
Aquaponics for Food Production with Stephen Raisner – Epi-3115 — 4 Comments

  1. Okay, I just saw this headline and I haven’t listened to this episode yet (and I will this weekend) BUT Steve is brilliant. Hands down one of the smartest cats I’ve met when it comes to aquaponics and growing… plants.
    It’s like my two worlds just collided into this nexus.
    He’s such a treasure for many communities; hosts a yearly virtual aquaponics course online for free!
    So many trix up his steve 😉

  2. This was awesome. I’ve been following and using his methods for medicinal plants for years with very good success. Most notably the dual root zone method with 5 gallon pots in a concrete mixing tub. I’ve also used 15 gallon geo pots in larger concrete mix tubs with success. There’s magic in the fish water. Try it once and you’ll see the difference.

  3. Just finished the episode! I’ve always enjoyed listening to what Steve has to share and this was no different.
    I think I’m most excited that he touched on Korean Natural Farming (KNF). Finally KNF on TSP!
    Over the last few years I’ve felt this was something the TSP community had been missing out on. I even toyed with the idea of submitting a guest form for the show just to talk about KNF techniques and how it’s truly a disruptive technology that can heal your land and save you money. But hey, if you can get Chris Trump on as Steve suggested, do that!