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10 years ago

Spot on jack. That’s what was the swift kick in the ass I needed to hear….. Still trying to sort the USDA regs though… I’ll stay under the 1000 bird limit this year and next winter build an MPU. As a former NCO I will adapt and overcome. I will never quit.. I will also not be hampered by the paradigm any longer.

9 years ago
Reply to  Keith

Don’t know if you like this kind of music, but this album has helped me out a lot. Almost every song on here talks about everything you said.

Chris knight – Little Victories

carol sinenko
carol sinenko
10 years ago

Hi Jack,
I keep sheep and I did my homework. I searched for sturdy sheep that are made for the environment I plan to keep them in. I also took some time to learn how to shear the sheep, process the wool (dirty wool to knitted or woven product), and process the carcasses. They don’t break down my fences and the heritage breed that I keep also browse the forest like my goats.
So I agree – Sheep may not be the correct animal for everyone, but if you want to keep sheep homework will be REQUIRED! They are lovely animals, taste great, and some breeds have a better feed to weight conversion than other animals.

10 years ago

Jack, The last section of this show was awesome! I am so glad that guy called in to complain about life. I hope he was motivated by your words.

10 years ago

Thank you for you input on the sheep Jack.

I was thinking about starting sheep in the spring and am a Total Rookie. In my research I saw the Dorper sheep as the breed I would choose. I also have chickens and ducks.

I have a small land holding in Celina, TX of only 5.5 acre I bought last summer where I homestead and would keep the sheep. I was thinking sheep because my land constraints and budget constraints for cattle. From my research they can breed year round and many times have twins and sometimes triplets.

I was thinking that the sheep are key role in repairing my soil. I sure they will also help in keeping my 1-d-1 open spaces agriculture use for property tax on the land. I will try rotational grazing and / or leader follower to move the animals on the land.

Do you have any other suggestions to keep the sheep from killing themselves or any learning resources?

Semper Fi,


9 years ago

Sheep are a great animal to have for a diverse sustainable farm or smallholding and have many benefits. I keep a small flock of shetland for land management, low-nitrogen fertilizer, and their lovely wool. I chose a ‘primitive’ breed because I wanted a hearty animal who could survive well in blustery upstate NY – which they have done awesomely. Primitive breeds also have more of a taste for forbs, and have been key players in clearing the disturbed old spent ag land we have that’s been overrun by honeysuckle. They have been important players in preparing areas for establishing our food forest gardnes.

I also liked that the shetland are small and easier to flip for hoof trimming and general health care. I don’t like lamb or mutton and I’m not into the breeding part of sheep, but I know people who are. If you’re in this for the lamb, crossbreeding can be a good way to go for the hydrid vigor which can produce extra and hearty lambs. Polypay are known to produce 2-4 lambs per ewe. Khatadin are also one that’s becoming more popular because they’re a hair sheep that shed. http://www.sheep101.info/201/breedselection.htm

I think it’s a cryin’ shame that some are moving away from the wool (another symptom of single-purpose mentality that has infected agriculture). Wool is a useful and wonderful byproduct and I have recently discovered the ease with which felt can be produced from their fleece — wool felt has many great applications to a self-sufficient homestead and community. Wool is a wonder-fiber and can absorb 50% of it’s weight in water while still maintaining its insulating property, and the medium wools are extremely tough. Don’t be fooled – wool isn’t just for grannies and crafting nerds! Though, there’s a lot to be said for value-added products such as yarn and roving that you can market to crafters who are more and more turning to local sources. For good wool in a lambing situation you must sheer a few weeks before lambing as the stress of final gestation and lambing can produce a wool ‘break’ that can compromise the strength and quality of the fiber, and will make the hind end of the ewe cleaner at after birthing and will allow the babies to find the teats more easily.

