Episode-1699- Looking back at 2015 Forward to 2016
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An acre that went from Brown to Green in 2015
Today is the last full regular show of 2015 so I though we would take a look at all that we did this year and our plans as we move into 2016. In some ways 2015 seemed to roll faster than any year I remember. In other ways some of the things we did seem like they were a very long time ago.
In many ways I feel there are way too many things that I didn’t get done yet that need doing. On the other hand when I look at what we did get done this was definitely a #getshitdone year as we say on the Regenerative Agriculture Facebook Group.
Lets Take a Look at Just Some of What 2015 Brought not in Order…
- We launched The Duck Chronicles which became a YouTube Hit
- We grew our duck flock and egg business to a profitable concern
- We launched the PermaEthos Plant Propagation, Bee Intro and Soils Courses
- GenForward became a reality, currently in further development
- We ran a multiple events at Elisha’s Spring farm and planted thousands of trees
- We participated in a major install with Mark Shepard in Arkansas for Alcoa
- We crossed 1500 episodes, I crossed the 10,000 hour threshold at 1666
- I spoke at PV2 and had an incredible response from it
- We installed a ton of irrigation and have water on 75% of our property now
- We planted hundreds of trees, ran both small and big events
- We have our business plan for the tea business and 3 of 4 formulas worked out
- We tratored quail, developed cage proto types and now have a egg flock going
- We created a formal program for the Expert Council
- More than 10 new supporting vendors were added to the MSB
- We launched the Regenerative Agriculture Group on Facebook, it will hit 5,000 members in 2015
- We transformed our west pasture from brown to green and planted 150 trees there
- Thanks to Michael Jordan we now have hundreds of new cider/mead makers
- I got to eat, turkey, quail, ducks and fruit from my property
- Made my first ever batch of mead with EVERYTHING from my property
- I acted as minister in my son’s wedding and we have a grand baby on the way
- We installed a pond
- We installed wicking beds
- The duck area water problems are basically solved
- We have the TSP Business Directory pretty much ready to go
- Dana and Fox joined the team
- There were also some hard times
Looking to 2016
- Quail Aviary is designed and construction to begin next week
- Our tea business will be launched and help a lot of small producers
- A new webinar model is coming for Permaethos
- Full automation of most of my irrigation by spring
- New water garden system will be developed
- We will begin cultivation in earnest of ground nut, Jerusalem artichokes, comfrey
- We are going to establish a major under-story of Hanson’s cherry and mint this coming year
- We will be building a floating island
- Should be a pretty solid fruit harvest this year
- Electric fencing is being installed for the duck holding area
- I hope to start two new anarcho groups, Sovereign Scouts and the Grand Daddy’s Gun Club
- I am thinking about a version of Chip.in for leaves
- Who knows, I am just going to keep following the credo of #getshitdone
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
- The Year 1699
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- TSP Gear
- PermaEthos.com
- AgriTrue.com
- GenForward
- JM Bullion – (sponsor of the day)
- Western Botanicals – (sponsor of the day)
- We Didn’t Start the Fire – Billy Joel
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
Also remember we have an expert council that can answer you questions. If you have a question send it to jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with TSPC Epert in the subject line. Ask your question in one to two sentences so it is clear then provide any additional details. Make sure to tell me what council member the question is for. You Meet the Expert Council at this Link.
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Awesome episode, Jack. I hadn’t quite put myself in the “new start/perspective” mindset yet, so this was a good inspiration.
About Grandaddy’s gun: Having not received any guns from a father/grandfather, my dad put together a fine little collection, but unfortunately sold it off sometime around the gun registration program here in Canada (which has since been disbanded).
That makes me the starting point for the tradition in my family. I’m taking my necessary courses to own firearms in the coming months and am certainly thinking of the long-game of this, how it can be a valuable connection to the past for my descendants. In addition to building memories and family culture around firearms in general, I’m also thinking some about the importance of quality and timelessness. So, keeping with more classic materials (wood stocks) and features (e.g. no scopes) whenever possible/appropriate. That isn’t by any means to put down more modern materials and features, but in my eyes the more traditional material and features would better convey quality/value/memories.
Jack, it was hilarious when you said that there are “people that wouldn’t pee on you if you were burning.” Gulliver put out a fire by urinating on the fire and saved the city, but the King considered this disrespectful and was going to put Gulliver to death.
And that is the gratitude that you can expect from your government.
Great take, Jack.
Alex Shrugged
Looking forward to seeing the pond. I hope you can post some more video soon.
Your accomplishments and program motivates me a great deal.
Thanks for a great year of SP!
Congrats on all the progress you have made this year. Your words and the actions that accompany them have inspired a great deal of progress on our little homestead as well as in our businesses this year.
Intending to sell vegetables at the local farmers market my 13yr old son and I prepped a large garden area during the winter but as sometimes happens the universe had other ideas. Late frost got our first planting, excessive rain got our second, and the grasshoppers and rabbits ate more of our third than we did.
With dues for the market already paid I didn’t want the booth to go to waste so I bought a lathe and we did some wood working the week before. We sold out that first Saturday and came home with a custom order to be picked up the next week.
At first it was just my son and I but after a few weeks my wife and our 2 younger kids had heard enough and wanted to go with us. To make a long story short my son, my wife, and I now each have our own business selling different woodcraft online our 2 younger children are even doing some crafts for sale as well.
As soon as I get our websites set up and am sure we can meet the demand we will be listing in the business directory.
With fortifications around the garden and rabbits in our belly we have high hopes for the garden next year.
Love the update eps, Jack. Any chance you’ll do a full permaethos episode? I’d be curious to hear a full update on that project.
Right on Jack, great work this year. Way to lead by example.
Almost finished listening to this episode, and your comments about the Grand Daddy’s gun club reminded me of something that happened last week. Since retiring early I’ve been a substitute teacher in the local middle and high schools in our small town. Last week I subbed for one of the shop teachers. During one of the woodworking classes, a student was working on a rectangular box, about three feet long. I asked him what it was for, and found out he had been given his great grandfather’s double barreled shotgun, well over 100 years old, and was making a display case for it. I think this well illustrates what you want to do with this club.
To let you know how pro gun the school is, they have have a high school trap shooting team that is doing quite well, and offer gun safety training for younger people.