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mike in NJ (now GA)
mike in NJ (now GA)
10 years ago

This has nothing to do with today’s show, but a few weeks ago you talked about a fuel can mod. I searched and came up empty. Is this the mod?

mike in NJ (now GA)
mike in NJ (now GA)
10 years ago

Thanks, I ordered some.

10 years ago

Jack, I’m waaaay behind in episodes. Are you not going to Mark Shepard’s this weekend? I will be there this weekend so I thought I’d ask.


10 years ago

Sorry to hear that Jack. Wisconsin is an incredible state and in my opinion ripe for permaculture development. If you are able to reschedule the trip please stay in contact as I would make my time available to assist you in any way.

10 years ago

I second.

10 years ago

While GMO wheat isn’t in the food supply yet, there have been two instances that I’m aware of in the past year that show that Monsanto has worked on this in the past. Here’s an article in case anyone’s interested:


10 years ago

Hey Jack,

Thanks for touching on the automatic watering item. Automating things is one of my favorite things, and the plant propagation class is a must-buy for me. So I am super excited to build this misting system you are talking about.

If there is any chance you could do some video on your system once it is done, MSB or not, I would really appreciate seeing a system fully put together. Your videos on how you did your beds was incredibly helpful!

John Athayde
10 years ago

Btw, here’s the data for rainfall events in GIS format, for those who have that skill set. Eventually I’ll probably pull this together into a tool for site research, but paying work comes before playtime sadly:


10 years ago

For the Keith Snow segment:

Jack had this episode last year about this time:


His website had some very well produced videos and great ideas for pork.

10 years ago

I’m super behind on the show right now. Congrats to the guy with the quail. I would expect the laying % will slow down a bit as the birds mature a little more. The quail will molt eventually if you let them, if you keep a steady light cycle you can discourage this. After about a year they will slow down a bit in laying %, that’s usually when I replace them.