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Christopher Flynn
Christopher Flynn
6 years ago

Not that I’ve tried it or recommend it but the Japanese have toriwasa which is a chicken shashimi… yes, raw chicken.

Joe Miller
Joe Miller
6 years ago

Your ending comments brought to mind the songs of Type O Negative… They might be considered the original “Goth” band, but there was a sence of humor behind every point they made, never took themselves seriously.


Type O Negative Lyrics
“We Hate Everyone”

Right-wing commies.
Leftist Nazis.
Point their fingers.
Rumours linger.

We don’t care what you think.
We don’t care what you think.

Branded sexist.
Labelled racist.
Want it clearer?
Check the mirror.

We don’t care
We don’t care
what you think.
what you think.
We don’t care
We don’t care
what you think.

Lies and slander in vain try to shame us.
Riots, protests, violence just makes us famous.

TV interviews, free publicity.
Increase record sales dramatically

The left they say I’m a facist.
The right calling me a communist.

Hate hate hate hatred for all – one and all.
No matter what you believe.
Don’t believe in you – and that’s true.


We hate everyone
We hate everyone.

Some would say that we’re biased.
Accusations that we are racist.

Well, shit comes in all hues.
Now this means you.
’cause things ain’t always like they seem.
Like they seem.

We hate everyone.
We hate everyone.
We hate everyone.
We hate everyone.

We hate
We hate,
We hate
We hate.

We don’t care
What you think,
We don’t care
What you think.

We don’t care
We don’t care
What you think
What you think,
We don’t care
We don’t care
What you think.

We don’t give a fuck.

6 years ago

I have been making chicken breast jerky as dog treats for many years. I freeze 5-6lb. packages of boneless skinless breasts I buy on sale then put a package in the bottom of the fridge about 24 hours before I cut it up. The still pretty frozen meat is then perfect for slicing paper thin. I put it in trays for the old American Harvest dehydrators that I have 3 of.

I let it dry on the lowest setting until crunchy dry then combine the trays to reduce the total down to 3 or 4 from 12.
Then I put them in one dehydrator and turn it to the highest setting and rotate the trays putting the top one on the bottom every 30 minutes so each gets at least that long on the bottom.
I’ve done hundreds of batches and although it tastes like cardboard to me I’ve eaten it and never had any problems.

6 years ago

I like the idea of cook the chicken first, then dehydrate.  What about sous vide?  Ensure you hit 165, then dehydrate.  Get creative with marinates!

6 years ago

My wife taught her dog “go potty”. At first I thought it was silly, but actually it’s a pretty useful command because sometimes we know of a road trip or some stuck time thing that the dog can’t forsee.

Dennis Alan
6 years ago

Hey Jack I bought a windmill that is going to be used to pump water up a 200 ft well by the means of compressed air. The windmill drives an air compressor that stores the air in old propane pigs. The well has a pneumatic pump that pretty much last forever since it doesn’t have many moving parts. By going with this windmill for my water i now have a multi purposed tool that can also add pressure to the water when I need it.
To store the unpressurised water I bought a broken (doesn’t cool) stainless milk storage tank for the same price as a new plastic one.
Just some tips I’ve learned on my journey to build an off grid homestead in Central PA.