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12 years ago

This if for the lady that wants to grow inside. Citrus get thorns and you will need a fairly large pot so if you have to move it alot I wouldnt recommend it. I do this, but I just move them into the garage over the winter with reflected light. I can recommend Ginger for your inside garden, it does well with diffused light and moderate warmth. Its edible, medicinal and is very easy to grow.

12 years ago

As per the window protection, I was looking at:
I was think about getting this for my house, but I wasn’t sure if it would work like they say. Has anyone used this product?

12 years ago
Reply to  Dave
12 years ago
Reply to  Dave

different film product…seems to be better

12 years ago

Now mind you I know nothing about running a web site. Shoot I barley get around facebook. So if this sounds dumb or old fashioned then just have a good laugh and enjoy your day. What would help me share some shows would be a way to add a favorite button. So I could save my fav shows flagging them some how and then I could easily email the link. Or relisten to them without having to do a long search or go to my own note tablet.

12 years ago
Reply to  Roundabouts

Survive! is a native android app I wrote (with Jack’s blessing) featuring TSP content (and only TSP content) that supports episode sharing via twitter or email.


Jason Washburn
Jason Washburn
12 years ago
Reply to  libertyzeal

I loved the android app. Switched to IPhone wish there was an app for it.

12 years ago
Reply to  libertyzeal

I too really enjoy that app. I put it on all my ‘Droids and on the ‘Droids of everyone i know.

12 years ago

I took out some glass with bomb resistant film on it once. Run the film off the edge of the glass onto the frame. It was a chore to get the window out. I had to work at it for awhile. Glue laminated glass in with the right caulk and you would accomplish the same thing. Some glue used in windows is tougher then the glass. I am a glazer for a living is how I know.

Russ Mahy
Russ Mahy
12 years ago

Hello Jack, I am a new listener to the podcast, and have been following your permaculture series on youtube. Great job on both, no bullshit, cut to the facts. I have five acres in a really awesome corner of the world called the Comox Valley on the eastern slope of Vancouver Island. It is rough and tumble but your videos have given me the inspiration to make it work. Thank you.

12 years ago

All, in addition to carrying a gun being more important than it’s caliber, shot placement is more important that carrying lots of ammo. One of the trends I am seeing across Afghanistan is soldiers who have to hump the hills are shedding ammo. Most carry between 8 and 10 30-round mags, max, often less. What they are finding is, if they maintain fire discipline and shooting fundamentals, that is sufficient, even in a multi-hour firefight. If that is true here, it is even more applicable in a situation like the Aurora cinema, where 1 or 2 well placed shots will be all you have time for and essential to prevent you causing collateral damage. Unless you are a trick shooter, take the extra second and engage your sights if you are beyond contact range. And TRAIN!

12 years ago

For sharing a page on Android: Hold your finger on the title of the podcast/post. A menu will pop up with the option to Share link. You can share it via email, sms, or any other program on your phone that can post links. By the way Jack, you should make your next phone an android because it is so much more capable than an iphone because apple locks your phone’s capabilities out. Sorry, I’m a recovering nerd.

Robert Seals
Robert Seals
12 years ago

You mentioned the tragedy in Colorado today (I live in Colorado). My first thought was like yours, “I wish there had been someone with a conceal carry”. But then a thought came to mind. What would be worse for conceal carry advocates? What if the theater or studio decided to do a dumb stunt and had an actor come in and do something like this as part of the movie experience and someone took it as real and used his concealed gun to take him down. Would people look at that as a reason to get rid of concealed guns? I still wish their had been someone there to take that bastard down!

Robert Seals
Robert Seals
12 years ago
Reply to  Robert Seals

How true, how true.

Russ Mahy
Russ Mahy
12 years ago

When it comes to the economic crisis, do you see Canada as “the 51st state”. My government is trying to sell the farm on the tar sands and is pushing hard to fast track projects like Northern Gateway and Keystone XL. They are dumping any scientist that opposes the projects and are creating omnibus legislation reforms to further push their agenda. They have no respect for the indigenous people of this land or the environment that we share with our neighbours to the south. We are in some deep shit up here too, but nobody has the sack to admit it. We didn’t feel the crunch so much in ’08, only because of our smaller population and a different banking system.

Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
12 years ago
Reply to  Russ Mahy

I personally think Canada is one the better places. Not necessarily from a fiscal point of view, but societal. I live in Prince Edward Island, relatively crime free and the generosity of Maritimers is a plus . The climate here is pretty good, we are surrounded by water, so in SHTF, fishing is an option. I see you are on the west coast, so you share similar attributes,(plus a warmer winter climate)

My 2c

12 years ago

Will we need to show proof of MSB? If so what do we need to bring?