Some lines of primitives such as shetland and icelandic can “roo”/shed its wool on its own, and in fact this was the primary method for harvesting wool in times past on the Shetland islands, in Iceland, and in the Nordic countries from which the Vikings originally brought them. (You will need to find a breeder who selects for good rooing as not all lines will do this well)

Sounds like the flystrike problem that Ben Falk had may have been avoided if he had sheared in April. I’ve noticed in my flock that if I don’t get their wool off by May they get really uncomfortable and hot… I could see how that sweaty and ripe undercoat would be attractive to maggots. By April they have anywhere from 8-12” of fiber, which is what has kept them snug as bugs in the single digits we’ve been having. The good quality 2nd cutting hay (no other supplements except mineral) also keeps their rumen happy during times like this and operates like a mini furnace.

As with any livestock, good fencing is key. Our winter paddock is 4′ woven wire with a couple strands of electric on the outside. (BTw, if anyone (i.e. goats) starts challenging the fence, run a strand at nose height on the inside too). In the summer we run them across other parts of the property with lengths of electro-net.

Find a good breeder and get good stock to start and you’ll be off and running.

10 years ago


I have one more question. How to you test the PH of your soil? Do you have a PH meter or send it off to Texas A&M http://soiltesting.tamu.edu/?

Semper Fi,


Nicola M
Nicola M
10 years ago

On doors that are strong enough to endure a storm, FEMA’s done quite a bit of research on the subject.


If you go to the first pdf linked to at the bottom of the page, you can find guidelines on storm doors that FEMA endorses on the 36th page of the PDF.

Now if you are going to have a door built, it’s worth considering that 3/8″ steel is pretty standard to use for steel targets, but Beststormshelters.com has this to day about their doors that are built to code.

Our safe rooms are constructed of A36 3/16? plate steel with 3/16? C channel for bracing. The 36? door is manufactured from two sheets of 14 gauge steel with “Z” bracing and has three (3) dead bolt locks installed.

The code FEMA recommends and beststormshelters.com uses to justify the strength of what they’re building is ICC 500 and you can find that at:
https://archive.org/details/gov.law.icc.500.2008 It’s horribly boring to read through, but if you’re going to do something by the book, that would be where to go to know what the book says.

Essentially it says that all doors to be rated by that standard, need to withstand a piece of wood of about 15 pounds shot at various places in the door assembly, moving up to about a hundred miles per hour.

I don’t think you can replicate that kind of test at home, but if you think a specific door can handle that type of force, I think looking at both the frame and the closure is important. 3 solid hinges, and 3 solid deadbolts on a steel frame sounds good to me. If you’re in a climate that things tend to rust, make sure that everything has a good coating and is greased right, because if something rusts through when you’re not paying attention, that could be a problem.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nicola M

I also have a ICF storm room on the house we are building and am looking for doors for it. This is probably the most affordable, premade door that had the features I wanted for an exterior door. http://www.prosteel.us/prosteel-security-doors Like the caller mentioned, they are very costly. having read the information from FEMA and looking at several videos of the testing process, I have a few ideas regarding the door.

My first idea was to have a local fabricator make a steel door and then clad it in wood on the exterior side for a spouse friendly look. I haven’t gotten a quote on this yet.

Another idea that I had was to take a standard industrial steel door from CDF or another distributer and add the extra deadbolts then reinforce this door by welding additional tubing to the inside or filling a hollow door with concrete mix.

I also asked a local storm shelter builder to price me a door only and that ended up with a estimate close in cost to the premade FEMA rated door.

Finally I rolled around the idea of putting up a standard inward opening steel door and building a block wall outside the door. The wall would be on the other side of the walkway spaced about 4 feet away from the threshold of the door. The idea being that the block wall would stop or at least slow any flying debris headed toward the door. The cost of a block wall filled with concrete and the steel door also approaches the cost of a FEMA door.

I haven’t made any decisions on the door yet as we are building the house in phases and there is no need for the door just yet, so I still have some time to decide.

10 years ago

About pigs eating people, I had never heard of this until this past summer when I watched the HBO series, Deadwood, on Netflix. In the show, when someone was murdered and they wanted to dispose of the body without burying the person, they’d bring him down to Woo, who kept pigs. They’d dump the body in the pig stye and the pigs would go to town on the corpse. I had never heard of this before so I googled it and yes, pigs to eat humans. Really gross to us, but they don’t care I guess.

10 years ago

On the last call, there is something to be said for the role of expectations in how you feel about your life.

