
Episode-1686- Listener Calls for 12-3-15 — 16 Comments

  1. Satsumas are without a doubt the best citrus. The only thing else I would be sad if I had to live without is White grapefruits, but other than that the Satsuma is for me.

    You really nailed it on the head jack. You’ve got to baby them that first year, and maybe even that second winter, but after that…. phew. They need to get to where they are actually growing on their own and really putting out that excellent growth (not just trying to figure out where it’s been transplanted to). That whole first year in the ground it’ll just sit there looking like a lump on a log. If it’s protected well enough over winter (not beaten back too back) it’ll pop out like crazy the next year. Even a little bit of citrus food and phew, it’ll grow.

    We had a large meyer lemon get beat back fairly hard two years ago and for a year it took a little while for it to get its legs back, but this year, goodness gracious its bigger and badder than ever and if we didn’t get any freezes this winter we’d probably have more lemons than we could ever possibly image. (Completely and totally covered in blooms this year). I can’t wait till our satsumas are that size and that level of cold hardiness that even just a lemon has.

  2. Jack let us know how your new worm bed works, I have tried everything, I even filled gallon buckets full of diesel and set the legs of the stand I had my bed on in the buckets and they still figured out how to get in the bed…I guess they dropped from the rafters….I ended up putting the bed in the house

    • I am thinking a 300ish gallon plastic stock tank full of fish, running a single line to an aquaponics pipe stack away from that tank so they can’t use that and doing pretty much what you did, and suspending the tank over the water.

      Dropping in doesn’t do much good if they have no way back out!

      Crazy as it sounds they likely built a bridge with the bodies of the dead across the oil! I figure that will be difficult if fish are eating any floaters.

      In my grandson’s words, “I hope so”.

  3. I’ve thought about using (earned) allowance as a way to teach children about taxation.

    Hand your kid $10, then take $4 back.
    …This $1 is for Mommy and Daddy’s medicine.
    …This $1 you can have back when you’re all grown up.
    …This $1 we’ll use to buy bullets to keep us safe.
    …This $1 goes to your little sister because she doesn’t have any money.

    That said, I plan to become a father in a few years, so I would be curious to hear how this might work from those with actual experience.

    • No damn way I would do this, perhaps once only to make the point that the government is full of thieves but not as a matter or course.

      My goal is to teach children to minimize taxes not to accept them.

      • It depends on how you approach it. If you’re teaching your kid to think independently, their natural reaction should be:

        “Why can’t you pay for your own medicine?”
        “Why can’t I get all my money now and decide what I want to do with it?”
        “Why can’t I decide if I want to pay for bullets?”
        “Why can’t my little sister work for her own money just like I do?”

        The point is the exact opposite of teaching them to accept taxes. It’s to help them think for themselves, and lead them to understand the real nature of taxation. Maybe you’re right, though; just once to make a point.

        As a side note, when I got my first official pay stub at 15, I realized that Social Security wasn’t an opt-in government program and promptly got pissed.

        • Your kids trust you, as I said I would never take this approach other than as a one time training tool. You should be the anti state to your kids. As you said you will be a father soon, as I said you get a lot smarter when you become a grandfather. It just happens I can’t explain it, I have just experienced it.

  4. Jack, I would love a parenting show from you someday. As broad or as topical as you like, but that money segment was great and I want more!

  5. I would like to have a look at the employee handbook he drew up for his kid. I think this model is the best I’ve ever heard, even for young adults who have missed out on parental instruction.

    My brother hated reading because he is dyslexic, my Dad never believed it even when the teachers told him. He ridiculed my brother to tears, not hurt; anger. My brother didn’t want his children to miss out on the opportunities that reading could provide for his children, so he turned reading into a privilege.

    He did that by allowing his kids to stay awake in bed an extra hour only if they were reading. He didn’t care what they read, short of adult or unhealthy type subjects, comic’s were okay, cartoon, whatever they wanted to read as long as there were words and not just pictures. Every one of his kids grew up loving to read, they all graduated high school with honors, and still love to read, and 3 of the 4 went on to higher education, only one to a true college for a teaching degree. One went to a vocational school to learn a trade, and one is in the Army and I don’t know what he is planning when he get’s out.

    As a backdrop, none of us graduated High School with our class, and so far the only one that went back for a GED was me, and some college courses for things I was interested in. They just couldn’t do anything to make me less curious, I wanted to know everything. But our parents taught us to loath education for the most part, by making it a very difficult experience.

    My brothers lack of reading skill NEVER stopped him. He reads very well now though. But I have to say: “There is no man on earth I admire more.” He has never taken a step backward, never had to ask for anything. Gave and sacrificed time and effort for the good of who ever needed it. Suffered a nervous breakdown and slowed to a crawl for a minute, but as quick as he got a handle on the situation he was back at full stride. But has learned his circle of concern and stopped mixing it up with his circle of influence.

