Black Dragon Tactical Joins the MSB
Devon Standard is part of the team at Black Dragon Tactical. He is also a great friend of the TSP community and a long time listener to the show.
Devon has been working for quite a while to get a system set up to offer members of the audience a discount and we finally have a way set up to do just that.
Black Dragon has some of the coolest tactical tools you will find anywhere including Defender Series Body Armor and the RONI Pistol Carbine Systems. MSB members now get free shipping on all orders from Black Dragon Tactical.
The discount code has now been added to your MSB Benefits Page.
Also I wanted to let you guys know that the discount code for High Mowing Seeds had expired. Of course this happened while we were shut down for the holiday and away from home. We have gotten this corrected and High Mowing did honor all discounts for members that called in during the mix up.
In that vein this is a great time to be getting ready for spring planting please remember the following seed companies all provide MSB members a discount and consider them first if you will soon be placing seed orders.
There are a lot of great small seed suppliers out there but these three companies support our community so consider supporting them when making a purchase for seeds or other gardening/homesteading items.
Again if you are an MSB member the discount codes for Black Dragon, High Mowing, Terroir and Victory are all on the benefits page of the membership site. If you are not a MSB Member yet, these are just four of the total of 39 companies that currently provide exclusive discounts to the MSB. For more info on the MSB just visit the Members Page.
FYI – My malware detector keeps going off when I go to their site.
Same thing here, avast is talking about a malware link for some reason.
is the URL that seems to be causing the issue.
Just seems to be their body armor page…
I got the malware alert off their body armor (both pages of the list) as well as the Roni carbine page.
Thanks Jack for fixing the MSB discount code at High Mowing. Successfully got our seeds ordered – appreciate the help. Blessings, TBM
Dear Members Brigade:
My webmaster is attacking the “malware” problem.
I am also expecting a shipment of 30 round mags, you folks will be 2nd to know, after the UPS guy. Let me know how many mags you need. Soon we will have cool image intensified night vision and thermal night vision as well.
I have about 20 used police infrared & visible laser aiming devices that I will be posting next week. If you like shooting w night vision, these are indispensable.
We have a lot of NIJ Level IIIA bulletproof panels, book bags, backpacks and clipboards in stock.
At BDT, we like to get gear for our friends, so let us know what you need!
Cheers & thanks for your patience w the technical issue.
Stay safe,
Webmaster tells me all County Buck elements have been deleted. New products go up every week, so check back every Sunday!