So, if your expectation is ‘I should be able to afford a nice truck and a nice house, and not have to worry about my bills, by showing up at work and doing what I’m told.’ You might be disappointed.

My ‘poor’ relatives (always worried about money) can’t live without a lot of things I ‘can’t afford’.

By ‘can’t afford’ I mean it in the way that matters.. ‘Does buying/having this thing contribute to my PRIMARY GOAL?’

Two examples of this:
– Warren Buffett and his wife lived in his parents attic for YEARS after they were married so he could SAVE MONEY TO INVEST (and they had a POS car)
– Joel Salatin talks in several of his books how he didn’t spend more than $500 on cars over a ten year period. Why? Because everything was focused on making the farm a success

Hungry. You’ve gotta be hungry to become what YOU must become. The issue isn’t outside of you, the issue IS YOU. Its not the economy/government/weather its YOUR RESPONSE to the economy/government/weather.

Is your response working? No? Then stop doing that. Time to try something else.

To reiterate.. the world will not change around you to make you more comfortable and successful. YOU MUST ADAPT to the world. And its not a one time thing.. the world is constantly changing, we must constantly adapt.

‘It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who survive but those who can best manage change.’ – Darwin

Or lets put it this way:
‘Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better.’
‘If you really want to do something you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.’

Looking at the other side of it..

Wealth comes from a very simple thing CREATING VALUE for others. How much VALUE can you create?

This is the joke about a ‘recession’ or ‘bad economy’ or people complaining that there ‘isn’t any money’.

Are there human beings with needs? With desires? Yes? Then there is opportunity to FULFILL them with VALUE. Is there a limit to human desire? Then there is no limit to the VALUE that can be created.

The only thing lacking is the individual WILL to overcome (natural) laziness and inertia. To BECOME MORE. To DO regardless of difficulty.

Literal paradise is possible. There is no lack of anything required to accomplish it.. except the WILL to begin, and the patience/faith to continue.

10 years ago
Reply to  Insidious

‘Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.

Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills.

Don’t wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom.’

Who gets stronger? The guy lifting 5 lbs, or the guy lifting 100 lbs?

9 years ago
Reply to  Insidious

This is the best. It really is incredibly simple when you break it down, ignore the word should (as in, my boss should pay me more- whether he really actually should or not doesn’t matter!), and just freaking do it!

Prof CJ
10 years ago

Regarding the last caller and the many others in the same generational boat:

I’m 33 myself (so either a late Gen Xer or early Gen Yer, depending on whom you ask) and totally get it. I feel the frustration in the caller’s voice because I share it. My wife and I struggle with student loans because in the late-Nineties we bought the BS about college being the golden ticket that was sold to us by well-meaning-but-misinformed Baby Boomers who came from a time when college actually WAS a golden ticket, and when the amount of debt required on average to get a degree was far lower. Though my wife and I both have Masters degrees and have jobs that would have put us near the low end of “upper middle class” just a couple decades ago, due to the wonders of debt & inflation (ie, downward class migration) we actually live a lower-middle class economic life.

All that said, I thought I’d share a few seemingly little things that help me a great deal to buck up my spirits and keep fighting back smarter whenever I get in one of those funks, in the hopes that these will help others as well.

One thing (other than motivational Jack Spirko pep talks, of course!) that has helped me a lot in recent years has been Stoic philosophy. A great place to start (as it’s more accessible to the modern reader than some of the ancient stuff) is The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday, and also the work of Bill Buppert of zerogov.com. Also check out Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Branch out from there to Seneca, Epictetus, etc. Stoicism has a lot to say about overcoming obstacles that one may face through no fault of one’s own, and the concept of focusing your energy on what you can change, while making peace with those things that you cannot change.

The second little thing I’d suggest is to put together a playlist of songs that will instill the proper ‘fighting spirit’ on a gut/emotional level when needed. It might sound trivial, but sometimes when making my commute to work, listening to the right songs can make all the difference in how I attack my day. Everyone’s tastes are different. If like me you like punk rock, I’d recommend “Keep On” by Angel City Outcast, and “Save Yourself” by The Vacancies. But regardless of what musical genre you prefer, find stuff that resonates with you, energizes you, and instills that fighting spirit, and it can turn your day from drudgery into a productive montage!

