Another New MSB Benefit and a Few Announcements
I am pleased to announce another great discount for the Member’s Brigade. I have worked a deal with Safe & Ready Life for a full 10% off most items on their website. The goal of Safe & Ready Life is to be the premier online and in-store provider of home and family safety and emergency supplies and services in the United States.
PLEASE NOTE – Safe and Ready Life displays some of their taser products on their site but only sells them at their store front. Additionally there are one or two large ticket items to which the discount code will not apply.
These items are sold low margin via a drop shipper and currently the only item that doesn’t apply for the discount are the Watair Atmospheric Water Generators but you get a full 10% off everything else.
You can visit the Safe and Ready Life website at The discount code for Safe & Ready Life is in the benefits section of your MSB Account.
Some Additional MSB House Keeping
1. has had a hard time keeping ammo cans in stock. So they now are doing 10 dollars off of every order over 200 dollars. That means you can always use your benefit with all orders. They had also set a one time per customer limit on the ammo can benefit, that will NOT apply to this new benefit you can always get 10 dollars off every order you place over 200 dollars with them.
2. is no longer providing a discount to the MSB. They still support the show and are a valued sponsor. The issue is not about us but an internal one where they have decided to no longer do any form of coupon code, they are currently trying to figure out another way to again support the MSB.
Those who want a discount on long term storage food should consider some of the other MSB benefits that do that like free silver on three cases of Alpine Aire from Ready Made Resources, SafeCastle’s free buyers club membership to all MSB Member’s (valued at 29 dollars) and The Ready Store’s discount of 5% on all orders.
3. I have added some new PDFs to the download section of the MSB. These items are free to anyone but I have placed them in the MSB for a convenience factor. Check the bottom of your download page in the MSB to see these new items.
4. A lot of people have asked about how to pay in silver for MSB membership, just visit the MSB sign up page and at the bottom there is a link for a form to pay with silver by mail. If you’re existing account is paid for online with PayPal and you choose to switch to paying by make please let us know so we know to cancel your PayPal subscription for you when you switch over.
I will continue to work to improve the value of the MSB in 2011. If you have been considering joining the Member’s Brigade this is just a small example of the value we provide to our members. More info on the Members Brigade can be found here.
Thanks Jack, this is great!