Episode-1656- Listener Calls 10-8-15 – Firearms
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Today on The Survival Podcast I take your calls to 866-65-THINK
Today on The Survival Podcast I take your calls on a special firearms edition of the Listener Call in show. Today we discuss reloading, carry guns, tactical rifles, surplus rifles, training and more.
Remember to be on a show like this one just pick up your phone and call 866-65-THINK. The best way to improve your chances of being on the air is ask your question or make your point up front, then provide details.
Also please do your best to call from a quiet area with a good connection and speak up so you can be well heard.
While I can’t put all calls on the air but I do my best to get as many of them on as I can.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls and Discuss…
- What is the minimum maintenance after range time
- Pumps and levers compared to semi autos tactically
- Military Mausers for deer hunting
- Choosing a red dot for a shotgun without breaking the bank
- Getting gun training and experience with out getting tunnel vision
- The why of reloading beyond money saving
- 9mm vs 45 for storage as a prepper
- Determining the value of a rare gun
- Springfield Scout Squad vs the Ruger SR-762
- Thoughts on the PAP M-45
- Lever Action Shotguns in Australia
- Single shot Savage Shotguns using rifle barrels????
- Smith and Wesson Frame Sizes and what is Pre Lock
- The 22 Hornet, why it is cool and why you want to make it a K – Hornet
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
- The Year 1656
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- Walking To Freedom
- GenForward.com
- TSP Gear
- PermaEthos.com
- Knife Kits – (sponsor of the day)
- Backwoods Home – (sponsor of the day)
- Budget Redots 1 and Budget Red Dots 2
- RONI Glock Conversion Kit – The Sling is the Thing
- Good Video on the PAP M485 with Sig Brace
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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The awesome thing about 80% receivers is that if you pay cash itndoes not exist as far as anyone else knows and you actually made this gun.
The “disadvantage” is that you must actually complete it. It is against federal law to pay anyone else to do it for you because they are manufacturing a firearm. New atf rulings even say you can’t even rent equipment and get instruction on how to complete it yourself. Also, these can not be transfered to anyone ever because they have no serial number and only atf licensed individuals (ie class 2 manufactures) can make weapons that are transferable. If you die by the law it must be destroyed or surrendered to tge atf. Further, there is no cost savings. Anderson lowers can be had sub $50 if you look. I have not seen 80%’s for less than $50. Usually they cone uncoated as well.
Random thought, but could this be used to game gun buy back programs? Could you buy an 80% receiver, attack it with a drill press, then turn it in for a profit?
Yea may be! Those idiots will likely buy cap guns.
Whose money are they using to buy the guns back? Think about it.
I agree with you 100%. It’s definitely not a moral, or even effective, way to make money. I meant it more as kind of a funny thought experiment. Imagine showing up to a gun buy back with a crate full of mangled hunks of aluminum that you can legally prove are “firearms”.
Perhaps but usually they offer $50 for a handgun and $100 for a long gun… often in the gift card form. Doesn’t seem very profitable. I have considered setting up shop and offering patrons $150 for anything cool or valuable.
One time I saw a picture of the “guns taken off the street” and one was a demilled Law rocket launcher. Lol
A good class for someone new or with little experience is Appleseed. It is very affordable. You will get very thorough coverage of safety, plus all the fundamentals of marksmanship. Although the class is rifle based, almost all of the concepts will spill over to handgun if you apply a tiny bit of logic. I can’t tell you how many people say their handgun marksmanship improved after taking this class. Bonus: You will hear about the American Revolution and why the Founders felt that private ownership of arms was important enough to write it down for us.
I have an AK pistol (7.62×39) that I am making my own sling for, gotta try short sling.
1. Thank you for this. The gun podcasts I listen to have been nothing but politics the last few weeks. It was great to hear a podcast that was just guns and shooting.
2. Another option for someone who wants a non “assault” rifle for defense and/or hunting is the Mossberg MVP Patrol Rifles. They come in 223 and 308. They are designed to take AR pattern magazines. They are bolt action (so you don’t have the prone problems). And, they have both iron sights and the ability to mount a scope.
M1a’s are great but do not offer the level of customization is limited and very expensive (vs ar10). That’s why I sold mine. Quite heavy. Beautiful gun though.
My feeling is the “customization” has gone to far with all guns. Too much stuff that looks cool but doesn’t make the gun preform better or the shooter shoot better. The fact that this is now a thing says a lot about that, a gun sold as custom because it lacks accessories, http://www.gundigest.com/guns/frills-fighter-katana-ar-15-review
TRS-25 is a decent red dot, they even sell one with the riser integrated (so you don’t have to buy one separately and attach it)
I am not into country but that song made my eyes water. I have a Kentucky rifle that has been in my family since it was made almost 200 years ago ( all by hand) lock stock and barrel. With a brass patch box on the opposite side of the cheek rest.It is also know as a Pennsylvania rifle to some. That’s where my family settled .percussion 36 caliber weighs 12 lbs at 4 foot 8 inches over all. the bore is pitted as well as the percussion area.
my Daughter will get it as my son could care less. what a shame. keep up the great shows Jack.
Thanks for the in-depth response to the ‘minimum maintenance’ question. I know the right/best answer is to clean thoroughly after every use. But…life happens. Good to know I can fall back on your middle-tier cleaning if schedule doesn’t permit the real deal.
