Episode-918- Listener Calls for 6-8-12
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Today I take your calls on special property tax rates for the elderly, ammo storage, teaching children self sufficiency, business, 2012 and more.
Remember to be on a show like this one just pick up your phone and call 866-65-THINK. The best way to improve your chances of being on the air is ask your question or make your point up front, then provide details.
Also please do your best to call from a quite area with a good connection and speak up so you can be well heard. I can’t put all calls on the air but I do my best to get most of them on.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls On…
- Should seniors and non seniors pay different property tax rates
- How we can encourage self sufficiency in children especially our daughters
- A shout out to a great organization helping our injured soldiers
- Making Dec. 21, 2012 a “day of great change” by choice in your own life
- Hugelkultur – again guys in most instances wood is wood is wood, just bury it
- Thoughts on business model emulation
- How to know if straw mulch is safe to use and herbicide free
- Using hand warmers as O2 absorbers with stored ammo
- The role of low caloric veggies in paleo nutrition
- Separation distances for seed saving
Resources for today’s show…
- Members Support Brigade
- Join Our Forum
- TSP Copper
- MURS Radio – (sponsor of the day)
- Bulk Ammo – (sponsor of the day)
- WarriorHike.com
- Seed Saving Separation Distances and Procedures
- Squash Species Varities
- Calorie and Carb Count in Vegetables
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK and you might hear yourself on the air.
Great link for seed saving tips, Jack! Thanks.
Hey Jack, idea for a podcast. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do an episode on being a good man/father and or a parenting according to Jack episode. If you’re a man, being a real man is the ultimate survival skill.
In the question of property tax, you made the point of equal burden, then ignored your own point. These folks are not on equal footing, you said it yourself, they earn way less and are prevented from earning more. I may have missed how you accounted for this descrepency(?) in income to apply to these taxes, but they do not have the equal money to pay for inflated taxes. Where does this money come from? I am fortunate to have become disabled in service and do not pay taxes, but because I find myself in their position I find the necessity to ask from this point of view, I hope to bring this to light responsibly and not to come across as a whiner.
Great Day
@Shorty, equal burden isn’t about what you make if we are taxing property only if we are taxing income. Equal burden on property is about the value of the property. Also seniors are not “prevented” by any law from earning more, deciding when to draw your benefits is a choice, they are free to keep working, etc.
Again my view is neither income nor property should incur tax. In this case though my solution is locking the assessed value for a citizen living in a community at retirement age. It is not ideal but it also isn’t about being fair, it is about community stability.
I did misspeak, a little, they are only able to earn the poverty level through SS (Social Security) and I do apologize. Point well taken, it is about burden, which I did overlook. Community stability is not so stable when you have taxpayers forced into taxes they can’t pay due to government interference and that includes the entire tax base, not just those who do not really have the opportunity to truly earn.
Should seniors pay the same property tax rate as the young. Of course the tax rates should be the same. I am 67 years old and the only tax break I get on real estate taxes is not having to pay school taxes on my primary residence. That is not a break in the tax rate. That all having been said there should not be property taxes nor income taxes. Those are all taxes on being industrious and willingness to work. All taxes should be on what you use from the public sector not on what you produce for yourself.
Hello – as a man married for almost 36 years, and the father of three daughters, ages 33, 31, and 29, I really appreciate all you said about how to raise a daughter so she will make good choices in her life. I have already done what you are encouraging others to do, and am here to let everyone know that it works. All of my daughters are doing well. One is married to a great guy and they have three children. One is getting married next Saturday to a really good guy, and the youngest is still looking.
When talking about modeling the right behavior for our daughters, it is VITAL that they see us treating our wife in a way that shows them how good marriage can be, so they will want a similar marriage when they find the right guy.
With respect to the topic on daughters, my approach is to spend as much time as I can with mine. I try to spend equal time with both my son and my daughter, both with the two together and just with Dad. She comes along on what is traditionally considered guy stuff (fishing, hiking, Scout outings, etc.) My wife sets a good example and takes the same approach with the kids.
