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11 years ago

Heard the Texas spot this morning while driving in this morning.
My wife and I have been talking about moving out of NY at some point and Texas is on the short list for our own Escape From NY.
It’s funny, in the movie NYC had a better government.
More likely we will buy some land in NH or PA and use that at our removal from the stink plan. I just wish moving north in NY was the answer, too bad it’s the same state government.

11 years ago

Could that guy with a spring in the basement have an artesian well?

11 years ago

I disagree with Steve Harris. I keep a few of these with spare belts and other somewhat soft things tightly packed in a rubbermaid container in the trunk of my car in case I need it or someone else does.


11 years ago

Another thought for what to do with a spring delivering 4 gallons/min of cool water would be an air conditioning system. 4 gallons a minute of 60 F water could theoretically provide the same level of cooling as a 2 ton AC system. Not enough to keep your standard American house at 68 on a mid-July day, but nothing to sneeze at either. With a small house, or a very efficent house, that MIGHT be enough to keep things comfortable even in a very hot climate. Particularly if you’re willing to let the house get a little chilly overnight and take some measures to have some significant thermal mass.

Joe S.
Joe S.
11 years ago

About 30 years ago I owned a condo garden home that had a spring in the basement. The water continuously filled a sump pit in the basement from under the house. They had to drive in pilings to support the foundation, but it was certified safe, so we bought it. The sump pump would run about every minute, and If I recall, it pumped into a storm sewer. The water had been tested and was beautiful. If I had the place today, I’m sure there are a lot of things I’d find to do with that water, like that water cooled A/C system that Jake suggested!

11 years ago

A spring in his basement is probably what he meant . I know of 3 houses built with this . They actually build the house over the spring with the basement into the side of a hill. The water in this area coming out of a spring is 52 – 54 degrees . This is middle Tn. It is the evaporation of some of this water that makes a spring house cooler . Makes for great water security in bad times.
Also have seen 1 house with Walter piped in on a gravity system from a spring then a holding tank in an atrium that made a nice water feature.

Desert Dog
Desert Dog
11 years ago


Great episode, and brought back many memories. And yes, we had the same ‘game’ with the toy guns. I believe it was probably universal. 8).

Desert Dog

11 years ago
Reply to  Desert Dog


11 years ago


O.I.T. put 3 feet of straw or hay over your sweet potatoes, carrots, any root veggie and it will stay good through -10 weather, the straw insulates the plant from the cold and even snow and keeps the area at ground level around 56 degrees, try it this year and see if it works, I have heard tell of Amish doing it in -40 and walking outside and having fresh carrots.

Thanks for all you do!

11 years ago

Hey Jack, thanks for taking my call on the TSP continuity plan. I totally botched the question I meant to ask though, due to nervousness on the phone and trying to keep it too short.

I’m in full agreement with you that a large scale collapse is pretty far-fetched, and it’s not something I really give much thought to (I was actually shocked to find that my question came out sounding that way — ears burning with embarrassment). However, I do think that an Internet blackout is very plausible (e.g. recent events in Syria and Egypt). With our online culture, I think that could be devastating to people’s morale, leaving them feeling isolated, vulnerable, and easy to manipulate. So what I *meant* to ask is, if there is an Internet blackout that lasts more than a few days or weeks, do you think there is a way that you could still get your voice out as an alternative perspective on what’s really happening? Obviously it wouldn’t be business as usual, because that wouldn’t even make sense in that scenario, but it could be a brief Q&A session or news swap with other people on shortwave or something, who would then rebroadcast on a medium that’s more accessible (even CB is pretty uncommon these days). There will be a lot of other people broadcasting, but I don’t know and trust them to the same degree.

Anyway, thanks again for the answer and sorry for botching the question on the phone.