Hope my suggestions are helpful,

10 years ago
Reply to  Prof CJ

Glad you mentioned stoicism. =)

The classics are all available for free at Project Gutenberg.

I enjoyed ‘The Obstacle is the Way’ (underwhelmed in the first few chapters, but it gets great after that IMO). There are quite a few interviews with the author on the web if you want to get a feel for it.

9 years ago

Were you making commission that first year in sales? How did you get to the point in personal development to realize you’d rather do what you’re doing now than making a bunch of money and living the way Madison Avenue tells you how you want to live? Do you just come to the realization that you’re miserable and figure out what you want instead?

Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
9 years ago

That would would have made for a great narrative on the show Jack.

9 years ago

What about the seven year of killing yourself? How exactly did you go from just out of the army to working at a warehouse to sales? And for that matter, how did you move to Texas with no job and no money? Did you just get a place with your friend and bust your ass to get a job asap?

9 years ago

Right. Super easy. Just like my old man working as a masonry contractor through the winter- in Minnesota might I add- using plastic shelters and propane heaters to keep the mortar from freezing (great for the lungs you know) had it easy. To me it’s more about being in the right positivity and abundance mindset to see opportunities and then take them. There obviously isn’t less opportunities today (the rich keep getting richer while the poor get poorer? Sell expensive shit to rich people! And live a lifestyle that’s easily supported and easily adaptable!) The only disadvantage I see us being at is we’re just one generation closer to the economy being superfucked. And that’s what preps and self sufficiency (easily obtained by selling shit to rich people right?) are for. No problem.
Personally I’m pumped about the future. I’m probably oversimplifying shit a lot but at least that leads me to going out and doing shit instead of sitting around and worrying.

Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
9 years ago

Similar story with my friend who now owns a company that does all the fiber/plant work for Eastlink up here. Moved to PEI from Newfoundland, in a pickup truck, with his wife to be and all his belongings. I went out with him one day, and I was pulling the lasher (its a hateful piece of equipment). He heated a can of Ravoli on the front windshield with the heater on full. That was his lunch. That was ten years ago, now his company probably grosses a million a year. He busted his ass off and what people see today is not what I witnessed in 2004

9 years ago
Reply to  Prof CJ

Just to reply to the stoicism part….I agree that it’s a huge motivator. I found this quote somewhere (could have been from the Art of Manliness blog but I’m not for sure – love that blog even though I’m a woman 😉 )

“My idea of the modern Stoic sage is someone who transforms fear into prudence, pain into information, mistakes into initiation, and desire into undertaking.”

I keep this quote at the top of my to-do list at work to help keep me pushing forward. It’s all about the internal fight and turning obstacles into something advantageous instead of something detrimental.

Prof CJ
9 years ago
Reply to  Brooke

My favorite Marcus Aurelius quote (especially when the alarm screeches at five-thirty): “In the morning, when you rise unwillingly, let this thought be present: I am rising to the work of a human being.”

Still beats any alternative, I reckon.

10 years ago

Another note (just can’t shut up about this)..


There is no reason for you to ‘go it alone’. Form a ‘family’ or ‘tribe’ and work together for your common good.

Don’t let yourself be ‘divided and conquered’.

Just remember, you’re the average of the four people you spend the most time with.. if those people are negative, defeated, lazy, fat, directionless.. weed them out. They’re killing you.

You are NOT ‘your generation. The ‘fate’ or ‘your generation’ is not YOUR fate. The struggles of ‘your generation’ are not YOUR struggles. Your success is not dependent on the success of ‘your generation’.

So decouple from that propaganda group. ‘Generation’ is just another way to divide.. and conquer.

9 years ago
Reply to  Insidious

oh so correct! Much to be said for reaching out to all generations. Being in my 60’s, I am always excited and energized by what I see and hear from younger people starting new companies. I had the pleasure to visit with two young men who are building a new Urban Farm company. Like sponges they were, so fun to mentor them along and share resources. And they help me by sourcing my farm products to urban customers and giving excellent input on website design. Win, Win.

