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Brian C
Brian C
11 years ago

Concerning the Alaskan’s question. Read the book “Go North, Young Man” by Gordan Stoddard. It’s a true account of homesteading in Alaska on the Kenai during the mid 20th century. He relates his experience raising chickens in that environment as well as his other challenges. It’s a good read that was given to me by my grandfather when I was a young man.

11 years ago
Reply to  Brian C

Thanks for the book recommendation! I’ll see if I can get it at the library or Amazon.

11 years ago

The La Mera Mera looks really neat, but any idea if there is an American company offering something like these? http://www.ecofogao.com.br/ (the site is Brazilian thus in Portuguese) or a company that sells in the US?

11 years ago
Reply to  Jacqueline

So glad so see your comment on this company/stove! I saw these about a year ago and am very intrigued. The company has a site in English – http://www.english.ecofogao.com.br/index.html – but the best images are on – http://www.ecofogao.com.br/ – I would so love one! Jack how about working on this one, too!

11 years ago

Hi Chris, I have a few friends that raise chickens in your area. They have had issues with dogs, coyotes, bears, wolves, owl, and eagles sniffing around their chickens. You should look into building a sturdy electrified fence, giving the chickens an area of overhead cover that they can retreat into (discarded gill net can work well), a getting a guard dog or a guard goose. Use common sense about bears, you know how many people get mauled every year in the area. When I lived in that neck of the woods I good results growing rhubarb, cabbage, potatoes, greens, and carrots. Get varieties that are tolerant of long hours of daylight. Alaska master gardener’s website publishes proven varieties and other good information.

Brian W/NorIDhunter
Brian W/NorIDhunter
11 years ago
Reply to  AaronInAK

While I don’t live in AK, Nor ID has a lot of similar predatory issues. As mentioned in the show and above, small carnivores and raptors took much more of a percentage of our birds than the large ones. Jmtc, I really think the “hoop house” of cattle panels from Homestead Adviser that Jack featured a couple shows ago, configured to a chicken tractor is going to be the way to go for us this year. And it would be easy enough to electrify it with a solar charger/controller for additional deterrence. And since the birds don’t need as much “head space” as a greenhouse, one could widen the footprint some and still use the panel concept to support some hardware cloth, shade cloth etc.

CJ Verde
CJ Verde
11 years ago
Reply to  AaronInAK

I had a bear & cub try to get into my coop but since I built a chicken fortress the bear couldn’t get in (another story for another time).

The key thing I’d like to share is that I don’t think the bear was going after the chickens – she was going after the chicken food! So don’t keep chicken food in an unsecured location.

11 years ago
Reply to  AaronInAK

It seems like several people are suggesting electrified fencing, so it would seem like a system involving an overhead covering, electrified fencing, physical barrier, and chicken coop. Thanks for all your help!

11 years ago

Jack, I live in South Louisiana, its wet here, real wet at times. I have 2 acres and a good bit of it holds water, and the water table is inches below grade at times of the year. With out digging ponds, can you give sugestions on how to garden and grow fruit trees in what some would call a hard wood swamp flood plains.

David T.
David T.
11 years ago

Good to hear the use of Aloe for shaving! I work a job where I have to stay clean shaven 6 days out of the week and I HATE putting the shaving gels full of crap on my face every day. I’m going to give this a shot with the giant aloe plant we have living in our sunroom! Thanks!

11 years ago

So would it be too extreme to say that based on the TED presentation and all the talk about paddock shift that what we need is roaming CAFOs operations? Does this just prove that the idea of CAFOs isn’t necessarily a bad thing; its the stationary execution of it that is murder? The entire model and definition could shift, getting away from feeding the grain, and start helping landowners around the country renew their land (eat the forage available, poop, and then move on). That picture he had with 20,000+ sheep is what got me thinking about it.

11 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Maybe I should have added some type of sarcasm/irony tag.

Jack, you outlined the same stuff I was referring to in my post. My point was simply that the solution appears to be high-density grazing animals that move from place to place. A CAFO is high-density as well; nothing else is redeemable, but we as people at least realized that getting all these animals in one place is good. We just had all the wrong reasons and answers as to WHY it was good.

That is the only reason that I mention it, and suggest that maybe CAFOs in the future should come up with a business model that can move creatures from place to place and start to fix the land. We don’t have the luxury of open range anymore; so it would need to be setup as some type of business operation dealing with all the legal and liability issues and such. All the nasty stuff that CAFOs currently are, from grain to antibiotics, could possibly become non-issues. CAFO-on-wheels if can imagine.