Steven Harris
11 years ago
Reply to  Erik

as an expert in communications, ham radio, power etc… I can tell you, if the internet is down. JACK is DOWN. He’s not going to call into WWCR, if they are still in business, and do a short wave broadcast, let alone, if he did, how’d he let you know what frequency he was on at what time…and most people do not have, a short wave radio in their preps today, nor know how to use one, let alone set up a better antenna. Sorry guys…but Jack takes a great deal of time to educate and make you better so you can survive in a situation, when that situation happens, you are on your own. All buy yourself, totally alone, except for your neighbors, friends, family, new people you meet and of course, your entire mp3 collection of Jacks podcasts on your computer or phone that is powered by Steven Harris power methods that I taught you so you’d be able to be illuminated and communicated in a disaster.


11 years ago
Reply to  Erik

A group called the American Redoubt has been building offline communications networks already. Their AmRRON page (http://radiofreeredoubt.blogspot.com/p/amrron-network.html) has information about starting and participating in nets around the country. Their CH3 project is much like what Jack mentioned about a ham getting information via amateur radio, then relaying it over public freqs such as CB/FRS/MURS for anyone who might be listening… on channel 3 of any of those bands. The guy has a podcast called Radio Free Redoubt and while it is geared toward people located in the Pacific NW, it is a good starter for anyone to build a net in their area, pre-shtf. I suggest listening to all the episodes on AmRRON.

11 years ago

Well, today was a first. TSP / Jack may have actually saved my life. Literally.

I just recently switched out the tires on my cars, which were run-flats, into traditional radial tires. The odd thing is that my car, for a number of understandable design reasons, was very much designed to always have run-flats on it because there is no indent in the floor of the trunk for a spare tire.

After ditching the run-flats, and putting on the classic radial tires, I did not feel comfortable driving around without a spare, so my next move was to buy a spare tire this weekend and just “throw it in my trunk”. Now, after hearing Jack today, I realize that this would have been a very dumb move. A spare tire absolutely, and without question, has to be secured in the trunk.

Sure, there is no 100% guarantee that I would have been in a bad accident and that the loose spare tire was going to pop through the back seat rest and take my head off…but there certainly was that risk. I consider myself a pretty thorough and common-sense type of guy, but that spare-tire-of-death scenario had never once occurred to me.

Thanks for the words of wisdom, Jack. You potentially may have just saved my life.

11 years ago

About what was mentioned about things flying around in a wreck especially batteries… My brother had a 4×4 with no roof or windows (1st bad idea)he was riding by himself (2nd bad idea) and didn’t have battery strapped in (3rd bad idea). He decided to see how far he could flex his suspension (4th bad idea). He flipped the truck, fuel runs out of carb, battery shorts out on hood lighting the truck on fire. Meanwhile, having no roof he is pinned in the truck thankfully only temporarily. He got out with no injuries and I now always make sure my batteries are strapped in.

11 years ago

Really liked this episode as I have been considering toy guns for my 5 and 3 yr old. Stopped at the local walmart on my way home and bought a bunch of cowboy 6 guns and caps. We played with the guns after dinner and then watched some cowboy action on you tube. I felt like a kid again.
Thanks for all you do Jack!

11 years ago

I think the guy with the spring said the spring was in the basin.

11 years ago

Hey jack where can one find the type of sweet potato that you were referring to? Do you have the scientific name?

Lee Bouma
Lee Bouma
11 years ago
Reply to  Rjinaz

I think you want to do a google search for “japanese sweet potato.”

Steven Smiley
Steven Smiley
11 years ago


I’m from Colorado Springs and I want to bounce a thought off of you. Many news shows are discussing what to take if you had 10 minutes to your house in the middle of a wild fire. I believe this is the wrong frame. I say you are prepared if you come home from a dinner with your wife and arrive to a house that is already burnt to the ground. Are you ready? (Important Papers (fire insurance paper work, DD214, banking records, etc) , family photos, and financial resources are stored/backed up elsewhere). I would love you thoughts on this.


