CAC Teams Now In Port Author – We Need Your Help with Places for Our Responders to Sleep
Okay we are now seeing CAC do what we built it for, find the people not getting enough help and helping them. Houston is being over loaded with help, don’t get me wrong they need it desperately but what is on TV? Houston, Houston, Houston. But this is what we just heard….
Right now Port Author is getting pounded, rescues are being made and rescuers are dropping people off on dry land but with no idea where to put them or where to send them.
This is the report that just came in from a responder we have in the area. And these is what we need help with now.
A Place for Our Repsonders to Sleep, Get a Shower, Etc.
And we need your help with a places for our responders to stay. If you are near Port Author and can put people up please let us know. Our folks don’t need much a floor and some bedding and a place to take a shower and grab some sleep is a real help right now.
We can also use safe housing for responders just about anywhere near the effected areas, including Houston, Corpus Christi, Rockport, etc. We may not even need you right now but may need you in the future our teams are remaining mobile and going to the least served areas as designed.
Over the next week the effort will turn more and more to clean up and things like tearing down dry wall in flooded houses to try to save them from mold and other things like that. So if you have the ability to put any of our folks up please let us know.
Someone That Can Pull A Trailer Down to the Port Author/Beaumont Area
Do to the evolving situation in Port Author we have redirected a team that was stopping by my place strait into Port Author. So what we now could use a person with a truck who can pull a trailer down to that area to meet up with out team in the next day or two.
This person doesn’t have to be heavily involved in the effort, it is pretty much a delivery effort. Pick up the trailer, deliver it and head home. The pick up location is in the Fort Worth Area.
If you can help with either of these needs, it is highly appreciated. To do so please contact Steven Harris at support =at= knowledgepublications (dot) com with “Safehaven” in the Subject Line, let him know where you are and how many people you are willing to provide a place to sleep to. Or let him know that you are interested in delivering a trailer full of supplies to our teams in the Beaumont/Port Arthur area.
I am originally from a small town (Nederland) between Beaumont & Pt Arthur. I work at Walmart in Waco now. Just today I was telling the customers who were coming in and buying supplies to take down to the flood victims that Houston has more help than they know what to do with. They need to be going to Port Arthur but they all said they were going to Houston.
Reached out to Steve, I should be able to do this tomorrow afternoon.