Jason Washburn
Jason Washburn
12 years ago

Thanks Jack

12 years ago

Re glass film; When building our house, I shopped for windows before framing the window openings and found a place that sold mis-ordered, overstocked, and auctioned windows. I had approximate sizes for the windows and they had a bunch of fixed thermal units (double pane) that had tempered laminated safety glass on one pane and plain tempered on the other. I used two in my upstairs. Those things would have cost big bucks retail, but were sold at the same square foot cost as their other thermal units. I’ve also seen laminated glass units at Habitat for Humanity but were huge and I couldn’t use them in the house at the time. Wish I had got them for future greenhouse.
Oh well….

12 years ago

I know that you can put polycarbonate (also known as Lexan) behind your window to protect it. The video in the link is in Swedish but you can get an idea of how it works.


Sarah @ The Claiming Liberty Blog

Regarding mobile homes, I have some experience that I want to share. In 2009, we became first-time home buyers. We bought a manufactured (mobile) home that was set on a permanent foundation and then a modular home was added to one end of it to increase square footage. These homes were manufactured around 1990, so we were thinking the age wouldn’t be an issue.

My parents kept giving us grief. “It’s just a trailer on a foundation. It’s not worth anything. You’ll never get out of it what you’re buying it for.” And the nagging went on and on. 🙂 The fact of the matter is though, we never would have gotten over 2300 square feet on 3.5 acres if the house were site-built. We bought the house thinking that my husband was handy enough that we could overcome most any issue and vastly improve the value of our homestead to leave ourselves options.

Here’s what we’ve learned though.

1) Mobile homes (regardless of whether or not they’re installed on a permanent foundation) don’t sit empty well. Our home sat empty for 4 years before we bought it, and the manufactured side faired much worse than the modular side.

2) Mobile homes don’t make good “fixer-uppers”. We’ve discovered disaster after disaster as we’ve tried to fix things on the manufactured side of our home. The manufactured side has that typical “trailer” wall paneling. By the time we’re done, it’ll all get replaced with drywall, but things would have been SO much easier if it’d started out that way. Nothing in the manufactured side is of standard size, and dear GOD do they love staples and adhesives when they’re putting those homes together. The modular side is MUCH easier to ddeal with because it’s just like a site-built home. In fact, I wouldn’t have known that it was modular had it not been for the manufacturer tag and the “modular, manufactured” look. (It’s kinda hard to describe unless you’ve seen a bunch of those homes at a factory/retail site.

3) Knowing what I know now, I’d take a modular home any day of the week. And even knowing what I know now, we still would have purchased this home (because it beat being a renter, and we do have 3.5 acres too.) Mobile homes, even when set on a permanent foundation like ours, simply won’t last the same way a site-built home will. Because they’re made with lighter materials, it’s a lot easier to abuse them without even trying and it’s a lot harder to fix them when you DO mess something up.

I’m grateful for my homestead, but if I ever have to move, I won’t live in another mobile home that’s been set on a permanent foundation, not even if it’s brand-spanking new. It’s worth the extra bit to hold out for a modular home or a site-built home that doesn’t come with nearly the headaches, in my opinion, anyway.

12 years ago

Jack is right about certain tree needing cold days, and I had the same thought about growing indoor trees, so I choose some tropical plants last year. I have a dwarf olive tree, a dwarf lemon tree, a dwarf pomegranate, as well as a pinapple plant. I received them last Summer, they were outside last then, inside last winter, and now outside again. So far no olives; 1 lemon picked and a few on the way, 1 pomegranate developing, and I believe a pineapple developing. I may post more on our experience in the future.

12 years ago

Quick note about saving seed from the grocery store. Last fall we picked up a spaghetti squash from whole foods. Labeled organic and heirloom, I figured I’d give it a shot.

Got a nice pile of seeds from the squash and we planted it in our field this spring. So far, we’ve harvested around 50 squash from our platings and it’s still producing. Note that the items planted in our field are weeded…and that’s it. The vine borers dont seem to like them (bonus), but the deer like them, but I’ll deal with that this fall. 🙂

We are saving seeds from the squash this year and plan on replanting next spring.

I know it can be hit and miss…but it may be worth a shot!

Ronnie in Iowa ~Veronica Deevers
Ronnie in Iowa ~Veronica Deevers
12 years ago

Jack….thank you for your very kind compliments. You made me cry happy tears!! // I will try out the indoor gardening and follow your advice. I’ll photograph as I go and keep accurate records so I can hopefully share my successes (and failures) as it progress. As always, thank you SO much for everything. You’re an earth angel.

12 years ago

Jack, Concerning the fellow who asked for a better means of sharing individual shows with his friends, I often click the recommend buttons following news articles online. Can you provide a Facebook button that we can click to share your messages on Facebook like the ones we see following news articles?