Building Mobile and Stationary Back Up Power Workshop With Steven Harris
Putting the final touch on this one now but by tomorrow it will be open for sign ups to the MSB for the first few days and then if we do not sell out it will be open to all.
In this workshop we will be building likely three mobile battery back up systems in tool boxes in the back of trucks. The same systems Steven provides information on in his DVD series on battery back ups. I am looking for two students who want to drive here and have a system built in their vehicle so we have three vehicles vs. just my tuck.
For those students it will work this way…
- You will have to pay for all your parts and commit that you will have them with you when you show up, Steve will send a shopping list to you based on what you want as far as size, etc. You will email him and he will provide this.
- I will cut the cost of your course fee down to 100 dollars, basically to cover the cost of feeding you during this event, frankly the way I feed people it won’t even do that.
More details are coming tomorrow but the dates will likely be Feb. 13, 14 and 15 and students as per usual can camp on site if they want and may set up camp on Wednesday the 12th if they wish to. We will get a group rate at a local hotel and students who sign up will have access to the students only email list.
Often students share hotel rooms, airport transport, etc. but we personally stay out of that. I consider your happiness and experience from the time you get on my property until you leave it to be my responsibility, but once you leave it is all on you. So I don’t get involved with logistics like that.
This workshop will be 80% or more hands on. In addition to the three mobile systems I will disassemble the one in my closet and we will put it together in the garage as well. We will also discuss small one battery DC only table top systems and some other cool stuff.
I have to run some numbers but on this I have to fly in Steven Harris and pay his expenses and of course his fee as an instructor. As always we feed the heck out of people and put on a great event. My guess is the cost of this one right now will be about 400-450. Again final price will be released tomorrow, along with date confirmation.
The next workshop will be food forest planting and will likely be done April 3-5. As always MSB Members will get first crack at available seats.
Sounds like a good workshop! And a bargain at that ($100!?!). I wish I could make it. Jack isn’t lyin’ when he says he doubts he can feed you for that $100. I’d go back just for Jack’s brisket. And to hang out with Steven Harris for 3 days……
Sorry to disappoint you, Jesse, but it’s going to be $400-500 for all students except those who will bring their truck and be a “demonstration” truck. Read the second to last paragraph carefully.
That’s what happens when I screw around on the internet when I should have been working.
Any way the Steve Harris shopping list can be published for those of us who can’t make it?
Hi Jack, Valentines day could be an issue for some people. I’m building one for my truck right now. I’m sure the class will be awesome.
Oh man, I would drive my truck from NC for this but I will not be in the states on those dates. Please post all the info possible.
Any chance videos will be made of this and made available to purchase?
Videos that show you exactly how to do it are available from Steve here,
We always shoot some video but since this is a product Steve makes a living on we won’t want to compete with it.
WOW, depending on price I would definitely like to particpate. I have a truck and a toolbox!
Looking forward to seeing the price.
Depending on final dates, I’ve got a truck, live local and have been meaning to do a system anyways. So, let me know if you still have a truck opening.
Have diesel truck and will travel. Would like to do a 4 battery array in my toolbox!
I want one of the truck slots!!!
I am taking people in the order they email me on that, line if forming but I am guessing the materials cost is about 1200 bucks. So I am needing firm commitments as they come in.
Going to save my trip for food forest.