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Canadian Nomad
Canadian Nomad
15 years ago

Actually living in British Columbia Canada(and at one time Ontario Canada as well) solar ovens will work in the winter, the issue however is sunshine. On the wet err west coast we get a LOT of rain-cloudy weather, and thus we don\’t have much sun. Also being further north usable sunshine is reduced, as the length of day is reduced in the wintertime as you get further north, get to the Yukon or Alaska and your day is very short in the winter… but in the summer you have the opposite. Solar Ovens are great, but requires sun, but then you can use alternative methods under a lack of sun situation.

Trevor 983tzero
Trevor 983tzero
15 years ago

hey jack it’s trevor in bradenton florida hey let’s go fishing and find what our neighbor found a freakin live missile in the gulf while grouper fishing. heres the link http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20090609/ARTICLE/906091063?Title=Fishing-for-grouper-he-catches-a-missile totally love the show be here since day 2 lol over slept on day one

Dan Hunter
Dan Hunter
15 years ago

Jack the home invasion thing is funny.Well lets just put it this way if a person is that stupid they deserve what they get.Also if you live in the north make sure to keep your firewood in a shed or under a tarp or plastic.The last thing you want to do is after a rainstorm and a major freeze is to be out there with a sledge hammer trying to bust it loose.

15 years ago

So where are we supposed to be able to view the video of the podcast?