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7 years ago

Maclura tricuspidata ~ Mandarin Melonberry would probably work great for Frazier Park, Ca. I grow them in zone 8A @ 4,500′ and they’re tough & drought tolerant.

A.A. Forringer
7 years ago

Thanks Jack for the mention.

Here is where my stories have appeared on The Survival Podcast:
http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/feedback-7-7-16 at about the 1:08:30 mark. We Need A Monster

And America’s Big Game
http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/feedback-9-15-14 about the 50 minute mark.

7 years ago

Song of the day segment:

I think the increase of problems some returning vets had and are having today from the Vietnam era and Gulf Wars compared to WWII is more a function of the mental and physical toughness of the people of the time. The realities of war were much closer to the realities of daily life then than they are now. If somebody got sick in the 40’s or 50’s the reality that they might die was in the front of their minds while by the late 60’s that concept was replaced with the thought that they would be fine soon unless they had a diagnosis of a specific terminal illness.

Along with that the relative comfort levels were more similar in WWII than now. In the forties if you took a farm boy from South Georgia that had a brother die from a farming accident and a mother that died from TB and sent him to the South Pacific to fight the Japanese, he was used to the realities that it’s hot and muggy and people close to you die. By the Vietnam era life in the US was much better and most of the troops that went to the Gulf had never lived without central heat and AC.

If this were not the case Vietnam would have a much greater problem with this than we do… and they don’t. This struck me one day in Cairo Egypt when this woman carrying a baby just walked into the road in front of us, in traffic we can’t comprehend here, without looking and no she was not starring into a cell phone. She just wanted to get to the other side of the road. When I said something about it to my local driver, he said “27 million people here and 2 die, who cares.” There is a direct correlation between quality of life and value of life.

Michael Floyd
Michael Floyd
7 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I had a friend in Germany who joined the US Army right at the end of the Vietnam war. He was stationed in Germany, and he said a lot of soldiers returning from Vietnam were stationed in Germany a few months before they were shipped home. They weren’t assigned to duties, they just hung out in the barracks and drank and got high, and the Army knew, “We can’t send these guys home yet.”
Now, we just put our soldiers on watch lists and call them dangerous because they served their country. The more things change…

7 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I think the biggest difference between WW2 /Korea and Vietnam to present day is the way technology has altered troop movement. Vietnam was the first war to heavily use Helicopters for troop deployment and evacuation thereby enabling the military to insert troops into any needed location quickly. This method of troop deployment is still the norm today. This technology advancement allows a smaller number of troops to cover a larger area and thereby substantially increased the number of days soldiers saw combat in a year. Helicopters also save the lives of wounded soldiers which makes it difficult to compare casualty stats of pre-Vietnam wars with post-Vietnam wars. With soldiers seeing more combat per year it is not a surprise to have an increase in mental health issues.

Sam W.
Sam W.
7 years ago

There are two competing cabbanoids CBD and THC the more CBD the less THC. CBD is medicinal THC is the high. There are THC free cannabis plants hemp. But THC marijuana does have some CBD in it. Confusing but the pharmaceutical industry convinced the government to outlaw both.
I am not saying THC has no benefit, with the present snobs we may never get an honest evaluation of either.

7 years ago

FYI if anyone was still considering Full Life or Variable Universal Life, let me be another voice against it. I was sold it when I was 21 by a slick talking investment advisor who made it sound amazing… Just invest money into it, and you won’t pay any tax on the gains, ever! He talked about how “he was losing money on this one, but he knew I would grow wealthy with him and we would win together.” I really didn’t think I was that gullible back then…

When I was 21 and in absolutely perfect shape $250k in insurance was costing me over $1,000 a year. When we had our first kid I got a 20 year level term policy. I was 29, weighed more, and was one or two steps below the perfect that I was at 21. Four times the insurance cost me $1100 per year… So four times the insurance, against someone older and not as healthy cost nearly nothing.

The Variable Universal policy also had a 50% penalty for any money withdrawn before ten years. On the week that policy turned ten years I cancelled it and got my money out.

7 years ago

Further on the seed starting, DIY grow tent. Wrap a shelving unit with the foam insulation or like a reflectix-type material.

I also use a mix of 2700k and 6500k CFLs with clamp work lights and y-splitters

7 years ago

Jack, thanks for answering my question about seed starting.

I had listened to Episode 1932. In hearing your answer today, I think my mistakes were too much watering and not enough light. I might not have understand how much light they needed once they germinate. I had my seed tray near a window but no direct sunlight coming in. I was using a smaller LED than the Kingbo(I do have one, just not the space to set it up currently) but I didn’t use it often enough I don’t think. Im going to run another batch of seeds sometimes soon and Ill make changes and see how that goes.

As always, thank you!!

