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6 years ago

Hi TSPers!

I have recently listened to 2 episodes, this one asking about sparkling water and the previous one asking about a non alcohol beer.
Have you considered Water Kefir?


I bought 1 packet of water kefir grains about 3 years ago for $19.99 and I have been producing a half gallon batch 2-3 times per week ever since. The grains reproduce fairly quickly and I have to toss them in the compost (as well as give them away). You can use these same grains to make Milk Kefir but you cannot use them again to make water kefir after that.

It is a great replacement for soda pop, fizzy, and only around 0.03% Alcohol (< 1%). I ferment for 2 days (1.4 sugar-add more or less for your flavor, 2-4 cups of coconut water, and top half gallon jar with filtered water, or use 100% filtered water). After 48 hours, I strain grains out to start again but with the liquid  I add 2 cups of store bought limeade or another juice and Wheat Grass Powder but you can flavor with your choice and as much as you want. We saved all of the kombucha bottles we used to buy @$3.59/bottle and I pour into those bottles and let stand at room temp for 12 hours. You can play with this amount of time for more carbonation or less.

Yes I have had them blow the lid off in the beginning because of adding too much juice back in during bottling.

Dont forget the probiotics that this drink provides as well.

Sam W.
Sam W.
6 years ago

I add lemon or orange zest to my tea leaves, get plenty because like Jack said before you use the rest save the zest. I have lemonade and tea from the same lemon.

6 years ago

I forgot to mention that I chop a piece of Turmeric and Ginger into a rough chop. Bring to a boil in filtered water. Strain and repeat with the same chopped turmeric/ginger 2-3 times to get the most out of them. PLAy with the mounts of each for more of a spicy ginger flavor.  I call this my Earth Juice Tea… hot or cold it is really good and it too occasionally gets mixed in the Water kefir with a little lemon juice at bottling time.


Jerry Ward
6 years ago

I have had a carbon steel for almost 30 years and use it weekly. Highly recommend, I have no idea of the brand.

Nicole Sauce
6 years ago

If you already have a sodastream, you can modify it to hook up to a 25lb tank. I pay $20 a year for the co2 we use for carbonated water — and we drink tons of it.



6 years ago

In the audio, you said you were going to link to a sparkling water (seltzer) dispenser a friend uses from Amazon. I see the mod page for SodaStream, am not seeing the link.

6 years ago

Hey Jack, you mentioned your co2 tank expiring, we deal with this in the Air Force with our oxygen tanks. You might be able to get your tank recertified at a fire safety company. Our local company is General Fire & Saftey. http://www.generalfiresafety.com