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Billy in NC
Billy in NC
7 years ago

Great things y’all have going down there Jack. Kudos to Steven Harris for taking the ball and running with it.

Joe Chiarelli
Joe Chiarelli
7 years ago

Awesome stuff. I signed up to be a regional volunteer so that I can help in the future due to the recent show.

7 years ago

Already donated. Good work guys!

Calvin Deelah
7 years ago


This is Calvin Deelah. I have been working through Jason staometons program and have been listening to you since i heard you on his lrogram, it’s amazing. That said, I am one of many in Houston who just got pummeled by Harvey. My business was beginning to reap huge successes by implementing your program – but now we are set back to ground zero.

I am, again, rewriting my concrete countertop business to now be a general contracting business – focusing on helping those with no flood insurance. The truth of the matter is, 75% of those hit hardest by the flood have no flood insurance because they were on 500 and 800 year flood plains. The impact on my business is that my contracts are at a stand still. The impact on my community is that they don’t see how they can rebuild.

IF you are looking for a way to help, consider donating to our company so that we can begin helping families rebuild. I figured it might be nice to donate to someone who is already actively promoting you and working through your program – while also helping our family of 7 stay above water.

If this is something you’d be interested in, let me know as I’d love to share with you more.

I sent Jason Stapleton this request as well as Eric Post.

It would be great to work with you guys on this.


Calvin Deelah

7 years ago

Stay safe

7 years ago

Hey Jack, in the episode about CAC you mentioned being prepared to bug-out ahead of time and the need to prep for your animals.

If you lived in the Houston area that had a history of flooding…

Can you share what your plans would be for all your birds, dogs, cats and fish if you had to leave your house? Would you take any plants or equipment? What about safes full of guns & ammo- take them all or leave in the safe?

With the number and diversity of animals I’m interested and learning from you on this point.

7 years ago

If you are CAC team in Houston and need fuel reply here.