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Steven Harris
8 years ago

Wow… would of never thought of this…what a great idea. I do use magnets to hold my screws and there is a magnet on the battery of my drill, but on the wrist is a great idea. Something so simple, so easy, that will be like gold especially when you are working outside in the grass where if you drop something, its gone forever.


7 years ago

I just saw a stupid infomercial this morning (But WAIT! There’s More!!! ugh..), but, it was for a set of LED lights mounted in the thumb and pointer finger of a ‘glove’ that wrapped around the wrist and still left your fingers available to get shit done. The combo of these two items would make for a strong package.

7 years ago

Why didn’t I think of that??

Aaron H
Aaron H
7 years ago

Might be wise to avoid wearing this while doing electrical work. Great idea otherwise…

6 years ago

you can get two of these for less, is there a difference in the power of the magnets or something?


6 years ago

I’ve tried to use two of these as Wonder Woman wrist bands to stop BB’s. It didn’t work 🙁

BUT, They are super effective for bits, screws and it even caught a falling nut when I was on a ladder installing a motion sensor light. They are also light enough that you don’t know you are wearing them and strong enough that if you leave them on under a long sleeve shirt that you can accidentally pick up silverware when you are eating.

6 years ago

This would be great for sewing and other household projects, also.