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L. Suddeth
L. Suddeth
9 years ago

I’m a new listener and I think you for the valuable information you present us daily. Any chance you might share the recipes of the meals you mentioned in episode 1673?

9 years ago

I you go to the Sears store….not the one in the mall,
you can get a chest freezer for about $200

9 years ago

Love these back to basics episodes! Your suggestion about cooking in quantity and preserving portions for future meals is a good one. Instead of canning, though, I put portions of chili, stews, and soups in Ziploc 2 cup containers with screw on lids. I then freeze these. They’re great for fast meals any time, and I especially like taking one to work for lunch along with a fresh salad. My lunch is tastier, healthier, and cheaper than most of my co-workers’ lunches.

9 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen…I present to you the kitchenistas.

Suburban Resilience
Suburban Resilience
9 years ago

“Shot up Johnny and eat your twinkie” – ROFLMAO!!!!

Attila Iklady
Attila Iklady
9 years ago

Hey Jack. Im on the Power Pressure canners website and I noticed that they sell a 10qrt model…. See link. Its only a about $50 more.


9 years ago

I will be anxiously awaiting your review of the chard pressure canner.

9 years ago

There seems to be a lot of push back online from some of the canning “authorities” against these electric models for pressure canning low acid foods. Any other sources out there – besides the manufacturer – that back these up as safe for low acid foods?

9 years ago

Hi Jack,
GREAT episode.

I was listening while pressure canning a bunch of stew beef.
I really liked your idea of tracking what you eat, then getting what you can that’s already shelf-stable, then thinking about filling in the holes with shelf-stable versions. Great message.

RE: Freezers
Today, I walked into my garage and found my freezer thawing! Apparently, the cord had gotten knocked out of the outlet with a ladder or something. It’s running again now that I plugged it back in. But I’m going to spend the rest of the week canning everything I am able to out of it. I love having a chest freezer for buying a side of beef or a whole hog and saving money on *good* meat, but I don’t completely *trust* the freezer, and now you know why.

Thanks for a great episode!

9 years ago

Hey Jack,

You willing to post your wife’s famous meatball recipe? I like the idea you mentioned about making a big batch and freezing them for a quick easy to make meal.

9 years ago

Hi Jack, I am also interested in your wife’s meatball recipe. Would you mind to share? Thank you.

Tony Fagler
Tony Fagler
9 years ago

Jack: I just got a round about expert question for Steven Harris! How can we set up an alarm that tells us in the house if our freezer in an out building or garage has lost power? Which could be used for so many other needs on a homestead.

I have had the freezer issue leakage in the past. And Have used the Zircon Leak Detectors that work off of a 9v battery that can be found on Amazon. (didn’t link as I don’t want to take your syndicate $ away). They are awesome. I have one by each freezer so when it thaws the water coming on the floor will set it off. I also have it in our basement and crawlspace, water heater. They are very loud and for less then $10 each it is well worth it. On my honeymoon we were saved a Big $ damage bill the moment our hot water heater sprunk a major leak. We caught it in seconds vs minutes or hours.

9 years ago

Since my freezers are in the garage and so is my laundry (so I’m able to hear it), I picked up the acurite freezer thermometer, which beeps if the freezer temp rises above a certain threshold for longer than 15 minutes. The one downside is that they don’t work for long distances and they’re not really *loud*. So, it’s fine for a garage, but I don’t think I would hear it from inside the house. They claim Wireless Range: 330′ (100m), but I don’t think it works that far.