Steven Harris
11 years ago
Reply to  Steven Smiley

My laptop is my life, and I keep it backed up on a daily basis. I use acronis to back it up to an external hard drive, on occasion I copy this to a 2nd hard drive and keep it at my office. I use Carbonite to back up everything else to the cloud. (carbonite.com), you can also use drop box, google drive, crashplan, mozy. As far as a copy of your important papers, use your digital camera, its faster than a scanner, just put the papers on the floor, use your flash, and take photos of the documents and let them get uploaded. You can use any computer to get to the files if your main computer is burned down.

Also.. make sure you keep photos of all the important stuff in your house, including what is in your drawers, open the draw and take a photo so you can remember what was in it, its easy to have over a hundred dollars of stuff in a drawer. The $@*#*(@ing insurance company also always wants receipts for stuff, so does the IRS, I keep track of ALL of my receipts now with evernote, its a phone app, a cloud application and a PC and MAC application. You can use evernote to keep track of all of your photos of stuff, your important papers, and your receipts, even regular photos and videos.

Anyways, I just did a braindump, google any of the names I mentioned to find them and I hope this helps. – Steve

Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
11 years ago

Ah…the acoustic coupler. I had a Tandy Coco 1 (original tank grey). A soldered kit that brought me to 64k running OS-9 Level II. (From Microware). And a book by Peter Dibble…

Sigh…I would kill to have that machine today…

Norcal Mike
Norcal Mike
11 years ago

For anyone who’d like to follow up on Paul’s reference on earth-sheltered housing the name he dropped is Mike Oehler (just sounds like ailer).

Re: Porter Stansberry – I agree that the teaser video pitches are scammy, but I also think that some of the investment ideas are sound. His podcast is pretty darn entertaining, and free, so I encourage everyone to scan the archives for an interview with a familiar name. He doesn’t pimp his newsletters on the show, he just rails and states his strong opinions. It’s like with any talking heads, listen, assess, take what you like and leave what you don’t.

Michael Viers
Michael Viers
11 years ago

To the guy who said he has a spring in his basement that is not what it is and he should leave it alone. That is a CISTERN WELL!!! DO NOT MESS WTH IT OR YOU WILL BE SORRY!

Michael Viers
Michael Viers
11 years ago

Also Cistern Wells are good drinking water and will always flow even if you have no power. But I would get it tested just to be sure it is still drinkable. A lot of old farm houses had them back in the day. They would use them to keep their milk cold and such things. I tried buy a house with a Cistern Well a few years back but some other guy had the same Idea and outbid me on the House and property. “ONCE AGAIN DO NOT MESS WITH YOUR SO CALLED SPRING IN YOUR BASEMENT!!” IT IS A CISTERN WELL…!!!”

11 years ago

My sister was adamant about taking the guns out of her kid’s toys. She also didn’t believe in spanking either. I didn’t agree with either of these strategies, but their aren’t my kids. Thankfully her oldest son’s father was in the military and he joined as well. Now that things a little tougher and she is in a rougher neighborhood she understands the value of gun ownership. She owns a shotgun now and we are working on getting time together to go train with it. I will take this opportunity to introduce her to other weapons. Great show as always.

Just like anything else with kids, they must be taught respect. It’s not a difficult concept to understand. Take a melon and show them the destructive capability of the weapon. That’s Timmy’s head, Johnny. That’s why these firearms are not toys. Respect the tool; understand it’s capabilities.

Excellent show, Jack.

Mike Effertz
Mike Effertz
11 years ago

Jack, The call about the coleman fuel and the discussion that followed about helping people on a long trip. Maybe the safest way to help someone would be to carry a hose/siphon and fuel can and if someone needs some fuel just give them some of yours out of your vehicle’s tank. This is probably the easiest and safest way to help someone out in that scenario.
Thanks for the show,

The New Mike
The New Mike
11 years ago


I think (personally) the response by Steven Harris was misinterpreted, by pretty much everyone. His statement wasn’t about securing the can itself, but rather that the can cannot handle the forces of 100 x gravity. The can ITSELF would rip apart in a crash (because it is not rated for that kind of weight) and the fuel would fly out regardless of how you secure it.

