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Dennis D
Dennis D
8 years ago

This looks like a nice smoker! You should check out the Pit Barrel Cooker, I don’t have one but from the reviews I have seen it seems to perform really well. I learned about the PBC from a BBQ website called amazingribs.com, that website is worth checking out too if your into BBQ its where I learned most of my techniques. The amazing ribs website happens to be moderated by the guy who designed the slow n sear which you posted on the amazon item of the day a couple weeks ago. Hope this info was useful.




7 years ago

How does this compare to something like this?
Do you get any “sear” on any of your meats using the one you recommend?
How long does it take to do, say ribs? A friend has the one below, or a similar one, and he can do his ribs in about 4-5 hours. Just looking for comparative times. I don’t want to have to start meats at 6am to eat at 6pm.


7 years ago
Reply to  Debra

I was really interested in pellet grills until my boss got a Traeger. I cooked on it and I’m fine without one now. In no wind, the temperature swung from 150 to 350 in about 5-10 minutes. We complained to the guy he bought it from and he just asked how the food was. That wasn’t the point. For a $1k investment I would’ve expected something less than a hundred degree swing. Anyway, RECTEC, Yoder and Memphis seem to be the ones folks are most happy with, but they are 2 to 3 times that of a Traeger.

7 years ago

Thanks Jack. A smoker we had years ago took nearly 12 hours for ribs. Some of the traegers have an ability to do a sear and/or use as a grill when not smoking (IIRC).

Scott Atherton
Scott Atherton
7 years ago

Looks like a good unit. I picked up the Masterbuilt electric smoker at a garage sale (the guy wanted a big Traeger and his wife bought him the Masterbuilt). It takes wood chips or dust of any kind so you don’t have to buy proprietary wood product.
It is digital for both temp and timer. There are a couple models. I wouldn’t get the glass door option as it will just cloud up and be useless.
Mine has been running strong for about 5 years.
They also make an add on for cold smoking that works perfectly for making bacon and smoked sausage. It attaches to the side where you put in the wood chips and you can add smoke without temperatures that break down the fats in the meat.
Price is nice as well for one or both.


7 years ago

Cheat? Never heard it called that. I use the Texas “Crutch” – Works for Kreuz, works for Franklin…works for me. Stays on the pit however