7 years ago

This is for Mark on seed starting. I’ve made two Youtube videos about the 2 indoor grow setups I’ve put together for salad greens, seed starting, and growing things like tomatoes year round. I talk about the equipment and pricing.

Salad bar LED video:

Indoor veggie grow tent video:

Thanks for all you do Jack, I started this Youtube channel and associated blog inspired by your 2017 challenge to “get out there and building something”.

7 years ago
Reply to  Brian

Thanks Brian!! I’ll take a look at these this weekend.

Michael Sparks
7 years ago

I’ve been asked by another member of the TSP community to respond to this.

I’m a certified Infinite Banking authorized practitioner and have been a member of the TSP community since about 2009, as we as currently have a premium list in the TSP business directory.

Mr. Spirko’s opinion about the concept is misguided and not entirely accurate.

First thing he has the process confused because of platform. Cross your mind off of life insurance and think about the process.

All IBC is an efficient way to utilize money that is flowing through your personal economy. Currently people earn a living, deposit all their money in a commercial bank then pay bills out of that. By utilizing other people’s money you can recapture interest that you would have paid to banks.

One must understand the process as well as the time value of money, aka economic value added (eva) which one would learn about in a basic economics course. Anytime you use money to make a purchase that money can no longer be used again. Understand that we pay interest on everything we buy. We either pay interest to financial institutions or we give up the ability for that money to earn interest. (there can be no other way)

If Mr. Spirko can’t grasp that then moving on to the platform does no good.

Infinite banking can be done without life insurance. Any way that you can deposit money into a vehicle and then utilize collateralized loans for purchases the system will work. We don’t need “huge ass air quotes”. You just have to understand how to use a financial calculator. IBC can be done using a line of credit like a Heloc, or CD’s at a bank or even purchasing equities or bonds in a margin account and borrowing against it.

But if you can’t understand how uninterrupted compounded interest works vs amortized interest over time then it matters not which platform you choose.

I’ve been round and round with Mr. Spirko, since at one time he sold life insurance I’m guessing that makes him an expert.

If you are not so inclined to worship at his feet, feel free to do your own due diligence.

Michael Sparks
7 years ago

Ha butt hurt. Naw I’ve moved on. No animals slayed here.



People smarter than I are doing this.

Michael Sparks
7 years ago

Oh and your response above shows you and I are not talking about the same thing.
80% C
20% D+underwriting, paying employees, oh and taking on the risk if you die.

So none of the above for me.

Michael Sparks
7 years ago
Reply to  Michael Sparks

Interesting that some Tsp listener are utilizing this strategy right now with great results.

Michael Sparks
7 years ago

Figured it would end this way. In some ways I think we would really get along, doubt it would ever happen. By Jack, will miss some of your more interesting shows.

If you ever wake up, let me know so I can come back….

Peace love and hair grease…

Michael Sparks
7 years ago

Since you want to discuss insurance. Sorry, your absolutely wrong. Properly structured 80% at least is available in year one. By year 3 the cost of is typically less than a comparable term policy,and by year 7-9 everything you put into it is available, plus your death benefit has grown by 20-30%.

Term insurance is the highest cost over the long term, unless you die. Term insurance is pure profit for insurance companies since 98% expire or get canceled without a claim.

Your need for finance over your life is much greater than your need for life insurance. You will lose millions to taxes and interest.

As far as investment goes, die in the first year, put in a few thousand dollars and get back $100k. Not too bad of a rate of return. Sure the RoR would be higher for term. But I’m not planning on dieing. Oh and if I do I have term to make up the difference.

I utilize IBC for the economic efficiency. The death benefit is just a bonus… I would do it even if there was no death benefit.

Michael Sparks
7 years ago

Not even close, what was Walt Disney RoR for buying whole life, utilizing cash value to make history…

There is a cost of buying term.

Buy whole life and invest the cash value, then you get both. It’s and and asset not an either or.

Derric Reed
Derric Reed
7 years ago

Jack , just listen to this podcast to today and as always another great one. the segment at the end about soldiers returning home and the differences i think that you are spot on . I am also wondering if the change and disconnect with the way war is fought now days has a hand in why they are treated so different . Of course i am speaking in generalization , but we as civilians are not in the mind set as we were in WWl and WWll . On a whole we are not doing Rationing , War Bonds we are not in the mind set that if we do not achieve victory our country falls . The news reals at every movie and so on . It seems liking war or not in those days the whole country was involved , not saying this is an out or an excuse but maybe a partial cause of why soldiers feel the way they do when they come home . It seems to be so easy now days to look at a war and be so disconnected to it and to the people fighting it .Which is not the soldiers fault . Maybe as civilians when we all cried bomb some one , if we had to be more involved there would be less of it .