Also, I appreciated your level-headed response on the 9mm vs 45ACP question. I think a lot of people in the prepper movement start imagining themselves as the protagonist in some post-apocalyptic fantasy and just run with the idea. Couple that with good marketing from the rapidly expanding prepper industry and you end up with people stockpiling thousands of defensive rounds, buying a ‘survival knife’, and calling it a day. It’s really refreshing – and helpful – for people to hear a sensible voice grounding them back in reality. That’s exactly why I started listening to your podcast 5 years ago, and why I’m still a fan.
Hello I work for large auction company in PA I am in the firearms division I have access to appraisers and experts!
I would be happy to help Dan from the frozen tundra.
Jack has my contact info if you would like to contact me or if Jack approves I will post my contact info
Anthony From SheafferSelect TSP
I will be happy to have one of our experts contact you and/ or collection for consignment or appraisals
Jack-great show as always.
FYI–the PAP M85 does NOT take AR15 magazines. The magazines for the AK need a ‘lip’ on the rear of the body in order to lock in to the magazine catch.
Nope the PAP is specifically made to take AR mags. It is an AK frame but has an AR mag well. http://www.ammoland.com/2014/08/could-this-gun-be-the-best-of-both-worlds/#axzz3o05851Dl
The 2 things that have most concerned me with this gun are the plastic magwell and the traditional attribution of some of the AK platform’s reliability to the tapered cases the rounds use which .223/5.56 lacks.
Moreso the plastic magwell though.
Plastic is plastic, nylon is nylon there is a difference. Ruger did a video that I can’t find when people bitched because they went to a “plastic” actually reenforced nylon trigger guard.
They dropped a 10 pound weight on the trigger guard from 5 feet.
The old metal “high quality” guard bent making the trigger unusable.
The “crappy plastic” one, bounced the weight up and remained undamaged.
Not to mention there is a reason people buy Magpul mags over “quality steel USGI” ones.
To my point, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-5kphqX_80
I probably should have been more specific. I’m not afraid of plastic in the slightest; polymer is a proven technology and works great. It’s a significant component of most of my personal weapons and magazines. That said, I wouldn’t waste a drop of time or money on a Tapco product for example, they’re crap. What concerns me about the polymer magwell is Century’s execution of it. They have a well-earned reputation for cost-shaving, corner-cutting, and overall lack of QC…I don’t trust their plastic or their ability to attach it to the metal receiver. Just my opinion, admittedly, and not necessarily from a mainstream point of view.
For the guy looking at 22 hornet for cheap shooting – he mentioned he already has a 38/357 lever action. For less than $100, probably less than $75, he can buy a Lee lead furnace, and a set of Lee molds for cast bullets. Everything else he needs to cast bullets, he probably has around the house already
Conservative 38 spl loads will be 5 cents or less for powder and primer. Lead can be scrounged for free, but even if he goes to a scrapyard and buys lead that people have turned in for 2 or 3 bucks a pound, you would have less than 10 cents per round. And the brass will last a long time, and is cheap to begin with. Much cheaper than 22lr.
For the gent from MN with the rare gun. One resource to try calling is Puglisi Gun Emporium in Duluth. They sell very rare firearms, so I would imagine they could put you in touch with an appraiser. Very good people there.
What was the scope you talked about having on your Ruger 10/22? I’m shopping for a scope for my 10/22 and I recall you saying the quality of glass on your scope was comparable to the Leupold but at a lesser price. Was it the Simmons?
Love the show!
The scope he mentioned is the Redfield Revolution 2-7 by 33. It’s also American made.
You also have to consider that each scope manufacturer has several classes of scopes, each intended to compete in different areas of the market.
So when Jack said that as far as his eyes can see, his redfield revolution is as clear as a leupold, that is a statement that lacks context. As clear as what leupold? A leupold rifleman? Vx-III? Mark 4? Mark 8? They are all leupolds, but all different quality levels. The answers to those questions are: yes, maybe, no, and not in a million years.
Both the redfield revolution and revenge lines will serve 99% of 22 shooter’s perfectly well. In fact, when viewed in the context of the rifle, ammo, and the role of a 22, putting a higher quality scope on a 22 would be a waste in many regards.
No I mean all of them! Period. I don’t have the eyes some of you do I guess. To me there is clear or not clear, the end, it is like level, it is an absolute condition.
I am far more worried about the reliability of the scope to hold true then what you hawkeyed types call clarity.
I understand what you are saying, but to me from a stand point of the scope doing its job any perception of difference is irrelevant to the task at hand.
I appreciate all the input. My eyes aren’t all that great. I’ve got a Leupold Mark IV on my .308, the 3-10 magnification. While I know I’m spending a lot for glass for a .22, at least I know I’ll be able to clearly see what I intend to shoot.
On the .308, I wish I’d spent a little more for the 4-25 magnification.
Thanks again for all the input.
On the 22 my personal view is anything beyound about 4x is over kill. The Redfield I have does go up to 7x but that isn’t why I bought it, I bought it because it goes down to 2x.
The 22 is a 100 yard tool, sure you can show off with it. I used to knock over coffee cans at 300 yards to do that with a high mag scope and a dead solid rest and some kentucky windage. But all it is, amounts to just that showing off.
It isn’t practical at all. You don’t shoot game at such ranges with the 22LR, you just don’t, it isn’t responsible.
So at that range if 4x won’t get it done, the shooter is the issue and 9x won’t do it either.
There is another issue with high magnification, your movement appears more erratic in the scope. Your little shakes are also magnified 9 times, not just the target. This actually tends to make people loose confidence and shoot worse.