Episode-1983- Listener Calls for 4-13-17
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Today on The Survival Podcast I take your calls on student debt, composting, cars and trucks, family issues, guns, fish and more.
Remember to be on a show like this one just pick up your phone and call 866-65-THINK.
The best way to improve your chances of being on the air is ask your question or make your point up front, then provide details.
Also please do your best to call from a quiet area with a good connection and speak up so you can be well heard.
While I can’t put all calls on the air but I do my best to get as many of them on as I can.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls and Discuss…
- What might the student loan bubble look like when it pops
- Using coffee for compost and soil conditioning
- The skinny on chicken manure for fertilizer
- Thoughts on adding a mechanic to the council
- A follow up on dealing with property from inlaws
- The 10mm and a new look at it
- Thoughts on stocking a pond
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- Come On Feel the Noise – Quiet Riot
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Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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Somewhere in the late 70’s, we put a pickup truck load of chicken manure on the garden (about 1/2 acre) in the late fall and and covered it with about 6″ to 10″ of leaves. In the spring we tilled it in and planted. That was the most miserable summer of harvesting I have ever had. I would have to dump nearly as much produce over the fence for the cows as we took to the house. It just grew too fast, if we missed a 3″ zucchini, it would be a foot long the next evening. It’s not like we got less usable food from the garden that year, we actually a little more as in 5-5gal buckets of tomatoes, 5 buckets of squash, a bucket of cucumbers, a bucket of pole beans etc. Twice the work for just a little more food.
The survival rifle you were trying to think about was the Aero Survival rifle, made by TNW Firearms. I did like your idea of a lever action rifle in 10mm.
Thanks for everything you have taught us.
Yea that is it, you know what else would be great would be for Ruger to bring back the Deerfield Carbine in 10mm.
Just an idea, as well as the expert council it might be an idea to have a transient position where guests or even listeners contribute audio clips. New people bring in new experiences and new ideas.
Just listened to past shows (one recent) which discussed dealing with common black berries/briars/brambles. Had to laught at the reference to a German guy’s comment that if one doesnt want to get pigs to uproot the briars then one must do the pigs work themselves. I have an urban garden with very little side access, I have to bring most stuff through the house. I am dealing with unwanted briars and ivy by cutting at ground level any new shoots I see regularly. Just wondering can I compost these shoots and reuse them so as not to have to take them away from my garden. What is the risk of them taking root again as runners preserved in the compost? Also how many years will it take to kill off the ground roots by this method of continuously cutting back the above ground greenery?
There might be some faculty fat cats at universities, and the building fetish is common everywhere, but professors at smaller colleges don’t fit your description; they mostly work hard for moderate professional salaries. Adjunct faculty are a modern academic migrant labor class. Where, then, does the $$$ go at colleges that used to justly pride themselves on being a place you could learn to think? To administrators, particularly in “student services.” To “amenities” like cook-to-order stations at every meal. (The amenities “arms race” has been the subject of many articles.) And of course, sports. At my local private college, this very night, tuition dollars have paid “student services” people to help the students to put on a burlesque show with the aim of feeling better about their bodies. (And you thought all the money went for “safe spaces”!) This, to me, ought to be a national scandal; there are things you can’t learn on the Internet, like lab sciences (chemist speaking here). And critical thinking is hard work that benefits from an experienced guide. But these proper roles for a college are ignored and sidelined in favor of junk and playtime. Of course, Jack is right that the more degrees handed out, especially as the standards sink, the less a college degree is worth.
The most amazing part of this episode…When I heard the caller from Toms River,NJ. I live in Toms River so when I heard a question from here I immediately thought,”Wait, I didn’t send a question in. There is another TSP listener in NJ!”. Obviously I figured there must be TSP’ers in NJ but it is great to hear and know there are like minded people right in my own town. Shout out to Matt in NJ, it would be great to get to know a TSPer who is local. If you happen to see this comment, or Jack if you could put us in touch, I’ll bring some ginger beer (which will hopefully flocculate soon) and we can shoot the breeze.