(The New) Mike Cornwell
Reply to  Insidious

Great read.

9 years ago

the broth info was in line with my practices as well as Sally Fallon’s “Nourishing Bone Broth” book, so three to zero, a slam dunk. We’re all on the same page. Except for one thing: I think there is a contradiction in the Fallon book where it is stated that you should not use aluminum for making stock and yet the book says you can use a pressure cooker, which aren’t all aluminum? At least the ones that most people use.
Unless I’m missing it, I don’t find a lot of prepping news about broth, although it is picking up speed in the general public awareness if you follow various TV food related programs. A broth based product was purchased and used by the Lewis & Clark expedition that apparently was one of their main sources of substenance for their journey. You would think that arouse some interest for those who are interested in long term storage. We have been using more and more of these concepts in our camping trips. We used to have to make several grocery store trips in a week long vacation, but now we come home with what we didn’t use. Beer and ice is excepted, but not for long.

9 years ago
Reply to  beedee

But nevertheless, Sally Fallon’s work has merit. There are those that do not buy Ford motor products because of Henry Ford’s anti-Jewish statements. Some do not buy Israeli products because they launch bombs. Some people won’t buy Chinese products because it is a communist regime. Don’t go to a Redskins’ game, don’t buy fur products, blah-blah-blah. There are still debates about whether we should use the results of medical experiments under Hitler’s regime that would make water-boarding look like sunburn. And didn’t those who called water-boarding torture use the information culled from that practice to further their own political agenda?

I’ve bought Ford products, I buy Chinese, Israeli products, I’ll go to a Redskins game, cheer the demise of Osama Bin Laden, and I’ll use the information that Sally Fallon has presented, because it is good and credible. Sanctions, embargo’s, boycott’s hurt primarily the one that practices them, if not materially, soulfully.

9 years ago
Reply to  beedee

Why would I care if the work is “stolen”? The Chinese have stolen many military/industrial secrets from others and they work just fine for them. This isn’t like receiving stolen goods on the street corner, the attempt to sue people over stolen recipes is… let’s face it, making broth has been done since man/woman has learned to cook with fire, the process has not produced anything copyright-able. Study after study was recited and credit to the authors was given numerous times, if that is plagiarism I guess they’re in big trouble. But I don’t care about all that, only the broth-making.

I did look into that electric pressure cooker and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a product with ratings so evenly split between 5* and 1* and little in between. I tend to learn more about the product from reading the 1* ratings and why they rated that way. Things like: “it didn’t get here in time for the wedding”, or: this: “I got this as a gift and I already had one”.

I signed up for the http://ppnf.org/ newsletter, thanks for that link.

9 years ago
Reply to  beedee

Hey Jack, Just wondering if you could tell me where I could find more info about Fallon? My google-fu is not strong enough….

Is the lying/cheating you mention just about the use of the name or is it more “substantive?” I’m not trying to be adversarial, but I know a lot of people who have been helped by her work/foundation, including myself in that I have “cured” myself of an auto-immune disease and gotten off my “lifetime Prescription drugs” (all which years of No-grain/Paleo did not help). I also see a lot of her work still posted/for sale on PPNF.

I think Price/Pottenger is a great org too but I, and no one else I know that’s informed about this, would know about it if they hadn’t learned about it through WAPF!

Again, not trying to pick a fight or take sides…just looking to make sure I have all the info. Thanks!

9 years ago
Reply to  beedee

Also if you want another potential source for pressure cooking stock in stainless steel, just do a quick search for stainless steel pressure cookers on amazon. I just got a Fagor one, 10 quart size that will make quite a bit in one go that I have been pleased with. This is what chef Keith Snow recommends by the way. You can just tell the difference in color between a pressure cooked stock and regular simmered one, its so much darker and rich looking when it has been pressure cooked (though that could be because I am impatient with the regular version and end up cooking it too high of a temp, though for long time still). Anyways also you can use it as a canner as well, max size in those Fagor ones is 4 quart jars so its not too bad if you just want to do small to medium batches.