    I am so Freaking Proud of him!!

  6. I just don’t get the actual Constitutional basis for refugees. How is that to the benefit of the American people? Why are we even sending any form of aid? What exactly is the Constitutional basis for that as well? Even James Madison could find NONE, in regards to both foreign and domestic use of tax payer funds for charitable use…

    “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” Annals of Congress, House of Representatives, 3rd Congress, 1st Session, page 170 (1794-01-10). The Annals summarize speeches in the third person, with the actual text of Madison’s quote as follows: “Mr. Madison wished to relieve the sufferers, but was afraid of establishing a dangerous precedent, which might hereafter be perverted to the countenance of purposes very different from those of charity. He acknowledged, for his own part, that he could not undertake to lay his finger on that article in the Federal Constitution which granted a right of Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” The expense in question was for French refugees from the Haitian Revolution.

    “The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.” Speech, House of Representatives, during the debate “On the Memorial of the Relief Committee of Baltimore, for the Relief of St. Domingo Refugees” (1794-01-10).

    James Madison – General Welfare Clause
    “If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare,
    they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish
    and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, everything, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress…. Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America”

    We operate in the red every year, we are taxed more every year, jobs harder to come by every year. How does taking refugees, or for that matter, even taking in immigrants lawfully help the US as a whole? Seems it is more of a drain on the system, and the tax payer. When we were taking in immigrants by the boat load, the country was expanding, building, growing, we are not doing any of that anymore.

    Plus, it makes no difference globally, and might even hurts the world as whole. I think this video explains that pretty well…

  7. I completely agree with your perception of Rick Perry governing by the polls. I’ve always told everyone that he has always reminded me of a slightly more conservative version of Bill Clinton and appeared so because his polls were coming from a more conservative polling group.

    • It was the gardisil thing that showed him fully though.

      The most telling line in the story is “Merck’s Texas lobbyist at the time was Mike Toomey, Perry’s former chief of staff.”

      It is worse then reported there. Here is what it doesn’t say

      At the time of this executive order it was the ONLY executive order Perry ever issued.

      Not only was Toomey his former Cheif of Staff, he actually had only left that position a few weeks before the Order was signed and went strait from Perry’s office to his new job with Merck. Merck of course is the sole source of the vaccine.

      Perry stated when asked why he did it, this, “by requiring it by law, it forces government and insurance companies to pay for it, this will make sure all girls get the vaccine and can afford to do so”.

      This action had the potential to make Merck billions just in Texas alone. It also was a template to go state to state and get it done.

      And slick Rick jumped the gun, likely this would have sailed through both houses and passed with flying colors and had public support that way. Merck got greedy, cut the deal and in the end that cost them. It was only the way that this was done that woke up Texas parents. In the end it was a good thing, we learned Perry was a total scum bag and real scrutiny came to this overall useless vaccine.

  8. About the kids earning their allowance, what would you do when the kid would rather not get any money than do the work?

    • Use it as a teachable moment. When you provide value it is natural to receive value in return. It is great to volenteer, to help others and expect nothing but you also need to make sure you earn enough to care for yourself and others. There is work we do just to help, there is work we do around a home as part of a family and there is work we earn something for doing. We do all three types of work.

      All three have different obligations.

      Work just to help others comes with an obligation to community.

      Work for the household comes with an obligation to family.

      Work for income comes with an obligation to the party paying you for your work.

      These obligations are all different, and not meeting those obligations have different consequences in life. I want to make sure you learn about all three so you can grow up to be an awesome adult.

  9. +1 on the Midas Touch from DFH. My opinion of this brew:
    Brewed with barley, honey, white muscat grapes, and saffron. Pours a clear golden amber with some super fine white bubbles. A unique and successful brew. The guys at DfH make some real real good stuff. Sweet & refined; this beer/wine hybrid from the centuries (literally 27 of them) old recipe is light and almost reminiscent of a white wine and yet supremely balanced with enough golden barley to not let you forget you’re drinking beer. Just as comfortable out on a picnic of fine cheeses in the park, or out in the back yard grilling the bluegills you just caught. Light and airy mouthfeel as the bubbles turn your taste buds to gold. Finishes clean and never cloying. Truly a drink fit for a king. Do enjoy.

    If you like beer and guns, check out other beer reviews on the INGO (Indiana Gun Owners) forums. It’s the “beer snob” thread in the break room. It’s a good community and not just for Hoosiers.

    Also my Cascade hops does fairly well here in Northern Indiana (zone 5).