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Lew (glockman1727ak47)
13 years ago

Good Deal. I have entered into the contested and posted my question. B
oy oh boy i would love to win!

Dave (RUReady)
Dave (RUReady)
13 years ago

I left a couple of Questions, but none show up? I put in “First Name-TSP”.

Dave (RUReady)
Dave (RUReady)
13 years ago

Still have not seen any of my questions. Has anyone had their questions posted?

13 years ago
Reply to  Dave (RUReady)

Hey guys!

Thanks for participating… we are really excited to have launched this promotion with TSP.

We do have to monitor all of the questions submitted to make sure they meet the requirements… mainly that they be legitimately related to the product, intelligent, relevant and interesting, useful to the end customer, and refrain from any foul language or inappropriate content.

Also, we have to answer them! 🙂 There have been a ton of questions submitted and we are working through them in batches. You will get an email when your question has been answered and then you’ll be able to see the question & answer live on the product page!

Hope this helps and Good Luck!


13 years ago
Reply to  Dave (RUReady)

My question was answered and I was notified via email that it had been answered.

Sean - TSP
13 years ago

I presume there’s some moderation to approve our questions. Probably want to filter out offensive or unflattering questions.

Something I’ve wondered, but knew better than to ask for this contest – why do they offer different quantities of a given ammo without any meaningful discount?

500 Rounds of .223 Ammo by Federal – 55gr FMJ $155.00 ($0.31/rnd)
900 Rounds of .223 Ammo by Federal – 55gr FMJ $295.00 ($0.328/rnd)

If I want to spend hundreds of dollars at once on military patterned ammo, I’ll drive down to a surplus stores near Ft. Lewis and buy a barrel of milsurp 5.56 for a way cheaper per round price. It’s not like we’re talking match grade in either case.

Sean - TSP
13 years ago
Reply to  Sean - TSP

In fairness to the merchant, the 900 round offering does come loaded on stripper clips. That might have some redeeming value to those who perform tactical reloads during the zombie apocalypse.

13 years ago

Good. I asked a few questions. Hopefully they will come up. I noticed too that they didn’t appear at once. I was a little worried I had done something wrong but I’ll wait and see. I’m sure you are right. Questions have to be filtered for spam and all.

13 years ago
Reply to  Alex


We have gotten a ton of questions – I am sure we have received yours.

Once we approve and answer it you’ll receive an email notifying you that it is live on the site.


13 years ago

I also asked a few questions. Interested to see some responses.

13 years ago

Hi Tom,

Some answers have already been posted and we are continuing to work through them! You’ll get an email when yours is live.


13 years ago

@Jack (This has been my question since BA became sponsors)

There is no product (7.62×25) so there is no place to ask a question. My only question is…why don’t they carry 7.62×25? I have handguns and AR type in this caliber. I shoot a lot of it.


13 years ago

Hello JimK!

Compared to the other calibers we stock, 7.62×25 has lower demand so we don’t keep it in stock year round.

However, we just made a few calls and will have some S&B 7.62x25mm Tokarev in inventory beginning next week at your request! Stock up!


13 years ago
Reply to  Steven

Thanks Steve! I will look for it on Tuesday. Looks like the spam cans of corrosive 1260count are finally drying up.

13 years ago

Hey guys!

Today is the last day of the promotion- we won’t enter questions that are received after 11:59pm ET today 10/21/2011 into the contest.

Make sure you got your 2 questions submitted!

We will send the 3 winners over to Jack over the weekend and he will likely announce them Monday October 24th, 2011.

Good Luck…