I will admit, I don’t really like the process for canning in it compared to our all-American. Not having a dial gauge is a real turn off, I feel like I am always hoping it acts like it should while the all-American just is so much more intuitive for me.

All I would say about the cooking in aluminum debate, is do your research and make up your own mind. Since I have both pressure cookers, you can see which side I decided to go with…

9 years ago
Reply to  Aniera

The explanation Jack gave on the show for why does not like making broth in a pressure cooker makes the most sense to me, not because of the aluminum, but because of the heat. We don’t have any more aluminum cookware, our pressure cookers and canners are all stainless. I don’t like coffee made in aluminum percolators like you get at garage sales for camping. It gives it a metal taste. But as for aluminum absorption, you probably get more in one morning from one swipe of your underarm deodorant than you would get from a lifetime of cooking in an aluminum pot.

We use a stainless steel stock pot over a gas flame for making broth, but to disperse the heat I set a piece of metal 1/2″ thick by 8″x8″ between the burner and the pot. You can also set your stock pan inside of a cast iron frying pan over the burner. It’s a nice set-up to catch any escaping spills.

9 years ago
Reply to  beedee

No burden here, neither judgmental. If she found something worthy of theft, I am interested. People don’t steal something unless it has worth. When I was in art school this jerk copied one of my projects and others who knew I produced mine first mentioned it to the professor who took another look at mine and said, “that is worth stealing” and bumped me up a grade.

9 years ago

Well, I’m certainly sorry to hear that you would place me in that group of people that you disrespect, but I’m sure I’d be in good company. And I know you’re trying hard to change the topic from being about broth to being about a person, but I would much rather learn what you know about broth than what you know about Sally.

9 years ago

I’ve often heard that there are men who are threatened by assertive, successful women.

9 years ago

No troll, I take it as light-hearted sparring that most of the time you initiate. As for 30 names, and I do believe that goes back quite some time with a large gap there somewhere, I have gone on now 7 different computers and never recall what name I’ve used. I don’t consider mentioning S.F.’s name as trolling, had I none it would touch a nerve I would’nt have used it. And like I’ve said, I know and don’t care to know anything about her, I’ve consistently tried to keep this on track: broth. But I did have a little fun with that last one, no harm meant. Want me to stay away?

9 years ago

You should take the last call out and put it on youtube!

9 years ago

Yeah you 110% need to put this on YouTube so I can share the shit out of this with everybody I talk to. I hear people my age (~20) talking just like the caller all the time and they need to hear this.

Colby raising 9 species

Raising 9 species

Pigs with chickens work for us.

I house my chickens in the same electronet as our pigs. We have not had a problem with our pigs eating live chickens.

Chickens are housed in a pickup bed trailer with camper shell. Using 2×2 for roosts. Deep litter for warmth.
The pigs are American guinea hog. These pigs are part of the Slow Food US Arch of Taste. We attribute some of the attitude of the pigs being slow food that they only eat food that is very slow, i.e., not moving.
I only feed a very limited amount of grain. The pigs, chickens, and dairy goats are all eating from the same place. All of the heads are in the same location trying to eat the same food. The only issue is that our 3 year old boar, needing a tusk trim, injures the other 4 legged animals. The pigs do step on the feet of the chickens and you can hear them squawk at that assault.

The chickens did follow the pigs that followed the goats. We did not have a problem the first year until the leaves fell from the trees. The trailer would be pulled through the woods, over trees (used the Trailblazer as I had been trained to us the HMMWV and 113s). When the trees were bare, we got hit hard, losing 3-6 chickens per night. I attribute this to crawling predators being able to determine an arboreal route.
After looking chickens for three nights in a row, we moved the chickens into the same electronet as the pigs. We have not had a problem… as of yet. Another added benefit is that the pigs sleeping underneath the trailer added extra warmth to the coop. Additionally, the chickens are better to manage the pig manure when within the same electronet. The chickens are able to better spread the manure as it is still with liquid and not dried solid as it is within a few hours. The chickens also assist with the parasite control on the pigs. When they were separate, when the pigs were in the woods, they had several ticks. With living with the chickens, we no longer find any external parasites.
We are now 2 more years into housing the AGH pigs with the chickens without issue. We now have added a Gloucestershire Old Spot gilt into the mix along with adding sheep.

