
Episode-1224- Bug Out Planning and Documentation (orig epi 148) — 6 Comments

  1. Hey Jack, how about replaying the Steve Harris interviews some time this month. The back up power ones.

  2. Jack mentions getting a disposable prepaid cell phone for just in case situations. Since he recorded this years ago things may have changed. All the prepaids I can find have expiring minutes AND want to link you personally to the account (huh? it’s prepaid). I don’t think re-loading minutes in an emergency situation is a good thing, and continually loading minutes every couple months to keep the phone ready is impractical. I also don’t care to have my emergency phone linked to me and a CC. Am I looking in the wrong places?
    Is there a decent prepaid that I can have minutes on that don’t expire? Does it require a link to me and/or a credit card?

  3. Jack,

    I would love to see how you have the pages made up. Is it something fancy and easy to follow? Part of me is envisioning a power point masterpiece, and the other part of me is thinking it’s just quick print outs of Google maps with pins stuck to them and highlighter with a word doc or too. If possible could you link a copy to a generic set up that would give folks ideas on how to organize all the information.

    • I have never released it because it is TMI (to much information) basically just lists and maps. I have thought about templatizing it but never gotten around to it. I will try to do so this year.

  4. EXCELLENT show. Two comments on backup cell phones:
    1.) There’s no way to load up a prepaid phone with minutes and lock it in a glove box, then expect those minutes to be available a year later.

    The best bang for the buck is the T-Mobile pay-as-you-go gold plan. Most carriers require renewing at least every 90 days but with T-Mobile if you buy $100 worth of airtime up front, you get gold status. Gold status lets you keep your minutes for a year. Then you just renew again for $10 and get 30 more minutes. That’s 83 cents per month. You do have to remind yourself to keep paying every year; they have an auto-refill but it is monthly and the minimum is $10. So just add a reminder to your calendar to refill a few days early.

    (This was as of February 2012 so it might have changed.)

    2.) You mentioned having a phone on another network (such as AT&T and T-Mobile), but I believe as long as the technology is the same they often share towers. Instead, consider having a backup phone on an entirely different technology. There are two main technologies in use in the United States: GSM and CDMA. If your phone has a SIM card, it’s GSM. If not, it’s CDMA. Look for a backup phone that has the opposite of what you have, and you’ll have more redundancy.