Check Out John Bush’s Free Common Sense Crypto Webinar
Folks John Bush is a true OG in the world of Bitcoin and crypto and he just announced his free Common Sense Crypto Seminar coming this week. I remember John driving “the Bitcoin Bus” across the nation and living with his family on Bitcoin 100% during that tour at a time when most people didn’t even know what bitcoin was.
It was early pioneers like John that made Bitcoin what it is today. Recently though with the Fall of FTX and a number of other crypto scams once again we are hearing things like “Bitcoin is dead”. Folks like John and I have been though that many times now. These scams have zero to do with bitcoin, specifically self custody bitcoin and other self custody crypto.
You have heard me say for YEARS “get your crypto off the exchange” and many of you have, still many have not. Why? Fear. No other explanation required. I wrote this article about that a few weeks back. But I know for many you want more.
You want to be led though the process so you feel secure holding your own keys. And YOU NEED TO DO THIS, because not your keys, means no your coins. Just ask people who held on FTX about that. Let me be clear there is NO EXCHANGE where you should hold your coins, not one. I have never cared who you bought from, just that you self custody your bitcoin.
Now with John Bush’s free Common Sense Crypto Seminar you can learn exactly how and have John take all the mystery out of it. This seminar is happening on Dec. 14 at 11 AM central. The seminar will run about 2 hours and if you miss it or part of it you will still have access to the replay until Friday night the 16th.