I will be adding turkey this year. I am considering ducks and perhaps quail.

9 years ago

I second this…we have been housing 25 heritage breed chickens (a portion of our flock) with up to 20 tamworth pigs/guilts/boars for about 6 months. We rotate them on pasture together, and they share shelter/area together in winter.

I got the idea from Fox Hollow Farm in NE Ohio (much larger operation than us). They have been doing it for a couple years and have not had any predator problems since. They were loosing birds particularly to hawks. They told me since putting the birds with their pigs they only lost one bird during the first week…the hawk killed it but was unable to eat it before the pigs ran it off…the hawk has not been back!

I also believe Walter over at Sugar Mountain Farm (sugarmtnfarm.com/….a great resource for pasture raised pigs!) keeps his chickens with his pigs

We also have not lost any of our birds with the pigs…although we have lost birds from the rest of our flock on pasture. I don’t know if I’d try CX with the pigs but other than that I think it would have to be one old, slow, sick chicken to be eaten by a pig!

9 years ago

Hey, I had always heard “pigs will eat your chickens” too…until I tried it!

Chris Trostle
Chris Trostle
9 years ago

My comment is directed towards the last caller. Sir, I am thirty years old, and I am not rollin’ in money, but I am a happy man. Take what I’ve got to say as far as you will.

First, I hear your sense of feeling lost and hopeless. I get it, man. I do. I’ve been there. I was there for quite some time, and then things started connecting. It wasn’t just an “ah ha” moment, it was more powerful than that. You will have your moment if you fight for it. Failure is not a stopping point, it’s a learning point. Every time I get knocked on my ass, I think back of this hell of a fist fight I had many years. Stupid, I know, but I think about it. I remember getting popped right in my nose, and the blood-works started in. I remember tasting my blood and it triggered something in me the keyed one simple thought – “I’m not stopping until I get what I want.” There is not intended to be any machismo crap here, but when times get hard, I proverbially taste the blood. Get it?

Secondly, in my experience times are different than what our elders had. We’ve lost some great traits, and gained some great traits, but Jack is 100% right, they are out there just as much as before. I believe there is more opportunity with the caveat that one must find balance in their life to be happy. What I have felt our society, and it’s ever-changing opportunities, have been changing to is very similar to European societies. When booming general labor markets calmed down it was the specialists that rose to the top. The people who did not simply build basic windows, but rather built the top 1%. They stopped farming basic crops, and found niche markets. Clothes shops stopped selling basic apparel, and starting creating bespoke apparel. Find something you enjoy doing, and have a skill in, find those premium niches and dominate there, man. You’ll find any skill you gain to have fluidity, and an art involved. You will also notice those “closed doors” of opportunity start to open up to more opportunity than you could of ever hoped for.

Lastly, I’m not going to go too zen on you, but everything about what we are doing in life is about finding a balance. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I am at so much peace compared to where I was 8 years ago, it just makes me smile. I’ve got a 15 year old car that I enjoy going for pointless rides down the dirt roads. I’ve got a $60,000 home in a farm town that I can’t wait to walk into. Bills are paid. Savings are slim, but growing. Buddy, none of this would of happened 8 years ago, and I made double of what I make now. I had a kickass bike, nice truck, a rental in a lively neighborhood, spent way too much money at the bars. It was a blast, but I wasn’t happy. Something in me was out of tune. When I slowed down – When I found my life’s pace – When I started telling the world who I was, the world stopped telling me who I am supposed to be.

Best advice I can give you, sir. Find your pace. Find your skill. Most importantly, taste the damn blood.

(The New) Mike Cornwell
Reply to  Chris Trostle

This was an enjoyable read.

(The New) Mike Cornwell

Regarding the final segment. Great reply.

As somebody who is in the generation described, I’ll say there is no way things have ever been easier to get a business up and going. While there is obviously “more” regulations and all that going on, the opportunities are just everywhere. I think our time is better spent looking for opportunities rather than reflecting on how old opportunities are closing, or have closed.