Its not about objects flying around in the car, its about the objects themselves being able to withstand the change in gravity (literally ripping apart at the seems). Thats why he was somewhat indicating that plastic maybe not so much (Because its may not rip apart), but those gas cans… definitely.

Norcal Mike
Norcal Mike
11 years ago
Reply to  The New Mike

Thanks Jack (and Steven), bringing this up made me realize I need to better secure the floor jack in my wife’s trunk. How could I have thought a bungee cord would do!? And to top it off, it’s pointed right at my kids – otherwise the safest people in the car in their 5-point harnesses.

11 years ago
Reply to  Norcal Mike

I found it alarming when people people would mount speakers on (not in) the “package shelf” under their rear windows. Usually in nice heavy wood enclosures. Thought to myself ” if you hit something, that is going through your head”

The New Mike
The New Mike
11 years ago
Reply to  The New Mike

8.99 pounds per gallon of gas.
100G = 100 * weight

In a bad crash an 8.99 pound object would be the equivalent of 899 pounds moving forward. Even (especially) if bolted down a 1 gallon metal gas can would not be able to hold back 899 pounds of object moving at 50-120 miles an hour. I completely don’t disagree with the flying objects issue. Thats bad enough as it is, but even if its bolted down the gas will still be moving and the object holding it would have to withstand the internal pressure of 8.99 pounds. A thick nato plastic container (like one you mention) would definitely be able to hold that weight. A can like the one posted below, not so much. If you lightly kick a can like that you’d put a dent in it.


Norcal Mike
Norcal Mike
11 years ago
Reply to  The New Mike

Nope, securing loose objects is the overriding concern. Not because gas weighs 6#/gallon instead of 9, but because of this:


And this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP32J2Zme0Y

11 years ago
Reply to  The New Mike

Respectfully, it is about both.

The can rupture (even if held in place) is particularly an issue because of fire risk. Think about holding a large water ballon in only a few places and then whipping it around. The contents will behave differently than the container. The inertia of the liquid, already going 60 mph, will keep it going 60 mph. It will rip right through the metal skin at 30-50 g’s.

Obviously, any loose projectile is also far more deadly in high-g situations. E.g. a wrench.

Very non-intuitive things happen at high g’s. People can break limbs from flail injuries in an ejection seat in the 20 g-range. Just from the inertia of the limb itself whacking against the side of the seat.

False dichotomy of a different stripe. 😉

I’ve actually been wondering which cans are most acceleration-proof since I heard this show. E.g. the metal NATO (shudder… the cheap Chinese ones must be worse), the Spectre, etc.
Steve, any advice?


Steven Harris
11 years ago
Reply to  The New Mike

I got about 4 emails from people asking me to read this board and to comment on this. Jack said it correctly, ITS 100% ABOUT having it strapped down. If its strapped down, its ‘more’ safe. The problem is, the trunk is a ‘crush zone’ its designed to be squished all the way up to the back seats, and not crushing the back seats, seen those new little fiats on the road, their back seats are death traps, so if you have your fuel can, strapped down to the frame of the car, with lots of nylon straps, and you get into a crash where you are rear ended, your truck, and the can will be smashed and the gasoline will go everywhere. KEEPING FUEL *IN* the vehicle OF ANY TYPE is a VERY VERY BAD IDEA on a daily basis.

