
Episode-2641- A New Look at “Bug Out Locations” in the Context of Pandemic Threat — 7 Comments

  1. One thing that we realized is that a bugout location might not even work.  We live in Dare Count, NC.  Out on the Outer Banks (Hatteras Island to be exact).  What the Dare County government has done is lock the area down to not allow anybody but permanent residents on the island.  So, if you are a non-resident property owner, you are SOL.  You have to go through a Sheriff checkpoint and convince them that you belong there.  There are class action lawsuits against the county for non-resident property owners to gain access.  But good luck with that.  The courthouse isnt taking cases until June.

    This is something to think about.  If you own a property where a community and government might not want you to be there.  Constitutional or not, they arent letting people on.  It is great for us that live here.  We have the beach to ourselves.  But for a bugout location not so good.  and it isnt just island communities that are doing this.

  2. Point Three under “The Other Side” above…

    “Going before you need to is the only real way to succeed”.

    While I am sure they are not letting people in I bet anyone who was in before they started is being ignored.

    • You are correct.  The sheriff is not rounding up non residents.

      I have seen things get to almost a scuffle when someone is driving around with out of state tags and oldtimer locals getting close to being physical with the non-residents.  The Island Vibe is no longer what it used to be.

  3. Jack, we have a country house and a city house. We are in the city house primarily.

    I realized that if I kept garage quail and rabbits here, i could throw the cages in the truck and head to the other property if we decide to bug out. There is plenty of space there to grow alfalfa and sorghum for grain. and keep some bags of feed.

    basically, keep your urban livestock mobile.

  4. Your discussions of the spread related to population density, I believe, is ever so slightly miss aimed.

    I think the real issue is mass transit. Obviously mass transit and population density are very related, but by putting the focus on mass transit you can also include some of the data about racial inequities of the outbreaks. My guess is that NYC was hit so hard as mass transit is basically a mandate across 99% of population but in other places it is only for those below a certain income level.

    As for your proposal that the denominator is way off, I’d like to see the numbers for isolated groups where most people were tested.  Of this group is obviously cruise ships, but also aircraft carriers like the USS Theodore Roosevelt as it was filled with what I assume are reasonably healthy young men and women.  I would think an accurate view of the cases there would be an optimistic (due to health, though not sure about smoking) view of how this would look nation wide.