9 years ago

To the last caller,

I would have to agree with what Jack said and I’m also in my early 40’s – things are tough, but they’ve always been tough.

I barely graduated high school in a small town with very few jobs around and I wasn’t expected to go to college and I didn’t until much later. I worked about a year in a windowless garment factory that had me coughing up blue dye every day, then I pipe-lined for about a year and a half, I was unemployed for 8 months, I worked for the county supervising a prison road gang for over a year, and all those jobs paid shit and it was all so I could save up $1100 to buy a car to drive my me and my girlfriend to Dallas to start a life and get the hell out of that town. We got there, still poor and then the transmission on the car went out. And on, and on, and on…

Skip forward a few years, our relationship broke up, I’m renting a crappy apartment, sleeping on a stack of cardboard boxes and barely getting by with no tv, no phone, no nothing, my car was stolen, etc, etc. I was in my late 20’s then.

When I could I would hang out in a local used bookstore and I learned enough to get into a community college, then a university, and eventually got a job in my field. Still broke, much more in debt, etc, etc,

I got married and I never thought that would happen.

I still have school debt (another topic) and will for a long time, but our credit card debt is paid, we now have a house instead of an apartment, and we have a little land that we can work with. Even with our current struggles and losses it’s way, way better than how it was in my 20’s or 30’s and it gets a little better all the time. We ain’t rich, we have to watch our spending closely, we don’t go out much, but I love coming home and playing with my dog, taking care of my chickens and rabbits, gardening, etc. For the most part, I’m happy!

I used to wake up every morning and curse at the world at the top of my lungs. I’m serious. The neighbors probably thought I was nuts. But I was angry, man. It’s the only way I knew to survive. But out of that anger and frustration and struggle comes a certain peace and letting go and realizing that nothing can hurt you anymore. Nobody can devastate me by taking everything away and making me clean toilets for a living because it won’t be the end and I’m tougher than that. I used to imagine everything as a brick wall in front of me and I would keeping running my head into that thing until the wall came down or I died trying.

I know this is rambling, but all I’m trying to say is that it’s tough, and for some more than others, but all you can do is work with what you’ve got and keep hitting that wall. When you fall down, get up and hit it again, and again,…

(I don’t know if this helps, but I’m not very good at this kinda stuff and don’t like getting too personal)

9 years ago
Reply to  Chad

“Nobody can devastate me by taking everything away and making me clean toilets for a living because it won’t be the end and I’m tougher than that.”

Haha I say the same thing all the time. Never too proud to clean toilets..I will do whatever it takes to trim the fat on the budget and work whatever job i have to to pay the bills if need be. I started from almost nothing, so it doesn’t scare me.

Listen to this song by Chris Knight – Nothing on me

9 years ago

Just finished listening to this podcast episode last night and the last call was a good call. Jack, I love hearing you talk about succeeding at life. It’s so true that ANYONE can do it, but they need the right mindset. There has to be a fighting spirit in someone to really make their dreams happen. Obstacles will always be there. Challenges will always be present. The key is to not let them get you down. If something happened to my $95K job tomorrow, I don’t care if I would have to work 3 part-time jobs to make up for my lost job. I would do what I had to do until I could get back to where I was. It would be a struggle, but there’s such a fight in me to have the life I want. Don’t accept what you are given. Life doesn’t happen to you. You choose what you want in your life. Sometimes the best choices are the hard choices, but the reward is so sweet.

I hope the caller got some motivation and renewed the fight in him to get what he wants out of life. Good call and good answer, Jack.

Sir Lord Baltimore
Sir Lord Baltimore
9 years ago

On the topic of guns as investments: Recently I have experienced a rough patch in my financial life. I needed to sell some possessions to keep the wolves at bay. I have a couple of rifles that I no longer use. I also have some silver and gold. Guess which I sold first??? Silver. Its a heck of alot easier to part with. Craigslist or your local coin dealer are always there. Depending on your states firearm laws it can be a pain in the rear to off load unwanted firearms.
Might be something to think about…SHTF doesn’t happen very often. Job losses sick relatives and mid life crisis happen all of the time.