I love what Jack said about carrying an empty fuel can, so you can help others. That’s a great idea. I also DO the SAME THING he does, when I go on a LONG trip, especially if I was driving to El Paso through lots of NOTHING. I carry extra fuel with me. When I drive to the outer banks with my wife, I carry enough fuel such that I can EASILY have a nearly full tank of fuel (and I keep it FULL!!), plus my extra, and drive ALL the way home !!! without stopping. Why ?? Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans when we were in South Carolina on the beach caused a huge fuel shortage, I have 100’s of photos of gas stations OUT OF FUEL I always want 2 things when I travel. 1. Enough Fuel to drive home without having to stop to fill up… or.. if I am really far away from home, like in Arizona, I want to have enough cash to pay for fuel to drive all the way home. When I drove around the USA with my truck and camper I had 4 – 15 gallon fuel drums (HDPE Drums, listen to my Fuel and Fuel Storage Class at Solar1234.com ) in the back of the vehicle. I had 1100+ miles of range. I’d fuel up in states with cheap fuel, and then drive through states with expensive fuel, like California. I also drive a pickup truck, so the fuel is in the back of the truck, and not in the passenger compartment.

I 100% agree with what Jack said in the podcast in response to what I stated. heavy duty ‘Jerry Cans’ like the NATO cans with WELDED seams, not the crimped ones, ON the OUTSIDE of the vehicle, strapped down to a frame, is a good way of transporting fuel. I worked for the Jeep division of Chrysler Corporation, when we were offroad we had lots of fuel cans strapped down to the vehicle,most were on special carriers that were on the spare tire on the outside of the vehicle. Other people put them on the special racks that were on the TOP of the vehicle.

Carrying around fuel in your vehicle that you drive everyday is NOT a good idea. 95% of accidents happen 10 miles from home, but its YOUR LIFE, do what you so desire.


11 years ago

Our high school swim team had great fun playing an assassin game with nerf guns. They made up their own set of rules, got them approved by their coach to make sure there were no school violations so none would be suspended before a swim meet, etc. (Only during certain hours, no shooting each other on school property, or at a place of employment, only those who choose to play would play). No parents complained and it was good fun as they acted responsibly.

But parents do need to teach their kids to be responsible. Years back, neighbor kids were playing in the yard with mine, while I worked outside. I hear a click, and one 8-10 year old has a bb gun out just inches from my 2 year olds face, I didn’t even know he had one with him. “But I knew it was empty, it’s just air.” I don’t care, you don’t shoot it at anyone’s face like that. I read him the riot act and banned him from my yard until his mom and I had a good talk, his responsibility to bring her over. (Never happened, none of us ever met his mother, so it was the last time he played in my yard ).

Steven Harris
11 years ago
Reply to  txmom

We played ‘secret assassin’ in high school in the 80’s, and we used just stardard ‘dart guns’ the ones with the suction cups on the end, if you remember those, so you had to be close to get the person.

Everyone put their name in bag, and you drew a name, it was your job to shoot that person. When you shot that person, you took the name of the person they were suppose to shoot and you go after them and so on and so on etc… until there was only 1. If you drew your own name, you were a wild card and could shoot anyone and then take their target and start moving forward.

At times this would happen during class, many times in the hallway, in the gym, you name it. It was great fun, it kept you thinking and on your toes and you had to be very creative to get the person. Making sure you did not have ‘that look’ in your eyes when you walked up to someone, because they could defend themselves and shoot you too.

I don’t think this would happen in any school in America today. The teachers were all in on it, they supported it, it was fun and built spirit.


11 years ago

Jack, your assessment of toy guns and their place in life was absolutely perfect! This is exactly how I was raised in the 60’s. toys were toys and we were incouraged to use our imaginations while playing. Our favorite game in elementary school was playing combat (the WWII TV show of the day) using our baseball bats as rifles and going bang and the soft balls as grenades. At home we all had BB guns but we were NEVER allowed to point our BB guns at each other, much less shoot them at each other. By the time I was 10 we were shooting .22’s and by 12 I had my first 20 ga shotgun and the next year a center fire deer rifle (a .270 win.). You are the first person in a long time that I have ever heard that really put things into what I consider to be the proper perspective

Matthew N Gooseneck
Matthew N Gooseneck
11 years ago

Mr Harris if you are still monitoring this forum… I know you may favor dodges but who makes the best diesel engine for trucks? Thanks