Trust me, I am not advocating CAFOs, or saying in their current state of being they are wonderful. They are not. However, I don’t see how a family farm or ranch could get the numbers he is discussing in the presentation to start the fixing process. You would need to pool resources, and that is when this CAFO-in-name-only would step in.

Chris Fox
Chris Fox
11 years ago

Another video on the effects of mob grazing. Presentation from Greg Judy “The Healing Effects of Holistic High Density Grazing on Land, Livestock & People’s Lives”


11 years ago

Yeah, in regard to the first caller asking about raising chickens around bears, definitely look into Livestock Guardian Dogs. They are bred with the instinct to protect your livestock. It’s literally their purpose in life. I’m not sure how many of them can hold their ground against a bear, but it’s worth looking into.

11 years ago

The pond , Goldfish, bait . I use Goldfish buy 4 diffrent size .
I seed the goldfish when the spring rains start, they will sture the bottem up to feed, there poop is none watersoluable and will plug up the cracks in the pond bottem and will seal the pond up from the bottem.
The settlers use fienced in pigs to seal the ponds.
It has worked for me , good luck

Oil Lady
Oil Lady
11 years ago

Jack, regarding the caller from Las Vegas who asked about apartment prepping …..

You mentioned devices for making the bed higher. They are called “bed elevators.” I have two sets of them. They’re great. They can lift the bed up high enough to where you can fit most of the shorter Rubbermaid plastic storage bins containers underneath, and you can especially fit cardboard bankers boxes for document storage.




Joseph DuPont
Joseph DuPont
11 years ago

HOw about putting a layer of PE film over the contaminated land. Put a layer of new dirt and then put one more layer of PE over that? Then a top coat of dirt and plant grass. Even if the chickens peck through the top layer of pE I doubt that the chickens will penetrate the second layer. YOu would have to use a sprinkler to keep the grass from dying. ANy thoughts?

11 years ago

Great point about the lack of community in an apartment complex. After living in 6 apartments in 3 states, I’ve only been able to really get to know one of my neighbors. I’ll be moving into a condo soon and I think the community there will be a little stronger since the average residence time is much greater.

Also, keep in mind that when you rent an apartment, that means that somebody has a spare set of keys to your place. I know that they tell you they keep them in a “secure place”, but surely everybody in the office at least knows where the key lockbox is kept.

11 years ago

Nice show Jack,
Thanks for the fuelwood hedge piece. Ben

jake olson
11 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Thanks for being on the show Ben! I’ve been hoping you’d get on the expert council for months. Seein’ as how I’m in Minnesota, I always want to hear more permaculture experience from a north woods perspective.

Just want you to know, I think the TSP episode you and Jack did after he’d visited VT was one of my favorite episodes ever.

11 years ago

Haven’t tried these yet, but would to hear from someone who has.


Jason Bruns
11 years ago

On the subject of mice in the garden this time of year. At our house our flock of 33 chickens is harder on mice than our cat. Many times a week we see it happen. Generally when we look up and see the chickens all running after one bird with something large hanging from its beak it turns out to be a mouse. They then convert it into “high protein” eggs.
I have witnessed this behavior while visiting friends that have chickens.

11 years ago

On radios,
Rather on walkie-talkies, ..
Be sure toremove the batteries when not in use,
Or put a thin plastic spacer in to divide the circuit.

I bought moderately priced motorola’s for work, and after sitting aroung – unused , the batteries were always severely drained.
(Yes , they were ‘off’.)

11 years ago

Just for reference, do you have a timeline for when the new silver medallion design will be available? One month, two months, more?

No pressure, I just want to know when I should plan to make another order so that I can start saving.

11 years ago

Hi, first post here not trying to offend. Just listened to Paul Wheaton’s answer to a fellow who obviously “fessed up” to making a mistake and getting some herbicide from the county and was now wondering how to rectify the mistake. Maybe Paul could try to be less of a self righteous DB in calling the poor fellow a bad guy so many times before he pontificated a half-assed solution on how to deal with it. Wheaton is a wealth of knowledge, but needs to get past the hollier than though attitude.


11 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Have to reply to my own post, putting the “DB” in there was way over the line and I apologize for that. I like listening to Paul and that went too far.

11 years ago

Jack, I gillette mark 3, seriously? Any man should learn wet shaving. Get an old single edge razor… 10 blades are $1.76 at the local drugstore a blade lasts a week

11 years ago

oops wrong button. The razor lasts forever, mine was made in 1959. Also a cake of shave cream can last almost a year. Do the math. And its a better shave.