scoop up the kidney from the next whole pig I buy come slaughter day, and try your freezing trick – that’s a really cool thing to learn, thanks man.
Jack – I’m all in on heart meat as meatier than meat. I love that flavor intensity about it. So no argument from me there. But do try some of that duck heart chili one day. Something tells me you aren’t going to run short of duck hearts any time soon. 🙂
Ercia you are a great asset to the show. We do a lot of offal, ferments, and the like around here. I just love your in depth responses! I would love for Jack to do a whole show on Kombucha, milk and water kefir, beet kvass etc with you. Maybe even delve into continuous brew Kombucha with green tea (we can’t do black due to tannins and caffeine (heart issue).
I like Alton Brown’s show Good Eats. I like the nerdy food science part of it, could do without the silliness, but I learn a lot of tricks from that show.
I just love these shows Jack. So well rounded. I have one complaint…all other Podcasts are now boring compared to yours!