Steven Harris
11 years ago

Dodge is the only one that does NOT require DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid), which, is a nightmare if you are a prepper. Basically its a 2nd fluid that you have to add to a separate tank every 3000 to 5000 miles or there abouts, you have to pay for it, go to the store go get it, pour it in the tank, there is a spout near the fuel tank filler, and its ALL for emissions, that’s the only reason. So GM and Ford might have great engines but they all require DEF, and if you run out of DEF, it will shut the motor down after 200 miles or so. You’ll be in limp home mode of about 5 miles per hour, if not shut off entirely. The computer will turn the truck OFF. Steve

Steven Harris
11 years ago

Jack, all of your vehicles are pre 2010.
Read the nightmare and be put into shock at what the EPA has shoved up our rear ends.

Make sure you read about the “If the countdown goes to zero, then the next stop the driver makes and turns that vehicle off, then goes to restart, he’ll get a ‘vehicle will not restart’ message,”


SELECTED TEXT FROM THE LONGER ARTICLE…. you will crap your pants at what the EPA has done to Diesel Engines.

Come 2010, all new diesel-powered pickups will have to meet tougher federal diesel emission standards that will reduce allowable nitrogen oxide levels by 90 percent from today and by 96 percent from 1994.

The second way is the use of EGR plus a special “adsorber” catalyst material to soak up and break down remaining NOx molecules before they leave the tailpipe. Chrysler is the only heavy-duty pickup manufacturer in the segment to use this approach in its Dodge Ram 2500 and 3500 trucks. The current 2007-09 6.7-liter Cummins six-cylinder diesel powertrain reached 2010 NOx emissions requirements three years early; it will carryover into 2010 and beyond without change in these models while Ford and GM are expected to update their next-generation diesel engines for 2010 using the last technology, below.

The third, and newest, approach is selective catalytic reduction using DEF. The urea-based solution (32.5 percent industrial urea and 67.5 percent deionized water) is held in a separate storage tank and injected as a fine mist into the hot exhaust gases. The heat turns the urea into ammonia that – when combined with a special catalytic converter – breaks down the NOx into harmless nitrogen gas and water vapor.

Like Ford and GM, Chrysler will use diesel exhaust fluid to scrub NOx from the exhaust but only in its new 2010 Dodge Ram 3500, 4500 and 5500 commercial Chassis Cabs.

The Dodge Ram Chassis Cabs use the same Cummins 6.7-liter diesel as the 2500 and 3500 pickups.

You might be wondering why Chrysler is using a NOx adsorber on its HD pickups and urea SCR on its Chassis Cabs. It’s because the NOx adsorber depends on rare earth metals. Until recently, the prices of these metals had been sky high. DEF is much cheaper than rhodium or palladium. The drawback against urea though is it requires periodic maintenance and driver action.

“The 2010 [Ram] Chassis Cabs start with an eight-gallon tank to hold urea,” said Kevin Mets, senior development manager for Dodge trucks. “The eight gallons gives us a good range [approximately 4,000 miles] even though the entire package [DEF plus SCR hardware] weighs about 200 pounds. We don’t rob as much payload capacity as a tank that, say, has a capacity of 16 gallons.”

DEF is expected to cost about $2.75 a gallon when pumped at truck stops and other retailers, according to the North American SCR Stakeholders Group, an ad-hoc industry alliance of truck and engine manufacturers, regulatory agencies and associations, and DEF infrastructure partners and suppliers. It will be packaged in many ways including 2.5 gallon jugs, bulk storage and DEF dispensing units.

Chrysler has located the DEF-fill port on the same side of the truck as the diesel-tank door.

“We put the urea-fill neck on the same side as the fuel neck,” Mets said. “When a guy is at the fuel station, he fills up and can do the urea [simultaneously] so his time into both is the same.”

DEF fluid may need to be replaced in hot climates where a truck sees little to no use for extended periods. DEF slowly converts to ammonia around 120 degrees, and the process accelerates as temperatures rise.

