
Episode-1- An Introduction to The Survival Podcast — 8 Comments

  1. I was wondering if you were going to add your earlier podcasts to Itunes? If not, do you know of a way that I can get them onto my Ipod? Thanks!

  2. They are all available for download from the site. All you have to do it download them and import them into iTunes. Just create a music category called Podcasts or something like that to keep the in their own category.

  3. Once you download to your hard drive, open iTunes and go to “File” in the pull down you can either import individual files or an entire folder. Once you have the shows imported you can right click on them and select “Get Info” and then you can change the genre or other information to control how they are filed. Hope that helps, googling something like “import music into itunes” will turn up some better tutorials if my advice isn’t clear enough. I hope this helps.

  4. No it’s cool others may have the same question. To download just where it says “Audio MP3” just right click and select save as and select the location you want to download the files to.

  5. On the mechanics of podcasts. You can subscribe to the podcats via ITUNES and your IPOD. Just look up how to via google. You can also get podcasts via your SMARTPHONE (running Windows Mobile). Finally you can subscribe to podcats via your google home page.

    Just teach yourself how via reading and searching for the instructions, via google. Do not reinvent the process as many have done it before.