For some light reading, fathers might want to check out Doug Gile’s book Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls.
Check out the video trailer for a synopsis. You may not agree with all of it, but there is decent material on raising independent young ladies and a healthy dose of satire, which I consider to be a huge asset in a how-to book.
Jack, your analysis of the daddy/daughter relationship is spot on. I take pride in pushing the bar ever-higher for my daughter’s perception of how a man ought to be/act. We’re both better for it.
Examples w/ my 4 year old: I invite her to help me in the garden or with home projects and I tell her the steps as we go along, just saying what I’m doing. When she asks “why” I give her a partial explaination and try to relate it to self sufficiency, science, or whatever’s a bit over her head. The point is to throw out a few options for further conversation and let her steer where it goes. I also try to give her some tasks along the way so that hands and mind are both engaged.
When she gets a boo-boo I encourage her to be tough about the pain, but I also make sure to express concern and clean/band-aid the cut or scrape. “We take care of our bodies, it’s something we can’t replace.”
Re eating vegetables: my understanding is that we need both macronutrients (fat, protein and carbs) for fuel and building blocks, and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) for facilitating the chemical reactions that allow us to do things like convert fats to hormones, proteins to muscles, build bones, activate neurons, etc.
We eat low-calorie colorful veggies primarily for the vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants that they provide. Back in the day I think the division of labor simply had some gathering roots and greens while others hunted. Thus, at the end of the day the group (hopefully) ate protein, fat and veggies.
this was a great podcast and I’m catching up on FMWJ. … I’m on the one where you say you listen to me[you] cause we like you.
Jack you’re the best and an inspiration. 😀
thanks & sorry for being an asshole in some of the comments I’ve left.
Im not into the mayan calendar mumbo jumbo. there is def a consciousness shift happening. It seems like a good thing.
Fiber is not directly digested in the first parts of the gut.
However, it is metabolized by colonic bacteria, which *do* produce SCFA (short-chain fatty acids), which are a source of energy. The colonic epithelial cells preferentially exist on these compounds, and the release of SCFA’s into the bloodstream keeps you from “bottoming out”.
A huge plus with the Protein Power or any other (starch) carbohydrate-avoiding paleo diet.
So that lettuce and broccoli isn’t “empty calories” aside from the miniscule amount of starch (that Jack has pointed out).
On this kind of diet I once went for 17hrs without any additional food and then ran 7 miles without feeling too wiped out. Contrast this with feeling hungry all the time on the conventional starch-heavy diet!
Plus the vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other uncharacterized good stuff.
Eskimos (sic) are kind of the exception that proves the rule… Works out, but it seems likely that most paleo- diets probably included greens. Heck, anything we could find that worked.
Huge props to the Jason! Simply awesome.
If parents paid directly for their children schooling, I would bet they would expect alot more out of their educators and waste would be trimmed down to almost nothing. (will this happen? no!) I have a problem paying for teachers who get great retirement programs and early retirement packages and some of the BETTER PAYING JOBS in the county, always building schools because kids can’t learn in trailers (why can’t they learn in trailers?). If educators could be sued for malpractice because they knew what worked but refused to apply that program, every public school and most private schools would be out of business.
If you have a lot of sawdust you could use it to create a substrate for growing mushrooms.
On daughters, teach your sons too to show respect too, it does have impact. I had an interesting talk with a son’s girlfriend. She told me how thankful she was for dating my son. (She was very athletic-team captain, gorgeous, and Valedictorian) How she’d never dated any one who respected her as a person before, valued her opinion, thought of her more as an individual with a mind of her own, not a pretty thing to show off. And whether they stayed together or not, he had changed her life forever by realizing there was so much more to a relationship, and would never, ever settle for anything less. It blew me away that this poised, popular young lady who seemed to have it all together, had no idea how young men should be expected to treat her.
Re: Daughters. I got my brother the book Strong Fathers Strong Daughters when he had his first daughter. It pretty much echoed what you said – provide an example of the man you want her to date. Good book