Of key interest is what happens if the DEF tank runs dry? Chrysler says it will provide plenty of warning to drivers before the truck is prevented from restarting without a urea supply.

“It’s all mileage based,” Mets said. “The [electronic vehicle information center] will show a low-urea/fill-urea warning when there’s a 1,000-mile range left to go. As the driver gets closer [to zero] then the inducement strategy kicks in.”

That inducement strategy includes more frequent use of the low-DEF warning light, chimes that provide auditory warnings and a countdown of how many miles are left until the DEF tank is empty and the truck is immobilized.

“If the countdown goes to zero, then the next stop the driver makes and turns that vehicle off, then goes to restart, he’ll get a ‘vehicle will not restart’ message,” Mets said. “There’s plenty of warning. We’ve got a 52-gallon [diesel fuel tank], which has a range of about 600 miles or less. Eventually he’s got to fill the fuel tank back up, so he has to get off the road and make that stop, and he has to do it at a fueling station that will have a urea system there. It’s all part of the strategy.”

Come Jan. 1, 2010, most new diesel pickup truck buyers are going to have to go with the flow when it comes to dealing with urea for clean emissions.

For those thinking of ways to defeat the DEF fluid-level system, don’t. Sensors can determine the composition of the DEF added to the truck, so substitutes like pure water or (ahem) pee can’t be used. The truck will know. It will also detect if you try to mix agricultural-grade urea and demineralized water to brew a homemade batch of DEF.

Matthew N Gooseneck
Matthew N Gooseneck
11 years ago

Jack we may need to bring in Steve for a special “breaking news” episode about this BS the epa is doing, has done. I was thinking maybe tomorrow?

Steven Harris
11 years ago

yeah… I can do that…but not tomorrow. I have to get all of the details and get them 100% correct, then double check them so I can present to you the most accurate information, because this is a complicated subject. Some vehicles just have the SCR need 15ppm sulfur diesel, and you might want those, others, require the def fluid. Lots of details to be done correctly. It’d be a good quick show, but I don’t think you’d hear me anytime soon unless Jack had a spot open up.


Randy from MA
Randy from MA
11 years ago

RE: peer to peer networks–check out Hamachi from LogMeIn. It’s free–seriously–and it works great.

Steven Harris
11 years ago
Reply to  Randy from MA

Randy…email me at my email at solar1234.com so I can contact you. I can’t get it to work. I have it installed, I have network between two computers, but can’t get the hard drives to map. Carbonite ‘throttles’ me after 200 gig of back up and its taking forever to back up more data, and I need more data backed up off site automatically, and I want to have a drive to drive connection between my work laptop at home and my work hard drive at work. In case the house burns down like those 100’s did in Colorado. Steve

Steven Harris
11 years ago
Reply to  Randy from MA

Randy… I need your help with Hamachi…. can you drop me an email from my message above. I really want to use this for connecting my home and work computers together. I can’t get the darn drives to map. Thanks Steve

Randy from NE
Randy from NE
11 years ago

Was enjoying a listen to this episode and wrote down the council list plus added Snow (he wasn’t mentioned but I remember him speaking before). Thought it might be something to add to the “canned” call in show text.

Expert Council Panel Members

Frank Sharp Jr. – Fortress Defense – Weapons and security
Joe Nobody – Author – Bug-out and societal breakdown
Ben Falk – Whole Systems Design – Permaculture
Paul Wheaton – Permies – Permaculture
Tim Glance – The Old Grouch’s Military Surplus – Bug-out-vehicles
Stephen Harris – Solar1234 – Energy
Chef Keith Snow – Harvest Eating – Seasonal cooking

Steven Harris
11 years ago
Reply to  Randy from NE

its Steven Harris, Solar1234.com. no ph in my name…thats the old way of spelling it. 🙂

11 years ago

Jack you nailed it 100% on the toy gun question – great response! That might be one you might want to consider making a YouTube video & kicking it out there for the liberty movement YouTubers to spread. Well done. Thanks!