Episode-1640- Aquaponics for High Density Food Production
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We are joined today by Chad Hudspeth of EndlessFoodSystems.com. Chad is a 5th generation farmer from North Texas. Growing up in a rural community helped him understand the value of being prepared since the closest town was a good 40 minute drive away.
Joining us along with Chad is his partner in business Greg Peterson from Urban Farm U. He believes that, growing your own food creates a happier, healthier life. It makes us feel better and contributes to a healthier planet. Our current food system is broken. The lack of nutrition, proliferation of environmental toxins, and average distance our food travels to our tables, has reduced its nutritional density.
This contributes to a stressful life and the potential onset disease that follows. By growing your own organic food, you can eliminate the toxins in your food, reduce your stress, and reconnect with nature — your source of true sustenance.
Today we will focus on aquaponics which is quite different from the better known Hydroponics. Chad is the founder of Endless Food Systems which manufacturers aquaponic kits. These kits can ship to the lower 48 states and are designed to enable the average person who know absolutely nothing about growing food to have instant success.
Chad has also been featured in several magazines and been on national radio and TV shows to discuss the advantages of aquaponics.
Join Us Today to Discuss…
- What is Aquaponics
- What got Chad interested in Aquaponics
- Advantages of Aquaponics over Hydroponics
- Key differences from soil farming
- How much food can it produce
- What kind of fish work best
- What kind of plants work best
- How much energy is required will it work off grid
- How much work is running a system
- Where can you purchase aquaponics systems and supplies
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
- The Year 1640
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- Walking To Freedom
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- PermaEthos.com
- AgriTrue.com
- GenForward
- The Duck Chronicles – Video Series
- Safecastle Royal – (sponsor of the day)
- Knife Kits – (sponsor of the day)
- EndlessFoodSystems.com
- UrbanFarmU.com
- BeAnUrbanFarmer.org – two free webinars and a free urban farming ebook
- Aquaponics Revealed – For Chad’s aquaponics course and get 25% off with discount code survival15
Bob Wells Plant of the Week – Methley Plum Tree – The Methley Plum is highly adaptable from zone 5 to zone 9.
It is a juicy sweet plum with red flesh, reddish purple skin and great flavor. It is an attractive tree that is vigorous and bears heavy. It ripens early and is very cold hardy. This is Bob Wells personal favorite when it comes to plums.
Find this plant and more at BobWellsNursery.com Bob specializes in edible landscape, including: Fruit Trees, Berry Plants, Nut Trees, as well as the hard to find Specialty Fruit Trees.
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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I found myself nodding in agreement with most everything Chad and Gregg said. My system is made from 3 250gal ibc totes which is a good way to learn the ends and outs of aquaponics. As with anything in Permaculture, the types of plants that will do well has alot to do with your location. Here in Central California, I’ve had mine set up for 3+ years in a greenhouse and enjoy experimenting with different plants in the gravel beds. Some of my interesting successes have been Yams (for the leaves), Celery, Jerusalem Artichoke, Peas, Potatoes and Onion starts. The celery is unique tasting in a good way. To successfully grow potatoes, I had to keep my seed mostly above the water line and let the potato choose to start tubers under the water line.
I have found that tomatoes and cucumber plants grow well but produced very few fruit. Lots of bosoms but most fell off. It was probably due to a mineral deficiency. And yes the roots can be overwhelming on the tomatoes.
As far as pests go I was having problems with red spider mites wreaking havoc but early this year I installed a mist system over the grow beds and the added humidity has done wonders. I haven’t seen any mites or white fly this year.
I thought your guys interview was very informative and gave anyone new to aquaponics an accurate portrayal of what to expect. Good Job.
I haven’t listened to this podcast yet (apologies) but I hope to. Two nights ago I got a renewed interest in aquaponics. Brought it up to my permaculture group last night and they don’t think it has much of a place in permaculture, due to its reliance upon modern technology. They mentioned instead something called a chinampa, which I see has occasionally been mentioned by readers of TheSurvivalPodcast as well and even Geoff Lawton.
After considering this, I see these offer a similar planting environment and should deliver about the same results with about the same effort but with less overall cost and without requiring any reliance upon modern technology such as plastics or pumps. Aztecs built them using knives, boats, and shovels, which is perfect for a grid-down situation.
In a nutshell, the liquids seep up from the pond through the walls of the island via capillary action to the plants. It’s been claimed that this method is one of the world’s most productive. They could get as many as seven harvests per year, not counting the harvests from waterfowl and fish. Gee, I’m sure glad those smart Europeans helped those nasty Aztecs get rid of their crude, primitive agriculture! Why aren’t we doing this more today?